History jokes thread
Newton said that nature abhors a vacuum. My dog agrees
History jokes thread
Newton said that nature abhors a vacuum. My dog agrees
i dont get it
Dogs don't like vacuums user, they're scared of them.
Here's one:
So three Germans walk into a BAR
The joke goes better if you say "krauts" or something to that effect
The BAR's a shit weapon and so is your joke
The BAR is a great weapon. Its the attatchments they threw on it that made it shit.
Right, it's been awhile.
Hey hey hey, it's not her fault they made her so big and with such a small capacity, you be nice.
>tfw no Dutch gf
are those things good for your wrist
>is having your wrist rest on something soft good
Yes user
I wonder what its fucking like to fuck an athletic woman.
All my GFs had been normie girls and a nerd. Not exactly fit.
How stupid are (You)?
Here is a joke for (You):
It's pretty great, not really all that different from a normal girl though. I dated a softball player who could ride for hours, had legs like a thoroughbred
My cat likes vacuums so go fuck yourself
it also liked to smudge it's shit all over your table, so there
I had a Jack Russell that liked to ride my vacuum. I think he thought he was the boss of it if he got on top of it, the way they try to lay on your head.
Something about vacuum cleaners probably, which in most languages doesn't include the word vacuum.
That is amazing.
The girls I've head tire easily under me.
Nice jokes guys
>those long meaty legs
Three krauts walk into a Salad. Yummy
That still depends on the girl. I dated a dancer (i.e., in a professional ballet company) and she would just fall asleep after sex. Another girl I dated had some kind of heart condition and couldn't walk around the block without getting winded, and we'd fuck for days on end with minimal sleep. I've concluded sexual stamina has nothing to do with fitness.