Why are there so many shit threads in Veeky Forums

Why are there so many shit threads in Veeky Forums

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Because there's always a steady influx of shitposters from /pol/, /b/ and /int/ who flood the board with bait threads about their favorite subjects.

Not all "What if" threads are bad, some are pretty neat thought experiments. We had one a couple of weeks ago about Operation Downfall that was really good.

I was actually thinking about starting a thread about how the Tokugawa could have remained in power, a "What if the Meiji Restoration never happened?" thread, but then I started reading a book instead. I might do it a little later.

Be the change you want to see, user.

>complains about shit threads
bottom barrel

Reply to this post with big, crazy historical shit your education system entirely negelected to inform you about and/or you only found out about at a relatively advanced age.
I'll start:

Basically any history of the Roman empire. I have absolutely no concept of its timeline or sequence of events/leaders
The 30 Years War
The Late Bronze Age Collapse (Can anyone fill me in on this?)
Any of China's balls to the walls rebellions (That shit where the guy claiming to be Jesus' brother and millions of people died, to name one)

They never talked about the evaporation of the holy roman empire.

Parthia is also barely mentioned.

I did not know anything about the Holy Roman Empire until I looked it up on Wikipedia when I was 30.
Never heard of it before in school.

a lot of amusing attempts at "subtle redpilling"
pretty easy to tell the difference

It's because of the wehraboos

They need to be purged

Communists trying to shill their failed ideology.

they actually managed to tell us a bit about the continued existence of the ERE and justinian but without even mentioning his reconquest

just the commies right?

How do you think it could have happened? What would that mean?

Commiboos and wehraboos, the deadliest combination.

you're right in general though i rarely see anyone who appears to be a communist on Veeky Forums, let alone one who doesn't get treated accordingly by everyone for it. the wehraboos are much worse of an influence on Veeky Forums for sure.


Maybe if the Shogunate took direct foreign support in exchange for trade concessions? It would probably have ended up with Japan being a Not!Colony of France/England, though they would have had to be much more violent than they were, and I'm not sure the administration at that time would have been willing to do that.

It would probably have extremely far reaching effects. No Meiji government basically means no Imperial Japan. Would the Russians invade Japan, causing a war between colonial powers?

Would America have entered WWII if the Japanese weren't a threat?

Literally every aspect of history except aboriginals, the gold rush, medieval britain, the american civil war, pompeii and gallipoli.
I took two elective history classes too.
My teachers knowledge essentially boiled down to reading the textbook a day before us and they couldn't answer any questions.

Just like in the real life

Beats me. Maybe Veeky Forums needs to go on a diet.

The Bronze Age - Iron Age transition saw significant cultural shifts throughout all Eurasia. The Celts migrate into Western Europe, founding Urnfield culture. The Eastern Mediterranean trading network established by the already-vanishing Minoans is on fire. The Indus Valley Civilization had faded into the desert but two hundred years prior. In the Far East, the Shang are overthrown by the Zhou kings bringing with them a far more formal definition of heaven and earth compared to the shamanism of ages past, the conceptual basis for the Mandate by which all later emperors ruled. New or newly reorganized groups like the Arameans, the Israelites, the Neo-Elamites, and the Armenians rise up to challenge the collapsed social order.

The Sea Peoples were only one dramatic part of a very complex long-term cultural shift that was occurring across Eurasia, not necessarily in lockstep with the spread of iron working itself. The very patterns of society seem to have changed too. Civilizations become more decentralized compared to the top-heavy palace economies of the Bronze Age. In the East, the Zhou embraces a system called fēngjiàn - ancient Chinese feudalism. The Indus Valley Civilization is replaced by loosely organized Vedic warbands. Egypt fragments into nomarchy by the 22nd dynasty which leaves it vulnerable to foreign invasion. Assyria is the only polity to survive this period intact, albeit greatly reduced (for now).

In spiritual life, there seems to be a shift toward contemplation between man's role with the heavens rather then man's role with nature as ages past. There was enough change in material practice for Karl Jasper to dub this the Axial Age, and for Julian Jaynes to claim that peoples possessed a different thought process entirely, the basis for bicameralism. God-Kings replaced with God.

Stfu you fat fucking wabbit how bout you stick more carrots into your gaping asshole

>Would America have entered WWII if the Japanese weren't a threat?
Depends entirely on whether or not the Soviet Union gets to Berlin before another Lusitania-type incident occurs.

More interesting is if the US doesn't enter the war, does the Soviet Union try to set up puppet states in France and the Benelux?

Burger here

Literally anything not America, even for fucking world history we sped through the Romans, viking age, and jumped straight to the colonization of the Americas they didn't even give us the courtesy of explaining England's history leading up to colonization and the union forming it into Great Britain.

If I didn't have enough of an interest in history to continuously read and study it on my own time I probably wouldn't have known the ERE was even a thing.

Basically my school taught the typical burger education at it's most extreme.

I specifically chose to study abroad so I delete any chance of having to deal with that again.

New World threads are shit now because eurangutans invade each and every one of them

I feel like the US would have eventually ended up in the war in Europe honestly. But if they didn't, would the Soviets have been able to push the Germans back as hard as they did? Would they more likely fight to a stalemate?

And if the US did enter entirely into Europe, without having to fight in the Pacific, what would that have looked like? Would we see the USMC landing at Normandy while the Army continued to push up from Italy?

What if's are fun man.

>a board that despises Germany
>hurr durr they don't hate them as much as me
Commies should swing too you fucking cunt

>i rarely see anyone who appears to be a communist on Veeky Forums
Are you fucking joking? Or just an absolute retard?

lol this

everybody should model the eastern europeans and come to realize that both nazism and communism belong in the fucking trash

Without Lend Lease the Soviets wouldn't have the logistical capability to push towards Berlin, but Germany didn't have the logistical capability to push towards the Urals either.
If Hitler put aside his autism for a moment he could probably get a negotiated peace very favorable for him like Brest-Litovsk, but if not it would be a stalemate for quite a while.

Kinda agree with these, I still don't entirely like what if's but they aren't as bad as /pol/ and /leftypol/ baiting.

My general problem is they're real obvious ones like or retarded ones like


Not actual good ones that explore other legitimate possibilities like operation downfall or sea lion.

Things that we can judge and make educated guesses on are much better then changing the entire outcome of a war (specially since Germany didn't have a chance to begin with).

If the only difference is no declaration of war between the US and the Axis that means the US is still giving material effort to the Allies and the Lend-Lease program was the greatest contribution from the US anyway. If they don't get involved at all then Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa step up their own Lend-Lease programs and send some food and material to the Soviet Union after they halt Barbarossa and Case Blue in place of the Americans. Or, if nobody helps the Soviet Union, they still managed to keep the cream of the Wehrmacht from achieving any of their objectives by the end of 1942 without any significant Allied aid. History demonstrated that Soviet wide-front operations in the rural areas of Ukraine and the Baltics were an effective counter to German maneuvre warfare and every year after 1942 saw greater and greater levels of Soviet production. Food aid allowed them to focus almost entirely on military production, but the end result would be the same either way. Berlin might not fall until 1950, but fall it would.

I doubt Hitler would have put aside his autism, that was kind of his trademark. It would probably have ended up being an awful bloody slugfest, like you're saying.

Going a little further back to the original hypothetical, there wouldn't be a Russian-Japanese war without an Imperial Japan, so that means no Voyage of the Damned, right? What would that mean for Russia? Would that have effected the rise of Communism in any meaningful manner? I'm not well read on that particular subject, so tell me if I'm out of the realm of possibility here.
Oh of course. Those are just thinly veiled /pol/ threads 99% of the time anyway. We just need to get better as a community at ignoring them. Ignore and report is the only way to beat "for the lulz" posters.

We also need to post more. The more quality content and actual discussion we have, the less we'll have to deal with shitposting and the more we'll enjoy the board.

&humanities is a whole other can of worms too.


Add wh*Tes to the do not want zone. That guy is just as bad as any Nazi on this board.

>Karl Jasper to dub this the Axial Age
I only partially agree with position but it assume too much of the evolutionary hypothesis on religion lumping in all ancient religions/institutions into one whole lot.

>God-Kings replaced with God
sort of like the linkage between current king being the son of God to the deity? Again I believe personally lumps all religions together than differentiating.

Redditors, leftists/leftypol/commies, kikes etc

If It wasn't about Australia or Abos we weren't taught it until grade 11/12 when you can select different history electives.
If you're going to have kids just fucking read to them.
I feel like such a dumbass having to read books on things kids in Europe have been learning since they were 8 cause they were lucky enough to live in a place where things actually happened.

Fuck off back to your containment board, turbofaggit.

I don't know, but being a whiny bitch and making threads to cry about it seems like a waste of time to me. That's just me though.

Veeky Forums feels more like a general on /int/ rather then its own board.

Everything not directly related to the United States of America, besides the Magna Carta

We had the most bare bones education in history. Unless you selected history in year 11/12 you were only told of the gold rush, medieval society (the church, farms, peasant life, the plague ect), the industrial revolution and the world wars, mostly WWI. Nothing on the reformation, French Revolution, Rome, Greeks, HRE, Charlemagne ect. Luckily I had a pretty well versed history teacher in school to give me knowledge of topics I was curious in.

Does his fear the Black warrior?

lay off the carrots, bugs.

If anyone has questions about Russian history I can answer them.

Yo, tell me about that dude who has a gigantic statue on top of a ship in Moscow, I only know he was responsible for creating a huge navy but is there more to that?

>Serious possibility
Uwotm8? It's not even a serious possibility if we magically wave a wand and destroy the entire RAF.

Why did it take so long for Russia to abolish serfdom? Did it have something to do with noblemen?

That's Peter the Great. He is considered to be one of the greatest rulers in Russian history. Peter was a huge fan of western technology and European culture. Peter was escpecially fond of the Dutch and their shipbuilding technologies. His first attempt at securing a warm water port is known as the Azov campaign. Peter and his newly westernized army faced the Ottomans and even though they succeeded in capturing Azov, the Crimena peninsula was still in Turkish hands. Pic related is Кpeпocть(fortress), which was the first 46-cannon ship built in Russia. Some historians think that the fact that Russia was now capable of building such ships made the Turkish sultan sign the Constantinople peace treaty in 1700.

Afterwards, Peter realized that Russia couldn't trade with the west without a warm water port on the Baltic sea so he formed an allieance with the Commonwealth and Denmark to defeat the Swedes. The war(1701-1721) began with the disastrous battle of Narva. You can look it up if you want to. Thousands of Russian soldiers diead nad most of Russian artillery was captured by Sweden. However, Peter did not surrender. He ordered his soldiers to take church bells off churches and smelt them into cannons. Needless to say, the clergy did not like that very much. Peter also started to recruit more and more people into the army. After extensive training, the westernized Russian military was able to defeat the Swedes in multiple battles and the Russian fleet destroyed the Swedish navy. After 20 years of fighting, the war finally ended with a peacy treaty that granted Russia land on the Baltic coast. After St Petersburg was built and Peter moved the capital there(that happened during the war) the Holy Sinod(Russian Senat) proclaimed Peter the Empreror of Russia and Russia became and Empire.
I would write more but the word limit is 2000 per post.

Is it true he wanted no beard in his court so he ordered to shave all the nobles?

So which one are you?

>Did it have something to do with noblemen?
After the death of Peter the Great Russia entered the "age of coups". Different rulers attempted to secure the throne and all of them wanted the support of the nobility. Needless to say, they weren't going to do something that would make the nobles less rich and powerful. Catherine the Great(who wasn't really that great) rose to power because of the nobles and she did everything to make them even more powerful. Her son, Pavel(Paul)the First, tried to ally Napoleon and pissed off Great Britain by doing that. He also tried to improve the life of serfs by issuing the "Three day Barschina manifesto". "Barschina"(Бapщинa) is when serfs give their crops to their owner as "payment" for using his land for their own needs.

However, Pavel prohibited serf owners from making the peasants work on weekends and stated that the peasants had to work for their owners for 3 days a week max. They were free to do whatever they want on the othe four days. Needless to say, the nobles were mad at him for doing this. After Pavel's assassination, his son, Alexander, became the Tsar of Russia. Alexander knew very well about the plans to kill his father and yet he did nothing. The nobles also knew that Alexander was aware of the plot. This inforamtio would damage tje reputation of the Tsar and make him seem illegitimate. As a result, Alexander did not give Russia a constitution in spite of his promises. In 1825, after Alexander died, a group of liberal-thinking nobles decided to prevent Nicholas I from ascending to the throne. Their idea was to occupy main government buildings and make sure the army didn't plege ther allegiance to Nicholas. However, they were too late. Their coup failed and Nicholas proved to be one of the most conservative Tsars in Russian history. The event that made the general public in Russia demand reforms was the defeat in the Crimean war.


Yes. He also issued ridiculous taxes like a beard tax and an eye colour tax.

Despite the heroic defense of Sevastopol and other cities the Russians lost. Why? Because the French and the British had a technological advantage. Afterwards, it became clear that the serfdom issue could no longer be ignored. Nicholas I (allegedly) drank poison because he couldn't live with the shame and his son, Alexander II, rose to the throne. A peace treaty was signed and it damaged Russia's status as a great power. Russia was prohibited from having fortifications in Crimea and warships in the Black Sea. Afterwards, Alexander was focused on dismantling serfdom.

He was completely different from his conservative father.
This episode shows really well:
You Alexander is sitting behind a desk and learning about the decembrist coup attempt of 1825. SUddenly, his father walks in and asks Alexander what he would've done to those nobles.
"I would've forgiven them", says young Alexander
Then Nicholas gets closer, clenches his fist, shows it to his and tells him:
"This is how you rule this country"

I also suggest you check out this Wiki article:
Alexander Gorchakov is the most underrated diplomat of the 19th century

Very interesting, thanks for the comprehensive reply.
So in a sense this means had it not been for Serfdom severely crippling Russia's industrialization, Russia could've become the world's second "workshop of the world"? Or were Russian monarchs not very interested in the industrialization process regardless?

Those are some nice digits
To answer your question,
I do think that Russia could've industrialized a lot faster if it wasn't for serfdom. It had(and has to this day) an enormous amount of resources and the Russian people have shown that they can into capitalism. A lot of Russia's most famous capitalists and inventors come from poor backgrounds. Hell, some of them were serfs who gained freedom after doing something great for their owners.
Unfortunately, a vast majority of its population were pretty much slaves and most Tsars refused to do anything about the serfdom problem before it was too late.

Use this one.

Literally everything between the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Italian Renaissance. While I knew a fair bit on my own from my own reading, in my public school days, the world history class covered the entire middle ages in a single chapter of the book that was mostly about feudalism, without covering any events or polities, and then moved on to the Renaissance.

Basically, the myth that the entire Middle Ages was a boring dark age where nothing happened is still very common in American public education.

>Islam is all shit
>Alexander the Great and Punic wars are good
Early Islamic history and culture are far more interesting than Alexander the Great or meme wars like the Punic war.

Why do leftists cuckolds want an anti white safespace?

Why do alt-right nigger want every board to become their echo chamber?

Because the vast majority does not know anything beyond their HS history, a handful of wiki pages and a History Channel documentary.

>tfw nobody is into early modern science and magic

Russia was very slow to actually start industrializing, but once it did it made enormous progress within a short period of time. There had been multiple attempts to industrialize Russia, but it wasn't until Sergei Witte that Russian Industry took off due to a huge influx of foreign capital. Serfdom certainly slowed down industrial progress but I wouldn't say it was the only thing that prevented Russia become an industrial behemoth.

This was a very informative post

>anti white
"White" is a term invented by rich slaveowners to keep dumb plebs like you under their boot. It creates the illusion of brotherhood between subhumans like you and patricians who actually contribute to the world.
Stay deluded you pawn.

>this is what anti white cucks are brainwashed into believing
What does black panther boot taste like?

blame the wannabe''white'' subhuman Americucks

Good goy

Im an amerifat as well. In my Honors world history class I took freshman year of highschool, we started at the Magna Carta then jumped all the way to the french revolution. Spent like 10 minutes talking about the Napoleonic wars.

>says the cuck who wants to sell out his own race on the behalf of niggers and leftists


Good goy

Oh god where to start.

ERE, HRE, Sweden "empire", the great schism, English civil war, 100 years war, persia, extremely basic coverage of ww1, the whole clusterfuck that is the fall of Yugoslavia and the Chechen Wars.

Oh and we never really went over the crusades or the ottoman golden age, god American education system is such shit.

Oh and bronze age collapse, literally any ancient civilization (the closest we got were Egyptians), and not to mention Vietnam or Korea.

Jesus christ...


Where in my post did you get that I implied that Sea lion was at all feasible? I was just talking about the Eastern front.

>someone posts interesting information about a fairly broad topic
>better meme at him!
Here's your answer, OP.

A lot of them are the fault of retarded /int/ posters

>Says the numale beta cuck who wants to see the white race die

Anything but the most basic timeline of western history

>Greece: muh democracy and philosophy
>Rome: something something empire
>Middle ages: basic shit about feudalism

Oh, crud, my mistake. I meant to aim my reply at the guy you were replying to, not your own post.

communism doesn't seem to be very popular here
