Why is the wealth gap between white and black/hispanic people in the USA getting bigger, even though our country seems to get more socialist over time?
Why is the wealth gap between white and black/hispanic people in the USA getting bigger...
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because theyre niggers and they never learn
they have to go back to mexico.
The downturn effects skilled workers less than plebs so it taking the plebs longer to recover.
White people oppress them, das y
Apologize right now white poeple
Look up "accredited investor"
white people are smater on average
still there are many white people who don't have a net worth of 1 million without their home being considered.
Social programs don't build wealth.
The democucks got nigs hooked on welfare which destroyed them
Black fathers abandon their kids on mass because the government can take care of them.
Democucks also brainwashed them into thinking they are victims and cant do anything about it. Black people get killed by cops because the cops are racist, not because 12% of the population does 50% of the crime and black kids usually grow up in broken homes
Socialism is bad
now remove jews from whites
Because blacks and spics are getting lazier and lazier the more welfare dems throw at them. They're literally just vote slaves for the democratic party at this point.
Because niggars invest their money in KFC, white people invest their money in the future.
Niggars think it's cool to walk around with $1,000 in the pocket, while a white person would take that money and pay off the debts or invested for long-term gains. Go look up Chris Rock video on Rich vs wealth. That will tell you all you need to know.
Because one works hard and is generally friendly, the other is given every chance to succeed and still fails
because fuck niggers that's why.
because socialism doesn't do what it thinks it does
because these fucking lazy beaners have no intention of speaking english or helping their family by becoming lawful citizens. Instead they take the dirty beaner way out and put their entire family at risk because they are too stupid and lazy to become a legal citizen. Fuck them.
Two reasons. One. Niggers sink to the bottom of every society they have ever been apart of. Think of one example contrary to this. And two. Jews being included with whites when they don't see themselves as white overstates white wealth to make us look worse. 43 percent of Jews are in the top 1 percent.
Never fucking has, never fucking will.
Because you can literally hand blacks free money and they still will not use it to better themselves, their families or their community in a substantive way. Even the filthy rich ones find a way to waste the vast majority of their money, so why would the average black be any better, if not substantially worse?
Its the same for any race. Giving anyone handouts just keeps them in a cuck mindset and they never recover
Socialism in any form is cancer
Personal improvement only comes through hardship. Western society is determined to give people who start with a genetic disadvantage a free ride, which gives them even less incentive to surmount their inherent issues. Dysgenics in action.
Unironically this
because the best way to make more money is to already have a lot of money
>43 percent of Jews are in the top 1 percent.
Other way round dickhead.
USA is not getting more socialist.
>ayy mane released limited edition shoes
I thought you were German?
>even though our country seems to get more socialist over time?
There's economic socialism and there's "progressive" politics. They are different, albeit historically intertwined, things.
America ain't getting more socialist. But the middle class are getting ruled by the thought police.
But the real reason for the wealth gap is Globalism and poor education systems.
There is a little bit of "don't trust whitey" which compounds the education system thing, but simple fact is that Anglosphere education sucks dick.
I got a fucking masters degree and I only learned about Discount Cashflow Analysis last year, or the three and zeroth law of Thermodynamics. Basic ass shit that affects everything you do!
Because jews are considered white
>more socialist
Lmfao you're so fucking retarded. This is the new capitalism.
Higher average IQ = Greater average earnings
It's not a shock that when you break down the highest IQs by ethnicity they line up perfectly with the highest earnings by ethnicity
1. Jews
2. Asians
3. Whites
4. Hispanics
5. Blacks
Big shocker there OP, bet you didn't learn that in your Social Justice Anthropology 101 course at Berkeley