Besides being shiny, what did gold have going for it that made many different races and peoples assign it value?
Especially before industrial applications.
Besides being shiny, what did gold have going for it that made many different races and peoples assign it value?
Rarity of course
It doesn't tarnish unlike iron.
Goddamn I hate Indians so much
It's one of the solid chemical elements that are the least reactive to others, while being the most malleable of metals.
It's not perishable. Your material possessions can be destroyed, but not your gold: you'd still have the same quantity
DonĀ“t worry, he died.
You jelly?
It's not as laughably easy to forge gold coins like the clay tokens and tablets they were using as currency before.
btw this is isn't /pol/ considering hating Indians is part of Veeky Forums culture /g/ and Veeky Forums mainly
Wrong. Hating Indians is nu-user culture. Golden age Veeky Forums is completely pro-Indian.
It wasn't good for much else. You can't make armor or weapons out of it. It's easy to melt down into coins, and it's limited in quantity. It's perfect for use as a valuable currency. It's only recently that we found out it's a good conductor.
Why not just use boolet as ammo? Is ingenious idea, comrade! If ever capitalist inflation is of issue, then just shooting of bullets out of gun! is simple as that.
Low reactivity meant it lasted longer than any alternative.
Is there a name for that mask Russian soldiers wear? I always see it in stuff like battlefield.
There are a bunch of different helmets that have those visors, but the only one who's name I know is called an altyn helmet.
And yes, the visor is bulletproof:
Gold is rare
Gold is ridiculously pretty. You can polish it until it's practically orange and blazes like the sun.
Gold is soft and easily formed into jewelry and coinage
Gold doesn't corrode
Gold has unique chemical properties that make it hard to fake.
>malleable and can therefore be made into whatever
>doesn't corrode over time like iron or copper
So basically, it's permanent in the sense that it doesn't rust or tarnish over time, it's scarce enough that it makes sense to use as a currency, and it's easy to work with to make jewelry, coins or whatever.
> silver is rarer than gold
> platinum is rarer still
> gold is still propped up as THE precious metal
is this similar how deBeers hides tons of caches of diamonds to artificially increase it's rarity and not to turn into complete meme?
>he died
How? When?
Nevermind Damn this makes me sad for some reason.
Great conductor.
If you mean the helmet on the left, it's an Altyn I believe
How about diamonds. What use do they have besides jewelry?
Genuinely asking
There are a lot of diamond cutting and grinding tools, owing to diamonds being extremely hard. In fact, that's what most of the diamonds mined around the world are used for.
Yes, but we can make synthetic diamonds too, that are even better; diamonds are valuable because DeBeers keeps the supply scarce to inflate their prices. The diamond producers marketing is also very good at duping westerners into believing in bullshit like engagement rings with diamonds that have to cost a bare minimum of 3 wages, kek