What if Schindler raped Anne Frank?
What if Schindler raped Anne Frank?
Other urls found in this thread:
great thread
schindler's fist.
>Anne Frank is sitting packed in a cattle car full of Jews somewhere deep within Germany
>she cradles her stomach and quietly weeps, consumed by fear for her family, for Peter, for her unborn child, and for herself
>she hears the most unusual of sounds, a bugle call
>the roar of gunfire, galloping horses, and the cacophony of what can only be described as a foxhunt yip mixed up with a banshee squall erupts, echoing throughout the countryside
>in the darkened car, Anne and other occupants listen in a mixture of terror and hope
>"Could it be a rescue?"
>Anne presses her eyes up to a hole in the wall of the car, trying to get a better view
>she sees an SS soldier firing his MP40 wildly
>the sudden cleave of a saber takes his head clean off, spraying Anne's eyes with blood like that flashback scene from Samurai Jack
>the door flings open
>a tall and imposing figure wearing a pair of riding boots leaps into the car, turns, and extends his arm out to Anne
>Anne accepts and is swiftly pulled from the car and into the sunlight
>it takes a few moments for her eyes to readjust after spending over a day in a darkened railcar
>its General George Patton
>"Sorry about the delay miss, old Monty kept us held up with his absurd plan to seize some bridges over the Rhine."
>Anne looks around
>soldiers in grey uniforms wearing a mix of cowboy hats and kepis are dismounting from their horses and using axes to destroy the locks on the doors of the other cars
>a ghostly-like bearded man in an impeccable hat with a Colonel's insignia on his uniform rides up
>Patton immediately salutes him
>it's John S. Mosby, Patton's childhood mentor
>disgusted at how the Germans would lock an expectant mother in a boxcar like an animal, Mosby unholsters an M1851 Colt Navy revolver and tosses it to Anne
>"You'll probably need this more than I will."
>he rides off without another word
>some days later
>Anne is creeping through the darkened hallways of the Grafeneck Euthanasia Centre
>she snuck inside after carjacking a Gemeinnützige Krankentransport
>the encounter with these strange Americans whose chivalry and code of honor seem like something from an Old West film has inspired a newfound confidence in Anne, who now fights so that her baby will never know the terror and tyranny of the Swastika
>She has one hand firmly gripped on her Colt Navy, and the other protectively holding her belly
>as she creeps along, she can hear the screaming and the stench of carbon monoxide come a makeshift gas chamber on the floor above
>she clenches her teeth in growing fiery rage, knowing that the victims are mostly children and mentally disabled adults incapable of defending themselves
>she creeps up on the stairs and comes across an SS-Schütze with his back turned
>she produces a fighting knife, given to her by a man named Bowie, and slams it into the trooper's spine, killing him
>withdrawing the blade, she continues to creep toward a half-open door with the light on
>she can hear incoherent cries for help from the room, there's still someone alive that she can save.
>she breaks into a waddle down the hallway, as she can't exactly run
>finally reaching the door, she pulls back the hammer on her revolver, and kicks the door open with all her strength
>inside, she can see a black-haired SS officer in a lab coat holding a syringe and a hapless lad restrained on a gurney
>it's Karl Brandt
>without thinking, Anne fires her revolver into Brandt's head, painting the white walls red
>as the wretched SS officer crumbles to the ground, Anne enters the room and walks up to Brandt's would-be victim
>a young man not much older than her, frail, pale, with a badly deformed jaw, and yelping incoherent words in terror
>it's Charles II of Spain
>before the war, Anne would have found him repulsive, but witnessing the cruelty the Nazis displayed toward the weak and misshapen firsthand has stirred a new sense of altruism in her. She's willing to come to the aid of all those who live under the Nazis' terror, regardless of their color or deformity.
>Anne holsters her revolver and unties Charles II from the gurney and offers him her hand
>"Come with me if you want to live"
>fighting the pain in his jaw, Charles utters a simple "thank you" and takes her hand
>Anne leads him back down the hall to the stairwell
>a fireteam of SS guards, alerted by the gunshot appear running up from the previous floor
>Anne gets the drop on them and kills the first two with a pair of well placed headshots
>her next trigger pull lands on empty chamber
>Anne sees her short life and the life her child could've had flash before her eyes as the third SS soldiers takes aim
>Anne watches the soldier tumble back down the stairs, bleeding to death
>she turns her head to see Charles holding a smoking Kar 98k he pulled from the guard Anne had stabbed to death earlier
>"I... Good... Shot."
>"That's a good skill to have in these times."
>Anne finishes reloading her Colt Navy and takes the lead once more
>the pair make it outside and hide behind a corner as more German soldiers rush in through the front door
>"fools" Anne says under her breath
>Anne and Charles eventually reach a motor pool where Anne had parked the bus she had jacked earlier
>Anne takes the wheel and Charles takes cover in the back with the rifle just in case German sentries notice
>Anne drives the bus right past a platoon of SS troopers as they rush inside the building
>Anne quietly looks at a watch in her pocket
>"Any moment now..."
>A bag loaded with dynamite she had dumped in a crematorium oven earlier overheats as the flames build around it
>Grafeneck is suddenly engulfed in a fiery explosion as the bus disappears into the open countryside
>end of issue one
>Anne leads Charles II though the Teutoburg Forest, having ditched the bus on the Autobahn
>Dawn is approaching
>Anne suddenly stops and quietly whistles the chorus of an old Jewish folk song
>/k/ommandos with rifles suddenly appear from innawoods
>it's the Bilenski brothers
>"Yet another stray Anne?"
>"As always."
>"At this rate, you're gonna put Esther to shame."
>"I don't care if I'm the new David and I have to slay Goliath six million times, as long the Reich's still out there and still hurting people, I'll save as many as I can."
>Anne feels the baby kicking in her womb, reminding her of the burden she carries
>she wants nothing more than that one thing that soothes her aching belly and drives the nazis from her mind for but a few precious moments
>"Now tell me, where is my lovely Peter."
>"Looking to part your Red Sea for your little Moses ehhh?"
>Anne holds back the urge to laugh. "You could say that."
>"By the house."
>Anne and Charles move past the sentries and continue on a beat down path.
>the two eventually reach a clearing
>Anne sees her father scolding a pair of new recruits for firing a mortar short
>"You just killed two of your best friends, while Adolf and Dummkopf continue to hose our line!"
>at last they reach an abandoned farmhouse
>only sign that its inhabited is a strange flag hanging on the doorway
>The Americans had gifted the Jews with a spare battle flag before parting ways. Saying they "needed a new one anyways."
>A light red square with two blue bars crossing each other diagonally in an X-shape. 13 white stars adorn the bars.
>Impressed with the design, Anne's mother had carefully removed the white stars and replaced them with the yellow Stars of David she collected from other occupants' clothes. Instead of wearing the colors of their oppressors, they would now fly them as a gesture of defiance.
>Anne opens the door and leads Charles II inside
>Charles is going to raise another mans baby
Fix it
>In the darkened building, only lit by the approaching sunlight, Anne's sister Margot is busy bandaging the head of a wounded fighter
>it's Moshe Dayan
>"I trust that... Scratch hasn't made you useless."
>"Hardly my dear, it's just an eye. God saw fit to grace me with a spare."
>Edith is repairing an "appropriated" German uniform, sewing patches in the bullet holes, removing the insignia, and attaching a crude Star of David in its place.
>Margot speaks up "Back from another adventure Anne?"
>"As always."
>"Who's your... (seeing Charles' deformed appearance) friend?"
>"This is Charles of Spain"
>Charles nervously utters "Hel-hello"
>"Pleased to meet you."
>Anne interrupts "Well mom, how 'bout you get him settled. Where is my lovely little Peter."
>Edith is dismayed, "must you do this every time you go out? You need to rest. For the baby."
>"I insist."
>Edith sighs, "just like your father, he's in the back."
>Anne turns waddles away
>Edith turns to Charles, "my goodness, you're filthy, let's get you cleaned up."
>Peter van Daan is attempting repair a captured German radio
>Anne barges in already trying to tear off her comically small dress. She takes a quick look out the window as if lost in thought for a brief moment and then turns. Her belly and popped button look like an imitation of her breasts.
>"I don't care if my water's about to break" as she straddles him
>"I need your pistol, Pete."
>meanwhile in the next room
>Edith is trying in vain to clean out Charles II
>"Oy vey! I've never seen a peasant so filthy. Let alone royalty!"
>Charles whimpers and complains as she tries to brush his skin, "I h-hate b-bathing"
>"At least brush your hair!"
>the sound of moaning begins to echo from the next room
>it gets louder
>the unmistakable sound of pounding flesh and screams of elation follows
>"Wh-whats that?" Charles asks, utterly oblivious
>Margot facepalms
>Anne straddles Peter with her massive belly resting against his
>"she gets heavier every time we do this I swear" he thinks
>she grabs him with both hands and suddenly he stops thinking
>andrealine and hormones mix to make a potent cocktail
>at first, she goes slowly, then first slowly because she's so heavy, then faster
>she thrusts herself into Peter faster and harder
>the two are moaning louder and louder
>they were forced to cover each other's mouths the night their child was conceived, but now they're free to vocalize their passion
>"Will you two quiet down?!" an annoyed voice barks from the next room
>Anne and Peter are too lost in each other to even hear it
>At last, Peter reaches his climax and expels his seed into Anne
>Anne throws her head back in elation, exhaustion overcomes her and she passes out
>Peters helps her fall by his side and loses conscious
>hours pass
>Anne and Peter are awakened by banging on the door
>the sun is setting, they've been asleep all day
>Anne barely has enough time to pull the covers over her naked body before her father barges in carrying a steel box
>"Father! Can't you give us some privacy?"
>"You know, this wouldn't happen if the two of you found a different place to use as a love nest"
>"Well at least give us a minute to make ourselves decent again" she utters as she struggles to pull her dress back on.
>"Tell me daughter, if anyone less useful you could've rescued from that castle?"
>"What are you talking about?"
>"Charles is bar none, one of the most infantile people I've ever seen. He's a dummkopf if there ever was one."
>"He saved my life."
>"All the same, being a good shot isn't worth a damn thing if you can't even clean your gun."
>"There's another thing" as he opens the steel box and pulls out a 50mm mortar round and a piece of paper.
>"Who is this O. Schindler and why is he always sending you love letters and ammunition?"
>the radio hums to life before she has a chance to answer
>"Does anyone read me on this net?"
>Anne answer the radio
>"I read you loud and clear."
>"Excellent. I take it this is the infamous one known as Anne Frank I'm speaking to?"
>"It is."
>"Perfect, this is RAF Bomber Command Chief Arthur Harris."
>"Bomber Harris?" Anne asks excitedly
>Harris snorts as if insulted, "Is there any other?! I hope not! It's a pleasure all the same. General Patton speaks highly of you."
>Anne blushes, "awww, thank you."
>"I'm sure Old George would appreciate the complement. Anyway let's get to the point. Since we both want to see the Jerries reap the whirlwind for everything they have done, I think we can help each other in accomplishing it that goal. I'd rather not ask you to put yourself or your family at risk, but circumstances require otherwise."
>Anne feels the baby kick, "I'm listening."
>"Very well my dear. We lost contact with one of our best operatives in the French Resistance several days ago near the town of Orléans. She has obtained information that may turn the tide of the war and we would very much appreciate it if you could help us get her back."
>"What's her name?"
>end of issue two
Posting in epic bread
More important question: Is Schindler the Father?
last post best post
I still haven't seen the movie.
Was Schindler the good guy?
schindler was a philanthropic businessman during the day time, but at night morphed into his alter ego andrei chikatilo
You know what, I'm going to commission that from Sparrow.
>andrei chikatilo
Audible kek
Make Anne pregnant and have Schindler be the father.
Can you commission pregnant Anne Frank having sex with Charles II
Pregnant Anne Frank is best Anne Frank
If you're serious, tell him to actually make her look like a teenager. All the pictures so far make her look twice as old as she's supposed to be.
this board is such a shitshow
>twice as old as she's supposed to be
She looks a solid 20-ish in most of them and I imagine pregnancy and childbirth probably ages most girls a bit faster with the high stress and such.
Well I'm sure there's at least one Yad Vashem who took sexual advantage of a Jew they were protecting.
More importantly, make her pregnant
I'm working on Anne Frank erotica. Would Veeky Forums like to read it?
Is it even allowed to be posted?
As long as you don't post lewd pics, mods will ignore it.
Also, make her preggers plz
Put me in the screencap at exactly 143° counter clockwise
Just how pregnant?
I'm always looking for new ways to exercise my (bizarre, lewd) secret talent. The current features a younger Frank but I could always write another.
9 months along
Do you need help coming up with a setting or have you got that all figured out?
Also like said, make her ready to pop
I've got a pretty good starting place but if there are some specific things you would all like to introduce I'm game to work with them.
Not my first time writing pregnancy OR historical erotica. Veeky Forums actually inspired me to start writing as a hobby.
First I'd ever written was a Japanese girl slowly seducing a Jesuit over the course of a month. It's the one I liked the most, probably because it's my most polished.
Never published anything anywhere but compared to most of the junk that gets around on some of the more popular sites, I like to think I do better than
>he looked down her dress .Her tits were so BIG!!
>She had never felt the way she did before at this very moment in time, looking at his big, greasy ding-dong pipe rod being stroked in quick, luscious, incredibly verbose ways. Was she ready to take action? She felt as if this moment, like this paragraph, should last forever, because it made her drip against her choice in an emission that was chemically composed of 52% water, which as we all know is a natural chemical that can be found [...]
Would you people actually like to read my stuff?
Sure, why not?
It can't be as bad as the /mu/ copypasta
Here's a link to one /k/ did if you need inspiration
Anneposting is frankly disgusting.
>implying pregnant Anne Frank wasn't the best thing to happen to this board ever
/pol/ plz go
>not comprehending the most obvious shitpun of all time
>/wfg/ does pregnant Anne Frank fantasies now
bad doggo
Get him to draw the Anne Frank copypasta, word for word
We keeping this thread alive for you nigga, you better deliver.
If you're still writing, do one where Peter van Pels gets Anne pregnant, they're smuggled into the countryside as her due date nears, have sex in a tulip field and in an abandoned house they're hiding in (it's actually Dunker Church), get caught by the Gestapo who are sweeping the countryside for Dutch resistance cells. All seems for the two lovers lost when the Germans are attacked and chased off by a "mysterious" group of rebels using 19th Century weapons and tactics.
>OP posts retarded bait thread
>gets turned into /k/-tier /wfg/ thread
I have not abandoned you all. Stay on the lookout.
We're talking early next week in all honesty since I am pretty busy until around Monday afternoon, but I will deliver!
Will post with this name when it's time. Until then, don't touch your cock.
Noice, feel free to take your time.
Here some other details you can throw in
>the pastor of the old church takes Anne and Peter in both out of pity for their unborn child and a sense of duty to protect others
>initially cold to Peter, having blamed him for shared predicament, Anne finds that writing in her diary and sex are the only things that alleviate the boredom (having other means of entertaining themselves) and ever present sense of fear, and they now do it constantly
>one day in mid-September, the two of them are unable to tolerate being crammed together in the small building and sneak off into a nearby tulip field to fuck as the sun sets over the Netherlands, they do it again later that night
>they're captured in a pre-dawn raid by the Gestapo, but as they're about to loaded onto a truck to be taken to a concentration camp, the Germans are attacked and eventually driven off by a bayonet charge by soldiers Anne initially mistakes for being German as well because of their gray uniforms, but realizes her error when they start speaking an unusual accent of English, which she had some limited knowledge of
>to show her gratitude Anne kisses the cheek of a color sergeant who is carrying a strange flag she's never seen before (not being familiar with American history and all), Peter feels a pang of jealousy for a moment. However the stern but most gentleman-like NCO defuses the situation by rejecting her perceived advances and getting her to redirect her affection toward Peter.
Have her and Peter playfully argue over blatantly stereotypical Jewish baby names.
They say /k/ is a magical place, but I think Veeky Forums is catching up
As in the rapper?
It would be extremely painful...
As in the ink
Writing starts tomorrow, boys.
Also, cowgirl position is best position
What the Hell are you trying to do here? Operation Market Garden x Battle of Antietam?
It's a shame Ra's al Ghul didn't say any of these lines or else it would be 6,000,000x funnier
>Finno-Korean Hyper War
>Anne Frank fetish
>Literal communists arguing with literal fascists in almost every other thread
>The best meme threads on the whole website
>Can have genuinely good conversation at times, which is a rarity these days
For a young board, we've approached meme status rather rapidly
I still have work to do, wait until I'm done.
You could say that. The Market Garden and Antietam campaigns actually have a lot of similarities, most notably they occurred on the same day September 17th. I've been to both Antietam and Arnhem and I have to say they're both very beautiful places.
Go ahead and take your time.
Could more final plot points you could elaborate on if you have a flair for drama
>when Anne discovered she was pregnant, her and Peter's parents, enraged and blaming the other for what happened, nearly came to blows and were only stopped by the fact they would most certainly draw attention.
>Anne's father spent what little resources he still had arranging for her to smuggled out, demanding that Peter accompany her to force him to take responsibility and protect his daughter if necessary
>Anne is emotionally wracked by nervousness and fear. Fear for her parents, her sister, Peter, their unborn child, and for herself. Fear of the Germans, being captured, dying in childbirth, of being socially ostracized. But that the lovemaking not only drives those thoughts from her mind, but gives a sense of hope that they (her, Peter, the baby) will survive this war.
>that the fearful couple's survival rests on the bold and the fearless (the whole "people sleep peaceably at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" thing).
this has to stop
Are we talking about a legitimate rape or a non-legitimate one?
>it's charles ii of spain
this got weird quick
>Todd Akin
I haven't thought about him since /pol/ was a Ron Paul board. Completely forgot he existed.
>implying /pol/ ever stopped being Ron Paul's board
This sounds like it'll be interesting
Have a bump
Loved one had a small medical squabble so I've been busier than I thought, but it's cummin
Please tell me you'll be incorporating at least some of our ideas into it.
How your loved one gets well
Just a little fungal infection on the skin, she's taking pretty well to the prescription so nothing to fear.
As much as I can while keeping it sexy. I'll probably include a page guide for people who don't care about details and just want to bust a nut, but I love this shit so it's definitely going in!
If it's too long for Veeky Forums, you can always upload it to fanfic.net or pastebin and just post the link.
>implying /pol/ ever stopped being Ron Paul's board
Its full of spooked statist cucks now
Holy shit this thread's gone to a weird place.
Since we're going with the Battle of Antietam theme, here's an idea. Anne sees a group of dashing young men wearing pic related uniforms (I'll leave it up to you how to describe them) and is so awestruck by their beautifully made coats, she immediately has her head filled with fantasies of Peter wearing one. As the soldiers approach, she notices their flag's peculiar choice of stars (link related, their actual flag that was captured at Antietam army.mil
This Anne Frank shit is getting out of hand.
>Japanese girl slowly seducing a Jesuit over the course of a month
Link plz, I need it for research.
It hasn't gone far enough desu. Not until we get Veeky Forums a page on Know Your Meme or at the very least a full length online graphic novel detailing a pregnant Anne Frank's intensely sexual escapades.
Alt-Right is merely the next stage in the Libertarian's political evolution once he realizes there are those who will never be satisfied with concessions and will always seek to undermine the social order and that they must be suppressed by force.
Then he'd be Don't Oskar Schindler
>mods won't delete this thread
the state of Veeky Forums
>Alt-Right is merely the next stage in the angy white virgin's political evolution once he starts believing that if he can't get sex, no one should
Fixed for you.
They probably waiting to see if this nigga gonna deliver
I know you're reading this
Wasn't Schindler actually arrested by the SS at one point for something similar?
>Hoppe writes that towns and villages could have warning signs saying "no beggars, bums, or homeless, but also no homosexuals, drug users, Jews, Moslems, Germans, or Zulus".
>Hoppe's mentor was Murray Rothbard (a Jew)
>Hoppe is German himself
What is up with this guy?
He believes in the freedom of smaller networks of people over the imposition of a universal tolerance by a murderous state.
>My lack of a face when 3rd shit worlders don't understand the concept of individual preference and congregation
I look forward to reading this.
>page guide
Properly fleshed out fanfiction that isn't just glorified greentexts is hard to come by. This'll be interesting.
keep going cunt, issue 3 is taking too long to arrive
Find me an artist to draw the first two issues and we'll talk
Hope all's going well user.
Oh yeah and foot injuries suck, I'm currently dealing with what I think is a case of black heel I got from wearing a shitty set of boots. Either that or it's a tumor.
>tfw we haven't heard from writefag in four days.
plz no disappear.
Came here to post this
I'm not dead yet
Good to hear. How's it coming along?
A bump for the writefag