what would a Veeky Forums meetup look like?
What would a Veeky Forums meetup look like?
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People running around like Naruto, idk... i picture all you 4channers as fuckin nerds
Haven't you saw any Veeky Forums meetup before?
>& humanities
probably like charlottesville
> /pol/ and /leftypol/ beating each other.
> Veeky Forumstorians are the police, dispassionately watching them and checking out their cool armor
Not like that.
Their legs look like that of a poorly glued together mini-figure
This is painfully accurate. Right down to the fucking shields
A bunch of autists who would constantly go "AKSCHUALLY" with Osprey publishes ready in-hand.
So a fascist and a communist walk into a bar... and everyone else at the Veeky Forums meet up places bets on who wins in the inevitable fist fight
$20 on Hans t b h
This guy's got it.
I'd be happy for a LONDON meetup. We can all turn up at Wetherspoons dressed in togas and fake beards and maybe have a philosophy football match.
a bunch of sophisticated gentlemen jerking off to nude sculptures in a museum
I call dibs on the rape of Proserpina
We would dress up and look like this.
...like a bunch of fedoras?
Fedoras are forever ruined by this generation so, no.
like this
I don't understand how the fedora meme became so popular. In my whole life I've only ever met a single person who even comes close to matching that description, and he only half-matches it.
Like a concentration camp with a couple of Görings visiting
Like this.
What board was this?
>I don't understand how the fedora meme became so popular
Remember the "Swag is for boys, class is for men", "Born in the wrong generation" or "Girls like douchebags, not good guys" memes? People who posted these memes started to also post how they look.
Also redditors started to connect it with r/atheism and it got popular even more.
W-where's Nick?
A guy I knew wore fedoras while making movie reviews on YouTube,
Those mustaches need to make a comeback
...and pretty much any other scene from this episode.
Please no. Leave corpses to rest in their graves respectfully.
A bunch of neckbeard that talks non-stop about WW2, Hitler and Constantinople (in no particular order) while spouting memes and other crap they heard in a documentary.
On a corner, a handful of peoples that actually studied history at their university would hang out by themselves.
Replace videogames for "history" and the two soon-to-be rapists for >&Humanities
user he...
>That smug autist from community college who thinks he's a historian because he played strategy games
>/pol/fags in fedoras and capes
>A few schizophrenics
Probably in Russia bullying the Duma
It was taken in 1910 so he and his family weren't murdered by bloodthirsty communists yet
Whatever the average person with a pregnant Anne Frank fetish looks like.
It's funny because fedoras originally just referred to wimpy reddit numales who white knight
Calling out white knights was only one of the stages. If you want to make educated remarks, you need to go deeper than just knowyourmeme.com, newfriend.
/b/ I think
>HAAAIIL!!!! Thrand here
Fuck dude, that was awful/amazing
Without the curls are the end, and that retarded hairstyle, that would look pretty good.
>one guy from /pol/ would shows up
>tries to start a chant of WE
>get's the absolute shit beaten out of him to the chant of HOLY
>Then we all compare maps and historical outfits
In 20 years they will be all fat and balding ..typical American stereotypes .gay..stupid ...American .have mommoney and Gon the fuck a year
>implying Veeky Forums doesn't love the WE meme
I think the /jp/ meetup actually had some qts in it
I can just imagine it
>everyone is about to meetup
>a small minority in nazi attire says, "WE"
>all the Veeky Forumstorians look at them
>Veeky Forumstorians are clad in chainmail and platebody armed with zweihanders, broadswords, or maces
>/pol/acks shit their pants
>a loud boom of "HOLY!" reaches their ears as all of the Veeky Forums meetup starts advancing upon them
>some scared /pol/acks try to get out their mint edition luger pistols
>they can't even load the thing lmao
>they scramble and leave
>upon witnessing the defeat of the /pol/acks, /leftypol/ who arrives later, also shits their pants and leaves automatically right after
I love the WE meme
t. wrote this with one hand in crotch area
10/10 hurl
oh I do too
/pol/ just thinks it's an actual argument
>what would a Veeky Forums meetup look like?
Sorry if I hurt your feelings, user.
Filled with slightly dysfunctional social outcasts.
Imagine the face of the most average looking person imaginable.
I wouldn't be seen dead in a toga outside of a theme party
>theme party
Isn't that exactly what it'd be?
Bugs the bunny
it was Veeky Forums
I was in that thread
Would be the best time of my life
>what would a Veeky Forums meetup look like?
pic related is how I genuinely imagine Veeky Forums before entering.
> literally the scum of the earth
Pic related
>Wrote this with one hand in crotch area
why else would you go to History & Humanities
A girl would show up and the get together would end within a couple of her hours with several attendees arrested on suspicion of rape or voyeur video recording in the bathroom.
This looks fake as fuck honestly. Look at everyone else, milling about and pushing, like extras in a big battle scene in a movie. And then one dude, all dressed up, clear of the crowd whacks a guy over the head perfectly with a piece of balsa wood, and the guy flails back comically and disappears into the crowd.
I'm not saying it is fake, but it looks like a battle scene from a half assed medieval war movie.
That's the whole point. It's an extreme exaggeration that has mostly just become an insult.
something like this
In any given street rumble, of the 20 people on both sides, only 10 will commit some form of hostility like missile hurling, while around 7-5 cunts will actually beat someone up.
Your average shitty middle class American rallyist isn't a trained medieval soldier.
what a jew
Based Russians.
I've always imagined everyone here as older and slightly better dressed than most of the other boards so like thirty to fourty yr. old amateur historians.
So some random black people in a nightclub?
Congress of Vienna
Anyone got his identity yet?
What do you mean? Most of us already know who he is.
Like the Spanish Civil War.
>dumb kids ruining their lives for ideologies that the majority of people have no interest in whatsoever.
kill yore self
Yeah, that really gets me. Instead of improving their lives or doing something productive they choose to LARP and pretend to be revolutionaries and go fight each other. I blame poor parenting.
Nice throw
Im not sure what planet you live on. Everyone who wears Fedoras (or trilbies rather) are wither over the age of 60 or obvious autists
the accuracy of the meme is stunning honestly
every time I see this shit I masturbate.
>This looks fake as fuck honestly.
it is.
*either over the age of 60
let me steal that qt on the left (not the ham beast)
They all look how you'd expect them to. Funny.
that's just sad man
damn I can't stop thinking about impregnating anne frank
its all I think about all the time
We all do. Now if only that /d/rawfag could help us visualize those thoughts (with generous compensation of course), it would be so much better.
Some sort of gladiator battle, I like
Slightly overweight college or grad students who are all a little quiet and awkward but not that autistic
holy shit what a throw
the sides should be switched, why would unironic /pol/ be the union