Was East Germany (DDR) the true successor to Nazi Germany? Seems like a national socialist state to me, especially in comparison to what happened to West Germany where nationalism was discouraged and Americanization of the culture was rampant.
East German National Socialism
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They even used Nazi helmets, weapons, and uniforms.
East Germany was basically a Strasserist state.
Doesn't look like such a bad place, was it really as bad of an oppressive police state as Western media likes to make it out to be?
Only at the beginning when they had nothing else. After a while they got new stuff.
>Posts literal DDR propaganda footage
Gee I don't know why did so many people try to escape from there?
Because they couldn't see 50 years into the future?
It was a society more inefficient and brainwashed than we can even imagine...
>Was East Germany (DDR) the true successor to Nazi Germany
If by successor you mean "oppressive totalitarian shithole", then yes, yes it was.
> was a Bolshevik puppet state the true heir of The Third Reich?
No. No it was not.
For the people who keep getting hung up on the National "Socialist Workers" Party name, remember that the actual socialist elements in that party were murdered in '34, leaving only the Mystical Racists , Opportunists and Kleptocrats.
>It was a society more inefficient
If inefficiency provides for full-employment and a decent quality of life, is that inherently a bad thing?
How so? Have you seen modern West Germans? Can't get much worse than that.
>remember that the actual socialist elements in that party were murdered in '34
That was the original national socialist party, though. So it was a successor to the original vision.
My stepmother is from east Germany.
One the one hand she is a brilliant woman, has a phd in maths, physics and russian. She is a professor at an university.
That's the only stuff she says was good about the DDR. The strict ideology and school system.
She loves being in a capitalistic society now, she was the coolest kid at her school due to being the only one with a fancy pen that her father smuggled in.
Sorry for my disastrous english, I just got up and have to work.
Nobody in middle Europe has bad living conditions if he hasn't fucked up completely.
Especially during the economic boom in the 60's and 70's Germany and Austria were safe havens for nearly everyone.
>decent quality of life
It didn't
It is a mark of inefficiency
Inefficiency is the biggest sin to the German nature.
>Have you seen modern West Germans? Can't get much worse than that.
Have you seen modern Russians?
The German Nation died with Hitler desu, they're in a seemingly permanent state of self abasement ten times worse than post-WWI now and forever. And perhaps that's for the best.
East Germany seems like it was such a happy place to live.
DDR was basically Nazi Germany minus antisemitism. There was a significant degree of hardcore national pride, family values and ethnic homogenity, something that the Anglos and the Americans completely eradicated in the BRD and replaced it with a culture of self-hate, cuckoldry, drugs, homosexuality, prostitution and mammon worship. It's pretty pathetic that such a nice state is now reduced to lame jokes about LE TRABANT STASI AND NO BANANAS xDDDD
This thread is giving me mixed feelings. Who to believe?
>D-daddy BRD, pls gib me another credit I can't pay for my bills.
>D-daddy Soviet union, pls help me, I can't control my own population, pls send troops.
The state that wasn't funtional.
What the fuck do you want us to prove? That DDR was some kind of continuation of Nazi Germany? No it wasn't, the DDR hated everything about Nazism, they were their class enemies.
Was DDR the same totalitarian shithole as Nazi Germany? Yes, because both commies are nazis are ignorant thugs and retards who must rely on oppression, propaganda and intimidation to achieve whatever autistic goal they have.
>everyone who isn't a permacucked liberal democrat is a retard
nu-/pol/: 1, cuck: 0
>Yes, because both commies are nazis are ignorant thugs and retards who must rely on oppression, propaganda and intimidation to achieve whatever autistic goal they have.
Because neoliberalism doesn't rely on force to get it's way, right?
No you leave, you have an entire board where you can freely admire totalitarian hellholes all you want
I'm sure all those runaways from DDR left it because they were forced to. Oh wait they didn't, they ran away because they wanted to.
How many Turkish immigrants did DDR import as cheap labor?
>ebil brown people are why i can't get laid
They imported Vietnamese for this purpuse.
t. Mehmet Kebaboglu
>the guy fiercely defending BRD turns out to be a Turk
t. cuck cuckingson
I never mentioned Turks in the first place, but you seem to be obsessed with them
>It is a mark of inefficiency
Inefficiency is the biggest sin to the German nature.
>what are the german colonies under the german empire
>what was the holocaust
>what was the blitz
>what were wunderwaffen
>what was the invasion of russia
>what was the alliance with japan
>what was the alliance with italy
>what was the naval race
>what was the discrediting of battleships of any kind
>what are proper supply lines
>what are shitty chains of command
>what was stopping at dunkirk
>there is only communism, nazism or neoliberalism
Democracy is an economic idea, not a ideological one.
The third Reich did not follow the German traditions, but was a social revolutionary experiment.
African coloninialism was also a meme.
>Veeky Forums - Nostalgia & Humanities
>Democracy is an economic idea, not a ideological one.
I think you have that backwards.
Fuck, i meant neoliberalism, it's early in the morning.
He never mentioned anything about getting laid though.
Insinuations about a poster's sexual activity is the last refuge of a retard who has lost the argument.
Well that just sounds completely retarded, sorry.
Have to work at Reddit? Cos that's the vibe I got from this post
People who say communism is bad, are Reddit now?
for the amerisharts
your retarded "communists" are not commies, certainly not the USSR type of communists
all of the warsaw pact countries and the USSR itself contained nationalism, cleverly coated with bolshevik context
russian for ussr, romanian, hungarian, czech, german etc for their ethnic state, renaming a country didnt make existing beliefs and centuries long differences vanish
you imagine it as every ppl being oppressed under red internationalism but what actually happened is ppl kept their usual traditions with a red maze, national holidays renamed but kept on the same day
anyway you wont believe me because you lack basic education but whatever
Yeah this. For example under National Communism in Romania the WWII era dictator was actually treated with respect and seen as misunderstood by Ceascescu.
They used helemts designed in the Nazi-period and their uniforms were in the tradition of Germany/Russia, which resembled Nazi uniforms a lot more than Western Uniforms. As for weapons, like West Germany, they never used WW2-Nazi equipment in any kind of quantity, besides pistols. They used Soviet equipment, while German weapons were sent to other countries as military aide.
List of equipment used (it's in German, but there are nice little pictures, so go figure it out):
In terms of being an oppressive shithole it was a good successor to Nazi Germany
>WWII era dictator was actually treated with respect and seen as misunderstood by Ceascescu
This is nonsense, Antonescu was still the "military dictator that lead the country to disaster". Sure, it was toned down from "fascist dictator" of the initial decades.
If you just read Magazin Istoric from the 80s there's no obvious "respect". Maybe Ceausescu admired him in private but there was never anything official.
>all of the warsaw pact countries and the USSR itself contained nationalism,
This is exaggerated and I say this as an Easterner. "Red internationalism" was very much a thing in the 50s and 60s when some of these regimes did try to remove national identity, sometimes by removing the nationalist elites themselves. But after they became more pragmatic and toned it down and even then only a "correct" type of nationalism was allowed only directed against certain countries or groups. And worshiping anti-Soviet/Comminist nationalist figures was obviously banned.
I think this opinion exist because in the past 30 years the media and politics of the West have become so distanced from national identity that even communist regimes seem "nationalist" by comparison.
Besides the sick pants it's very similar to the feldgrau uniforms of the past
or because you are a middle class child taught to hate anything pre 1990
>Even fascist Conducător Ion Antonescu was semi-rehabilitated, getting a much gentler treatment than previously, in line with the nationalism and the façade of anti-Sovietism.[7] This was part of a strategy of inserting "great leaders" throughout the Romanian history narrative, to serve Ceaușescu's cult of personality,[8] Antonescu being seen as a "misunderstood patriot" rather than a traitor.[9] This process began with Marin Preda's novel Delirul (1975), continuing with Aurică Simion's Preliminarii politico-diplomatice ale insurecției române din august 1944 (1979), before becoming part of the official ideology in Ilie Ceaușescu's Istoria militară a poporului român, vol 6 (1989).[10]
Look more soviet than anything.
I wouldn't say that was necessarily true for Russians. Lots of Russian tradition was brutally suppressed by the USSR.
god you faggot, in every thread you can you post some bullshit about Strasser.
Just go on and write your fan fic where he impregnates you. jesus christ fan boy on a stick.
DDR was fucking awful. My DDR relatives said so and I believe them.
Country full of snitches, nobody trusting anyone, Stasi.
Yes, it was.
Killing Orthodox clergy who disagree with government policy IS Russian tradition
And the Ossis went on to the "Vietnamese Klatschen" which just means slapping the shit out of the viets anywhere they saw them.
usually said by ex stasi agents the loudest
Tell that to about 20 million dead russian christians you blueeyed genious.
Well basically anyone was a stasi agent or worked for one etc pp.
It was a giant "Lauschfest" everyone listening to anything anyone said. Couldnt have been fun.
I really liked that the DDR had stuff like their own Hitler Jugend and the likes. Stuff like that is really missing in modern germany.
Boys need to be kept of the streets and be active and learn. Most kids these days just hang around bored with their phones.
A nice little marsch in the woods with camping and grilling after would treat them well.
Nice projection but no. Also that's kind of the point in some way, anti-nationalists in Romania (who would be "liberals" if transplanted in the US) all claim to hate Communism.
>see guys, Communist were nationalist too that's why you must hate nationalism
And i have to add, communism will never work, under any circumstances, just because of the human nature. there is I said it.
>DDR was basically Nazi Germany minus antisemitism.
and minus the sovereignty
>muh christians
you happily give weapons to kill christians, sod off retard
no you have no idea what you are talking about, historically illiterate propaganda eater
>don't true communism
Ok man
>i cant read please shoot me
Ok man
He means it wasn't as internationalist or Bolshevik like as the uninformed believe.
I do what?
Your shity commie nationalism is just forced prosoviet culture, but this is ok all this countries were under their influence after all
...suuuuure. enslavement to the USSR was the original plan of a Nationalist party. This doesn't change the fact that the Nazi party constructed by Hitler, Himmler, Hess and Goebbels wasnt Socialist.
>DDR was the good guy!
This is what happens when you hate immigrants more than you hate communism.
National socialism is very different from socialism in one country, you can't just, remove the context from everything and act like that's all there is to it.
Few years back American's learned that "Nazi" came from National Socialist and now they think it's just combination of nationalism and socialism.
>I really liked that the DDR had stuff like their own Hitler Jugend and the likes. Stuff like that is really missing in modern germany.
ever heard about Boy Scouts?
Erich Honecker did nothing wrong.
Goebbels was originally a Strasserfag.
Was there any bigger spaghetti spilling moment in history than Erich Mielke?
>Nov. 13 1989
>Stasi head summoned to speak before Volkskammer (Parliament) to defend his actions and justify why his agency is needed as the GDR moves away from single party Socialism.
>Mielke keeps referring to everyone as "Genossen" (Comrades)
>Gets reminded by chamber member that the GDR is no longer a one party system and so not everyone is his comrade
>Mielke starts screaming how "Everyone is my comrade, I am a humanist, I love everybody!"
>Chamber laughs him off the floor
>Four days later the Stasi gets disbanded, replaced, and Mielke loses his job
So was the Stasi as big and bad as everyone says? Doesn't sound like DDR inhabitants took it very seriously.
The Stasi was bad but towards the end when the SED was losing its exclusive power, and it was becoming clear that the DDR was not going to live much longer, some people stopped caring. Like the Soviet KGB, the Stasi served the party and so when the party began losing its influence, so did its intelligence/security agency.
The Stasi was definitely something to fear if you pissed off the wrong people. The main tactic was fear that they could get to you, doing things like breaking into your home and rearranging the furniture just as a little reminder they knew who you were. Perhaps they weren't as brutal as the Gestapo, but you definitely didn't want them tailing you or knocking on your door.
Didn't the wall come down because someone spaghetti'd a live broadcast interview?
>total destruction of your nation, culture and values vs having your furniture rearranged occasionally
Doesn't sound too bad desu
>East German National Socialism
>I never mentioned Turks in the first place
You sure sperged out royally the second they got mentioned.
t. subhuman beaner
I'm a pure Hungarian. Beaner shitskins should refrain from talking about Europe.
Basically, almost all I know about DDR comes from this series.
Was it accurate? (not in the spy-plot, but in the portrayal of the people living beyond the wall)
Pure Hungarian Jew
and this, of course.
that seems to some kind of nostalgic service for those who lived the regime.
This movie makes it feel like it was bretty good.
I descend from aristocratic houses established in the 12th century, you literal kike. Someone should post your picture with those droopy eyes and hooked nose, you look like someone shipped in straight from Tel Aviv.
I believe the message was that they were soon going to allow travel through the borders with proper checks, but whoever delivered the message said anyone could cross over effective immediately. These words were broadcast as news headlines and so everyone heard them.
Whatever NVA ad Grenztruppen who were watching the wall were suddenly hit by a swarm of people trying to cross over, and West Berliners trying to climb over to help those in the East. No one wanted to be responsible for giving the order to shoot, so nothing was done and eventually the mob began tearing down the wall.
Border crossing were to start the next day anyway but the spontaneous nature of what did happen is amazing.
That may be putting it a little too lightly. The Stasi were not above kidnapping, interrogation, torture, and murder. It was just not as common as
There were plans towards the end to put people into what were pretty Concentration Camps if the DDR started to go into revolt. Mielke was prepared to take that step but realized things were hopeless. As Stasi director he was more concerned with ordering the destruction of all files on citizens, which was prevented by citizens forcing their way into the offices.
>pure Hungarian
Oh, do you mean the same Hungary that is a nest of Jews?
Hungary, the land of Soros, cryptojews, and jew-loving subhumans.
We purged most of them during WW2.
>he thinks Hungary is friendly to Soros
Are you being disingenuous or are you really this uninformed?
>Are you being disingenuous or are you really this uninformed?
Are you either of those things? That's a blatant tactic to confuse the ignorant and stupid. To "denounce" the infamous Jew while strengthening ties with the Jewish capital of the world.
Fuck off, subhuman.
This coming from a literal Indian mongrel who shouldn't be allowed to ever breed.
> I'm a pure Hungarian. Beaner shitskins should refrain from talking about Europe.
>American flag when talking to an European
You sure showed me you parasite
Lol no. Don't be tempted by oversimplification and dilution of history and politics. It clouds your judgement.
Perhaps the diluting of ideologies you don't follow is less because of their similar superstructure from far away but because they are both enemies of your country, no?