fucking use google translate

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nice just sold 100k

is this the OMG news or news just for Omise?

that indeed explains the pump. safe to hodl

safe to say that it will exceed 0.003 today

Sell the news, going back to $8, buy again there, now you have more coins

down she goes

an asian website is now acepting omg as payment this shit wont drop to 8$

it wont go back to 8 again

Big if true

it won't hit $8 again

sold everything. enjoy the bags suckers

Hello user. I have a secret gift for you. If the prophecy is fufilled it will become the OMG 5th wave trading bible.

This is for user's eyes only. I would never have entered crypto if not for Veeky Forums's shilling.

Lets all love Lain

Genuine lol

you must hate money

I've never drawn anything this but I drew a much simpler version with just a few trend lines and saw the curent stall point matched exactly with the one trend line. I drew more and realized I could make a triangle using the trend lines.

This would explain the past two moons having the exact same wave shape. Fractals are created by fractals. The old support and restistance builds the new price movement and the fractal is born. It all makes sense.

OMG moon actually confirmed...damn...



whales have been trying for weeks to hold it below $9. they have been defeated.

it looks like he put effort into the green lines than said to himself right before sep 5 "idgaf anymore"

Wtf? Why does that cow have four dicks?

Just Omise, OP is a retard.

august isnt over fucker

Sell the news after a few minutes of release?

spotted the n00b

some say the cucumber tastes better pickled.

Just received confirmation from my team that our initial intel was on point and that this is just the tip of an iceberg that is going to usher in a new wave of multi-millionaires.

This is just the Omise news. The OMG news will follow shortly thereafter. The OMG news is gigantic but doesn't come close to the September news which is going to launch thing into the stratosphere.

I wish I could reveal details but they could compromise my identity so I must withhold.

My team is rapidly accumulating and will continue to do so until tomorrow afternoon when the price will be moving upwards so quickly that all there will left to do is watch and celebrate.

Just to offer you faithful holders some certainty:

Yes you will be rich. Very fucking rich.

All cows have four dicks, user. It's why they're such amazing fucking machines.

soon we can walk like this

>from, your dear anonymous user

fuck off

k man

low selling pressure, macd is wide strong uptrend

is it the iPhone announcement?

I can confirm this.
I am part of a professional water aerobics team. One of my teammates, Debbie, is friends with a cousin of the guy who is regional supervisor of the garbage disposal service in the district of singapore where their office is located.
He apparently has seen an unusually large amounts of apples being picked up by their garbage trucks in that area. Rumor has it that the OMG team has been buying hundreds of apples and keeps throwing them out of their windows.
I am 100% confident the september announcement is apple pay

Reading shit like this makes me not want to buy. There's too many posts about getting rich quick around this coin. This will be the next DGB.

NICE, just bought 100k

Shiller and fud i cant tell anymore is the same thing happening i remember mco a few days ago shillers fighting fuds and look at mco now this kind of shit made me sell my mco at 12$
So FUCK YOU ALL SHILLERS AND FUDS CUNT. Im not selling shit for less than 30$ i dont give a shit if i lose everything

just ignore the blatant shills and FUDers. Do what you think is right.
I'm not selling my OMG till at least 20 dollars either

a coin that's got a huge fanbase of diehard faggots who are terrified to sell because they think it's their salvation, isn't a bad thing.

Can someone give me 0.01ETH so i can send my OMG coins to bitfinex? wont let me send OMG if i dont have 0.01 ETH in there


aaah, finally.
too bad i sold 20% of my OMG stash yesterday to get into ARK even more (which looks like it will pump further anyway)

i'm happy we broke the .20 wall now

what kind of dipshit can't afford gas? then you come here begging for gas? shameful.

I didnt know i need ETH when i bought OMG


knowing you need eth in your wallet to pay transaction fees is pretty basic.

Gratz, you just made the grade


I'm fucking crying.
