Tell me about Varangian Guard Veeky Forums.
Tell me about Varangian Guard Veeky Forums
A good chunk of them in the 11th century came from Anglo-Saxon refugees hearing about a land offer from the Roman Empire. Once the Normans successfully campaigned in England, some landed nobility and their serfs lost their land to the invaders' nobility. Byzantine emperors offered coastline territory in Bulgaria. Serve the emperor's guard and your family may lead a peaceful life underneath local laws.
The guard pulled from all foreign men however. Germanic northmen made a good impression, so the guard just stayed that way over time. Kievan Rus, Saxons, Jutes, and many others answered the call to Constantinople
the varangian guard is an overrated company of admittedly jovial and well paid scandinavian infantry under the emperor's immediate payroll
nothing they did could not have been done by a native byzantine regiment, save for the varangian's apolitical nature and lack of interest in domestic byzantine affairs.
They were from Varangia and guarded stuff
>Uses "overrated" as historical criticism
>Is an autistic, virgin moefag
So glad nobody alive takes you ""people"" seriously.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, virgin.
>nothing they did could not have been done by a native byzantine regiment, save for the varangian's apolitical nature and lack of interest in domestic byzantine affairs
You act as if that is some trivial feature. It's incredible important in the maelstrom of ERE backstabbing and disloyalty.
Don't underestimate thier implacable loyalty either. Didn't the entire group deployed at Manizkert fall on the field? Most Greeks, Bulgarians, and Armenians would and did surrender in such circumstances.
someone's projecting pretty hard
>"N-no, U-U!!!"
Weak, as expected from a virgin, moefag autist.
They fought to the last man in both Manzikert and 1453, I doubt any other regiment would have those kind of balls of steel and loyalty.
not with the no hope animu fuckers but maybe he has a point
Scandis, Anglo-Saxons and Rus were all big fellows. As in size.
Looking big made the Emperors guard powerful, no matter if they actually had skill in fighting and war tactics
>maybe he has a point
>Goes on to say unrelated shit to the """point""" the moefag """had"""
>Meme arrows
>make a good comment
Overrated as in they did shit all but look big and scary in front of the people and the Emperors domestic enemies
Considering that they were the varangian guard and not the varangian assault force, that would be enough.
There was a big controversy over the Varangians with soviet era slavocentric revisionists claiming they wuz a slavic tribe because they don't want the origin story of Russia to be Scandinavian. There were many threads on early Veeky Forums where a slav and a germ always did battle over the subject with the germ claiming all slavs are genetically Germanic or something like that.
Aren't all the whitish looking Russians pretty much the result of Scandi colonisation of West Russia via the rivers? + a couple of wandering German tribes
Or do i have the wrong idea
>whitish looking Russians
The Russians that matter are all white unless you mean all those throat singing chinks they conquered beyond the Urals, and allowing for a small bit of that eskimo-mongol blood present in them and the Finns and Balts
I mean the whitish looking Russians that have mixed with the Mongols, Huns and whatever the fuck else raided past the Urals.
Or do you think Russians aren't a mix of that eh?
I don't buy into the memes that the mongols had a significant impact on the Russian and binland gene pools no, nice gun porn though.
Sarmatians, Huns, Mongols and such all raided and settled in that area.
You are saying none of them ever fucked with the blonde cuties or the blue eyed hunks?
not mongols but finno-ugrics and tatars. russians are not very asiatic though (10% or 15% or maybe 25% depending on some places)
I'm saying there's never been enough rape for it to impact the gene pools of entire peoples, even the Egyptians have 80% of the same genes as their ancestors going back to the first kingdoms IIRC and they were conquered to fuck by everyone.
dont make fun of ol simo like that
he's a nice boy
Somehow I don't buy it. Egypt maybe because the major population centre's are around a single river already populated and with cultural based around that
Russia, so vast that It is, maybe not around the coast, but with plenty of rivers, valleys and plains I don't see why It isn't just a complete admixture of nomadic tribes and colonising Europeans. I don't think this is the right place to debate what white people are tho
Because mass rape like that is a complete meme historically speaking from what I've seen and DNA tests and whatnot corroborate that I believe. It's always happend sporadically, only a few times has rape been used institutionally by an army or something though like with le Liberators in WWII.
suck my cock
hey wow apologize to him?
The Varangians were Scandinavian warriors which after their formation in 867 made their way to the court of Miklagard, serving as bodyguards and mercenaries to the emperor. They were noted for bringing the ideas of loyalty and strength to the othwerwise treacherous and emasculated Greeks, leading to a great upheaval in Byzantine culture. Revived with Scandinavian genius, the Greek civilization was transformed into a foe to be reckoned with, exemplified by the conquests of Justinian and the campaigns of Harald HardrĂ¥da. Without them, Bysantium might not have survived past the year 1000.
>apolitical nature and lack of interest in domestic byzantine affairs
That alone actually sounds incredibly beneficial.
Kys autistic virgin moefag.
I wish this board had flags to out all the Turkish scum. I guarantee most posts praising Turkroaches would have firstly German flags and then Roach ones.
>Without them, Bysantium might not have survived past the year 1000.
this is kind of reaching, to say that the byzantine millitary revival was solely the work of a few thousand scandinavian infantry.
especially when we know that the militarization of byzantine society and its subsequent success fighting the arabs and bulgarians started happened before the varangian guard even existed.
There really should be a movie about this.
>Don't underestimate thier implacable loyalty either
They were loyal to the office of emperor, not to the emperor himself, so if the current emperor was assassinated they would just shrug, go all "ooops, my bad" and swear loyalty to the new guy in charge, who still had the bloody dagger in his hand.
Huh. They're like the opposite of the Praetorian guard.
Who were the 'Cretans' at this point in time?
Stop posting, autistic moefag. Virgin.
you cannot refute my points and yet you resort to juvenile insults to shore up your own insecurities
you're pathetic
>"N-no, u-ur the v-v-v-virgin m-m-moefag!!"
Typical autistic virgin moefags. Cry more for attention you little historically illiterate pussy, no one gives a fuck about your opinion and that's fantastic.
bjort-bjorts who like tzatziki sauce.
The people who lived in Crete, duh
Tell me about Lictors, Veeky Forums
did they actually fight with the axes?
suck my cock
>Exposed as b8ing, autistic, virgin moefag
Lmao, cry more.
That Cretan has some pretty cool-looking armor, imo.
>8000 turks, scandies, and anglo-saxons get cut down by overwhelming numbers while the franks, english and normans run away or surrender
worst allies