>Germany could have won if they invaded Russia a couple months earlier
ITT: Favorite wehraboo quotes
Other urls found in this thread:
1 Tiger= n Sherman/T-34
>American tanks were shit. The only losses of the INVINCIBLE Tigers and Panthers on the Western Front were due to overwhelming Allied airpower.
>Russia and the UK commited just as much war crimes as the Germans
>the Germans only lost because of their bad allies
1 german armoured vehicle = 4.4 soviet armoured vehicles, at least on the eastern front
>The SS was an elite organization
>You had to be 6 foot tall and blonde to join the SS
ITT favorite Ameriboo quotes
>Russia couldn't have beaten the Germans without us
always kek at this one since the germans would have gone nowhere without some specific resources from their allies
>2 nukes were completely justified, those gooks had it coming
Justified? Maybe not. Necessary? Yes.
>looks like we have to save Europe again
Reminder that in 1941, (the year that the Red Army successfully stopped the largest invasiom in history), the aid sent to the Soviets was about 2% of the total aid sent out that year
>hurrr durrr we did it all by ourselves
Hifumi is better
ITT: Favorite Russiaboo quotes
>Those kulaks had it coming.
Yui in her santa outfit is my biggest fetish
>Zhukov was a genius
>all quotes from after 1941
Really makes me think
November 1941 was after 1941?
read the first two quotes again jackass
>casualty ratios don't matter
Why are you posting pictures of my wife online
Saved this quote in 2010
"USA gave USSR:
80% of all canned meat.
92% of all railroad locomotives, rolling stock and rails.
57% of all aviation fuel.
53% of all explosives.
74% of all truck transport.
88% of all radio equipment.
53% of all copper.
56% of all aluminum.
70% of all automotive fuel.
74% of all vehicle tires.
32% of all armored vehicles.
44% of all combat aircraft
Russians should count their lucky star because of U.S and U.K. bombing runs
Perhaps you do not understand that nearly 2 million men were involved in the defense of the Reich against the USA and UK strategic bomber offensive?
75% of the Luftwaffe fighter arm was tied down defending German industry.
40% of all artillery ammunition was allocated to anti-air defense of Germany.
As a result of bombing, the Germans produced 55% less armor than they projected. 41% fewer aircraft (82% of that were fighters) and over 40% fewer trucks.
Source: The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison, Cambridge University Press (1998)"
...isn't this conceivable though? Even with what really happened I thought there were certain points early on when the Soviets could have collapsed if they had just been unlucky. I thought it wasn't a sure deal until Kursk.
That's Ritsu.
ITT: triggered Ameriboo
You only accounted for 4% of total ordinance. Your sources still don't account for anything and are bogus
Haha I knew that I was just testing you
>As a whole, one can reach the conclusion that, without the Western supplies, the Soviet Union not only could not have won the Great Patriotic War, but even could not have resisted German aggression, since it was not able to produce sufficient quantities of weapons and combat equipment and provide them with fuel and ammunition. The Soviet leadership well understood this dependence in the beginning of war. For example, the special envoy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry H. Hopkins, reported in a message of 31 July 1941, that Stalin thought it impossible for Great Britain and the USSR to stand against the material strength of Germany, which disposed of the resources of occupied Europe, without the assistance of the US. In October 1940 Roosevelt, while announcing his decision to permit military departments to give those countries which could defend American national interests arms and equipment excessive to the needs of the American armed forces, and also strategic materials and industrial equipment, permitted the inclusion of Russia in that number of countries. Without such a relationship with the President, prewar Soviet orders placed by the USSR in the US for equipment critical for the production of weaponry and combat equipment would hardly have been possible.
Without ANY American aid at all (including lend-lease from before they entered and the Destroyers for Bases deal) most likely scenario is the war ending in a treaty heavily favoring Germany.
>not only could not have won the great patriotic war
I agree with this post but whoever wrote that abortion of a sentence deserves to be shot
>The Soviets only won the Battle of Moscow (when the actual supplies reached the Soviets fighting in the war first) because it made up 2% of ordinance
>Implying the Soviet Union needed and weren't just using the Yanks to replace supplies for free
Silly Ameriboo, most of the supplies that were given to the Soviets didn't reach the fronts until the Battle of Moscow
niggers are a subhuman race of rapists and thieves and must be purged for the good of mankind
>I was just testing you
Wut? /pol/ is the next thread over friendo
>Sealion could have succeeded if the Germans just did X
meme replies get meme (you)'s
>"2% of thr US total lend lease from one year probably didn't make that much of a difference" is a meme reply
>ignoring the role british lend lease played in moscow
>Implying you aren't just a triggered Ameriboo
You didn't address the points brought up in the original post at all, you just repeated what you'd already said. That is a meme reply.
ummm no sweetie
Lend Lease was the biggest reason why Soviet supply lines were even able to continue.
Persistent need for repetition is a common sign of a defense mechanism in progress.
>triggered Ameriboo
You seem to come back to this phrase a lot. Are you projecting something?
>Hitler never wanted to start a war
Ave, true to Caesar.
or simply
>Sealion could have succeeded
>germany could've won if Hitler listened to his generals
Familiar misconception
Read Antony Beevor's Barbarossa for a more accurate historical treatise
Actually Aoba is best it's just that Nene has a lot more reaction images
>taking Khrushchev seriously
>Dresden was a war crime
The Russians wouldn't even have shoes to walk on if not for Lend-Lease
That isn't your wife. That is an animated children's cartoon character.
Technically true since the SS were show offs. Ugly ones died in fronts
Is there any kind of argument behind denying that Dresden was a war crime?
Or is it really just "lul they deserved it"?
It seems so bizarre that anyone would be happy about the death of thousands of men, women and children.
>implying those quotes are wrong
It is far easier to pass judgments amid the relative tranquility of the twenty-first century than it seemed in 1945, when Hitler's nation was still doing its utmost to kill American and British people, together with millions of Nazi captives, by every means within its power. Some people today brand the bombing of German cities a war crime. This seems an incautious choice of words. It is possible to deplore Harris's excesses without accepting that they should be judged in such emotive language. For all its follies and bloody misjudgments, the strategic air offensive against Germany was a military operation designed to hasten the collapse of Germany's ability to make war. It stopped as soon as Hitler's people ceased to fight. Most of Germany's massacres, by contrast, were carried out against defenceless people who possessed not the slightest power to injure Hitler's empire. They were murdered for ideological reasons, devoid of military purpose.
>If Franco had joined the Axis, the germans would have won!
>its utmost to kill American and British people
How many "American people" died to the hands of Nazi Germany? How many American cities were nuked and how many burned to ashes with all the civilians still inside?
America was always on the winning end and was at no point in time threatened by anyone.
If it's okay for the Allies to commit warcrimes despite knowing that they had already won the war, why was it wrong for Nazi Germany to commit warcrimes to win the war quickly? From the perspective of the Nazis they were often too soft, supply lines were attacked, you had an uprising in cities like Warsaw. Feeding and keeping prisoners while you're still trying to win a war is much harder than while fighting it. Why keep the Jews alive while your men starve in Russia?
I guess the fact that it was Germany that started the war is quite an important thing to note here, but it still seems absurd and downright disgusting to me that people cheer at the death of thousands of civilians, all burning to death.
>why was it wrong for Nazi Germany to commit warcrimes to win the war quickly?
Because Germany's war crimes were carried out against defenceless people who possessed not the slightest power to injure Hitler's empire. They were murdered for ideological reasons, devoid of military purpose.
>you had an uprising in cities like Warsaw.
No shit. That's what happens when you subject a people to 5 years of terror, murder, and enslavement.
>Feeding and keeping prisoners while you're still trying to win a war is much harder than while fighting it.
They literally intentionally starved the civilian population of Ukraine and stole their grain to support the Army
>Why keep the Jews alive while your men starve in Russia?
Why enslave innocent people in the first place?
Why were Western Allied POWs treated so much better than Jews and Soviets?
They are.
>Feeding and keeping prisoners while you're still trying to win a war is much harder than while fighting it. Why keep the Jews alive while your men starve in Russia?
Um maybe not have to pay for their food by not putting them in government-built concentration camps?
Two nukes wasn't enough.
>were carried out against defenceless people
And the children in Dresden could defend themselves how?
>who possessed not the slightest power to injure Hitler's empire
A rebellion was not possible? They did not attack supply lines? They did not fight in uprisings? They did not resist?
>They were murdered for ideological reasons
That is exactly what Harris did. The ideology was revenge.
Because strategic bombing was literally not a war crime.
Destroying a railway hub and industrial center isn't revenge, it's destroying the ability of your enemy to move troops.
For the most part, no, the people in German occupied territory didn't resist.
>If Spain had joined WWII, the Germany would've won, it's all their fault for betraying Germany!
actually more like:
>Germany lost the war against Russia because they were not prepared for the cold and rough russian winter
In reality, the exact opposite is the case. Germany was very well prepared for a cold winter and was actually relying on it. But the winter was unusually warm and the soil didn't freeze - which caused german tanks and machinery to get stuck in the mud. If your tanks get stuck in the mud all the time, the Blitzkrieg tactics dont work. If the russian winter was actually as cold, as the germans expected, the soil would have been frozen and the german tanks could have driven over it like on streets.
This is actually the reason why the german invasion, which in the beginning went as succesful and smoothly as the french invasion failed to deliever a quick blitzkrieg-win as it did in france.
"They deserved it"
Well the Germans did it to most cities in Europe
Lets not look at data regarding actual tank engagements lets take the subjective opinions of tank crewmen. Every soldier thinks his equipment is either the best or the worst ever. If you ever asked a tank crewman to review his tank the result would generally be either a 1/10 or a 10/10.
>via 9gag
True to Caesar
So you are saying the allies are no better than the Germans? They did the same? Eye for an eye? Is that what morally superior Christians do?
Do you really think the bombing of cities has anything to do with strategic bombing? The city I live in was strategically bombed, the train station and a factory was hit. In Dresden they used fire bombs to burn down the city full of civilians.
Are you b8ing, or are you actually this retarded?
The winter of 1941-42 was one of the coldest ones of the 20th century.
>Einsatzgruppen was a counter terrorist unit
Do you wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after dreaming of Harris' demonic laughter?
Beyond me how you can think you're the hero while you mock the death of hundreds of thousands of people.
All atrocities make me sad, none should have been committed. Come and visit my country, look at the people and tell me if you would still laugh at the thought of us evil Germans burning to death.
Maybe there is a reason as to why Harrison did what he did, but it should not be celebrated and cheered on.
Ok i agree, bombing the cities of enemy countries is horrendous. I wish I was a German so that my conscience was clean.
>Ok i agree, bombing the cities of enemy countries is horrendous
>I wish I was a German so that my conscience was clean.
Indeed, we are one of the most peaceful countries of the 21 century.
Well Germans aren't people so it isn't immoral to kill them. Its like exterminating disease carrying mosquitos.
>Indeed, we are one of the most peaceful countries of the 21 century.
>Dresden wasn't a war crime
>hurrdurr those german civilians deserved it
When the US interred Japanese citizens it was terrible, many died and it's a stain on our country's history.
The Germans had a systematic plan to exterminate the Jews and other undesirables and that's what the concentration camps were explicitly for as outlined at the Wannsee Conference.
There is no equivalency here, the Nazis were scum and they deserved to die. The only shame is that more weren't hanged, especially soldiers.
>implying communism wasn't the greater threat
>Indeed, we are one of the most peaceful countries of the 21 century.
>of the 21 century.
>the 21 century
>21 century
They passively accepted their regime which started the war.
Actually, there were concentration camps, and there were death camps. Concentration camps was something normal and everybody had those including the USA. The death camps were build in 1942 and onwards when Nazis realized they are going to lose the war and wanted to get "that" done while they could (that being extermination of jews, gypsies, etc.).
Name a concentration camp that was not also used as a death camp.
>many died
I agree that it was terrible, but they weren't fucking dying from being interred in the camps
No, they burned alive.
All death camps are on Polish soil, the camps in Germany were only (or mainly) used to imprison people and to send them to other camps.
This is a big thing among people denying the holocaust because death camps were only found in areas controlled by the soviets.
My great grandpa was a POW stationed in Dresden.
I remember how he ranted that Harris should have been hanged among the nazi war criminals
Well i guess every citizen in USA and NATO countries deserves to be bombed by muslim terrorists then
>Comparing the holocaust to bombing sandnigger terrorists
go join ISIS you fucking faggot
>the bombing campaign was worthless, the germans made more planes per month in 45 than ever before!
guess where the soviets got all the heavy machinery in their factories from for making that ordinance?
Do you excpect them to protest the holocaudt even tho it might risk themself getting sent to a camp?
>>bombing sandnigger terrorists
Yes i'm sure all those houndred of thousand Iraqis getting killed where all terrorists
There are plenty of events that can be compared to the holocaust. (American) slavery would be among them.
The invasion of two countries based on lies (Dick Cheney is a war criminal) is certainly no small thing. The numbers of people who died as a result is most likely similar to that of the holocaust.
Side note. Hitler would have agreed with you that faggots are bad.