What is "gay enough" to be persecuted? (WWII)

So let me start by saying I am not a /pol/tard. I just have legit history question that happens to be about WWII:

It has been commonly read in materials that homosexuals were not tolerated within Nazi Germany, and were often sent to forced labor camps with soviets, gypsies, and other people nazis weren't keen on.

My question is, what classified someone as a homosexual to germany (and other nations, such as syria, etc)? Are these like openly gay people? Or did they just see some guy with an effeminate voice as gay? I've always wondered what made someone "gay enough" for persecution.

Is this a stupid question? Actually looking for insight.

going off of alan turing's conviction (different country, but close to the same period): basically, if you got caught doing gay shit (dickbuttery) you'd be charged with teh gay.

oh ok, so only like the past-equivalent of "pride parade" type homosexuals would really be targeted, unless some were "caught in the act" which obviously would label them as well

Thanks for reply

My guess would be that some uptanding citizen would have to report or you have already been known for sodomy even before the Nazis took power,

Also even open fags were tolerated, as long as they were useful.

>Also even open fags were tolerated, as long as they were useful.
This is true. Despite the memes created by whiny liberals and LGBTs with persecution complex, Ernst Rohm wasn't killed for being gay but for trying to instigate a revolution.

Nice insight on this. I was legit curious how much truth was behind all these neo-journalist articles

The whole of the nazi leadership were faggots thanks to hitler

The law in Germany prior to the Nazi regime specifically defined criminal homosexuality as anal sex, oral sex, and/or in-between-the-legs-but-not-penetrating (I forget the word) sex. So prior to the Nazi regime, you could do mutual masturbation, kissing, etc, and as long as it wasn't those specific types of sex it was technically legal.

In Nazi Germany specifically, the law was redefined as a male who commits a "sex offense" with another male. This "sex offense" was left vague and anything from hardcore gay anal sex to sappy love letters could be considered criminal homosexuality. Nazi Germany cracked down on homosexuality as part of their campaign to "retake Germany" from undesirables and degenerate behavior.

Only gay men were persecuted, particularly gay German men or non-German men engaged in homosexual activity with German men. The idea, of course, being if you were German or having sex with a gay German you were participating in the weakening of German blood and jeopardizing the Reich. Non-German gay men could and were arrested but they were not considered the biggest threats.

What type of punishment you received depended on a variety of factors. Some judges might genuinely look at the "nature" of the offense and punish you less or offer you clemency in exchange for castration or your dedication to a conversion program if you weren't caught having sex but 'merely' holding hands or sending love letters or kissing. Other judges might not care about the specifics or context and sentence you harshly. It's estimated about 5,000 to 15,000 of the 50,000 gay men who were sentenced after their arrest to sent were camps. Others were sent to ordinary prisons, put through conversion programs, agreed (or were forced into) castration, etc. Some ended up with multiple punishments, like the French Pierre Seel who was considered 'cured' after his time in a camp and was sent to (Nazi logic?) participate in the Lebensborn program.

>Ernst Rohm wasn't killed for being gay but for trying to instigate a revolution.
Incorrect, he was killed to consolidate power. But Rohm is an interesting case, how known was his gayness?


: )

From what I understand his gayness was a well known, but avoided subject with the higher level people. You're average brown shirt had no idea.

It was well known to those in power positions but IIRC many SA leaders were homo. Doubt whether the averages citizen could have known

Having sex with a man is gay. Therefore, if man a man fucks, to gulag go man.

Not sure about Nazi Germany, but in Castro's Cuba almost any effeminate, intellectual, or artistic qualities could mark you as a "maricon" (faggot) in the eyes of the state. Thousands of suspected gays were shipped to concentration camps called UMAPs. The motto above the gate of each camp? "El trabajo los hara hombres." Work will make you men.

Straight up lies. A decorated soldiers or party member wouldnt have been send off for that.
It was a nice excuse to send of undesireables tho.
True, Castro hated fags with a vengeance.

It was extremely known to the point of the biggest German newspapers writing about it. When Hitler got asked about it he said something to the lines of "He's a soldier not a morality officer so I don't give a shit".

>Despite the memes created by whiny liberals and LGBTs with persecution complex
Do you really think that whiny liberals and LGBTs are out there making memes about a relatively obscure Nazi leader?
>but for trying to instigate a revolution.
That's what Hitler's wing of the Nazis claimed, but they were always willing to lie about anything and everything whenever convenient, and to fabricate evidence, just like Stalin's gang. Even if Rohm actually had been plotting revolution, the proper course of action would have been to arrest him and put him on trial, not murder him in a surprise sweep.

>Incorrect, he was killed to consolidate power.
He was killed because he wanted to ignite a second revolution that would destroy capitalism and replace the military with a people's militia (SA). The industrialists and the landswehr got scared shitless and kvetched to Hitler that they would enact a martial law if he didn't remove him.

>Do you really think that whiny liberals and LGBTs are out there making memes about a relatively obscure Nazi leader?
Yes. Liberal media constantly meme Rohm into a poor gay victim of the evil homophobic Hitler and completely ignore the part he was removed because he posed a threat to the elites.

>In a 2010 interview with Mexican newspaper La Jornada, Castro called the persecution of homosexuals while he was in power "a great injustice, great injustice!" Taking responsibility for the persecution, he said, "If anyone is responsible, it's me.... We had so many and such terrible problems, problems of life or death. In those moments, I was not able to deal with that matter [of homosexuals]. I found myself immersed, principally, in the Crisis of October, in the war, in policy questions." Castro personally said that the negative treatment of gays in Cuba arose out of the country's pre-revolutionary attitudes toward homosexuality.

Where? Show us an example.

Don't argue with him. There's nothing to gain except a migraine

Being homosexual was a crime, do if you did something gay, for example kissing a man, someone would report you and you'd be arrested, sentenced and imprisoned.