>superior Lewis Model of motivation and organizations
>never mentioned anywhere ever by anyone
>superior Lewis Model of motivation and organizations
>never mentioned anywhere ever by anyone
What's this?
>yfw this explains everything about the whole world as a whole and each of these cultures individually
The Linear-active group is easily identified. It comprises: the English-speaking world – North America, Britain, Australia and New Zealand, and Northern Europe, including Scandinavia and Germanic countries.
The Reactive group is located in all major countries in Asia, except the Indian sub-continent, which is hybrid.
The Multi-actives are more scattered: Southern Europe, Mediterranean countries, South America, sub-Saharan Africa, Arab and other cultures in the Middle East, India and Pakistan and most of the Slavs. Though these cultures are wildly diverse, geographically and in their religions, beliefs and values, they can be categorised as a group, as behaviourally they follow the same pattern with the following traits and commonalities: emotion, talkativeness, rhetoric, drama, eloquence, persuasion, expressive body language, importance of religion or creed, primacy of family bonds, low trust societies, unpunctuality, variable work ethic, volatility, inadequate planning, capacity for compassion, collectivism, relationship-orientation, situational truth, dislike of officialdom, tactility, sociability, nepotism, excitability, changeability, sense of history, unease with strict discipline
NB While the three types are distinctive, each possesses behavioural elements from the other two categories. It is a question of which one is dominant. Many individuals deviate from the national type in a work situation e.g. engineers and accountants tend to be Linear, sales people Multi-active, lawyers and doctors Reactive.
>Lewis, after visiting 135 countries and working in more than 20 of them, came to the conclusion that humans can be divided into 3 clear categories, based not on nationality or religion but on BEHAVIOUR. He named his typologies Linear-active, Multi-active and Reactive.
Sounds like shit.
Honestly I have no idea but I just started reading about it yesterday and it has some interesting stuff so far.
>Sounds like shit.
Sounds blinkered. But everyone is blinkered, so we should listen to each other.
Go on please.
The success of particular group of people are based on habit, culture, and behaviour, its certainly logical and more plausible than some IQ or haplogroup meme
Dunno bout you m8 but human culture is based more on just simply behavior.
You have buttloads of factors like economics, or simply shit that happened to them in history (i.e. major disaster, prosperous age, getting colonized, etc)
The Lewis Model, born in an era of rampant globalisation of business, is particularly appropriate for assessing an individual’s likely performance in a commercial role. The design of the questionnaire is based on business situations. The nomenclature of the typologies is succinct: Linear-active, Multi-active, Reactive.
A Training Officer, on being told that “Candidate A is basically monochronic and low-context but high on uncertainty avoidance, has a tendency towards collectivism and femininity and is past-oriented,” may well ask, “What shall I do with him?”
If the description is Linear-active, Multi-active or Reactive, the answer is clear and succinct:
Linear-Actives are task-oriented, highly-organized planners, who complete action chains by doing one thing at ta time, preferably in accordance with a linear agenda.
Multi-Actives are emotional, loquacious and impulsive people who attach great importance to family, feelings, relationships, people in general. They like to do many things at the same time and are poor followers of agendas.
Reactives are good listeners, who rarely initiate action or discussion, preferring first to listen to and establish the other’s position, then react to it and form their own opinion.
Where and when do we need these types of people?
>there really isn't that much on it, but it's a great way to stretch the old brain muscles to try and find different categories for the things you think you know
Act > behaviour > habit > norm > custom > culture
It might be affected by various outside factors, but ultimately culture is just standardised group behaviour
Yes it's based on more. How much of it IS based on human behavior?
It's business-oriented snake oil. It's not scientific at all.
This reminds me of some other world categorization framework posted on here before. Anyone remember the name of it?
Red - niggers
Blue - Aryans
Green - chinks
/pol/'s wet dream
>Spanish are niggers
works for me
>Only Germanics are white.
I dont get it
Some of the Slavs too.
>no meme relation to spics
finally, an accurate map.