Why is Joan of Arc being lumped in with confederate generals for statue removal? Did she ever actually say/do anything racist? Or is this some weird Afrocentrist thing claiming England was black, thus the Hundred Years War was racist?
Joan of Arc, racist?
because shes white. New Orleans is shit and a while ago some dindu actually wanted to erase all fleur di lis from the city, even though they are EVERYWHERE, because they are racist to.
New Orleans is filled with poor stupid black people and hipster immigrants from seattle
They probably think she fought Muslims
They should have just gassed the south, black and white, after the Civil War. These half measures obviously weren't enough
Jean d'Arc is cute, CUTE!
I'd say it's down to stupidity and thinking every vaguely military statue is to do with the Confederacy, than any actual ideology.
>the graffiti was in English
the eternal anglo strikes again
If it was in France, I'd just assume it'd have to do with the FN's fondness of her. Jean-Marie Le Pen even went as far as yelling "JEANNE ! AU SECOURS !" which'd rougly translate to "Joan, help us!".
But in what I'm assuming is New-Orleans/Louisiana? I dunno, contempt for a nation with a colonising history, dislike of the Frenchies, (insert reason I forgot to mention).
Either that or they're retards, which might seem a bit more likely.
>Did she ever actually say/do anything racist?
Not to my knowledge. There are good chances she didn't even know that blacks existed.
Probably this
how even?
Nah they just went full retard on the left due to Charlotteville and want to remove all statues of white people from the US.
This should be on /pol/ anyway.
She took a cannon ball to the head at one point and kept fighting so I doubt she was that """cute"""
The article is from May
Okay since Trump's America became a thing on the left.
New Orleans had its own bullshit over the robert e lee statue a few months ago. The groups also wanted to remove Joan of Arc and Andrew Jackson.
They arent going to stop until every single white person statue is torn down and we only have rosa parks and martin luther king statues. Either way, this is /pol/ fodder
Lolwut? She was hit in the leg by an arrow.
> Either way, this is /pol/ fodder
They won't be wrong this time, this shit is literally ISIS tier.
What even is that?
How did the British treat her after capturing her? I really hope they didn't rape her.
Bruh. Nothing is below anglos
In the records at least its said that she died a virgin. The defence that she gave for refusing to wear girls clothing was that she feared her captors raping her so who knows
Its just americans being historical and cultural illiterates, as always
Considering that OP at least bothered to ask something about an historical figure, I'll say it's way less /pol/ than several other threads.
Anyone who have the full picture of this painting (without the fucking edit), Its so beautiful
I want the full painting with the smile edit.
Because Joan of Arc is now a symbol for the French far-right.
Daily reminder that Marie Le Pen's father loved Joan of Arc.
>Why is Joan of Arc being lumped in with confederate generals for statue removal?
>Did she ever actually say/do anything racist?
Shes white. All white people are racist. You are not allowed to say otherwise.
surf crashing over a small rock
idk is this it?
Joan of Arc was a rebel!
Yes tyty
/pol/ needs to get off Veeky Forums.
You faggots are shitting up this board, we don't care about you trying to "subtly" redpill us on DA JOOS.
she looks like a jewess tbqh
man i hate it when they use painted knit cloth to stand in for mail.
It's called being white and not a snownigger.