17th-18th century Sweden was The rome of the north.
Bringer of civilisation, elite army. Instead of controlling the med sea we controlled The baltic
17th-18th century Sweden was The rome of the north.
Bringer of civilisation, elite army. Instead of controlling the med sea we controlled The baltic
That doesn`t matter if it looks like dick and balls.
Fuck off Swede, go back to /int/.
And you BLEW IT
More like french puppet mercenary """empire""" that barely lasted for a century before collapsing.
>literally non-existent cultural production
>Bringer of civilisation
They were equivalent of modern African Warlords.
>Rome of the North
They were literal chimps who massacred their way through Germany and Bohemia during the 30 years war, raping and pillaging wherever they went. More similar to Mongols or Turks than to Romans.
The Deluge
30 Years' War
Forced conscription
>bringers of civilization
Morre like bringers of doom and death.
Carthage of the North is far more fitting. Gustav Adolphus is Hamilcar and Charles XII is Hannibal.
>some balts
>3 rivers in the >>>
on yeah, sure, great "empire"
>17th-18th century Sweden was The rome of the north.
>Bringer of civilisation
Lolno, that was Scotland.
Scotland was the Greece of the North.
I'll take that, Greece was better anyways.
>The Rise of Sweden started with the acquisition of Estonia
>Swedish Empire fell with the loss of Estonia and Livonia
For Sweden to rise again and redeem itself, Estonia must die.
No we did not. Sweden was a strong political player for a century. Thats most of it. Hungary wasn't a Rome during 1400s, duke of Burgundy was in no way comparable to Caesars in 1300s and Commonwealth didn't shit on Augustus during their thriving periods.
An unsustainable empire propped up by the French with demographics so poor that they were kept a deeply guarded state secret? Sure.
>that middle section of Norway
t. the micro dick of empires
If the French joined the hre and btfo of the Protestants would the religion gone extinct in continental Europe
Denmark held the southern parts
>More similar to Mongols or Turks than to Romans.
Their army was mostly Finnish with some foreign mercs, so kinda close there
>tfw Norway hasn't really been relevant since 1250
Estonicucks would love that actually. They identify as Germanic although they are Slavic.
More like the 14th century.
Swedish autism
Probably to gain access to the atlantic.
Yeah we definetly had the civil administration, culture, the level of architecture and infrastructure and even social service of the Roman Empire over a 1000s years prior.
Oh wait we didn't, we were still a backwater shithole of Europe when it came to everything except military power, and even lost the dominant political position in less than a century. Honestly the only thing really memorable Karl XII did for Sweden was to bankrupt the whole country and lose almost everything his successors had fought for for over 200 years. The best thing he did was probably to show all of Europe that you cant compete with big baddies like Russia when you have less than a 10th of the population of your rivals.