How are Gypsies seen in National Socialism? Did any fight for the Axis? Please give me an answer that's not a Jewish lie!
How are Gypsies seen in National Socialism? Did any fight for the Axis...
Everyone hates gypsies, including national socialists.
Only good thing Hitler did was trying to get rid off the Gypsies
The Roma were considered subhuman and were right under the Jews in terms of proscription to the concentration camps. However, most continental governments of the time had an unfavorable view of the so-called 'gypsies' and often killed or oppressed them wherever possible.
i will never understand american's romanticization with roma people
I guarantee all that jewelry was stolen
If by National socialism you mean Nazism, then they were seen as vermin to be exterminated or used for punitive operations (see 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS).
Notice how OP's pic is a white girl. Americans probably believe that gypsies are just nomadic white people lmao
Americans don't have to actually deal with them and are only exposed to heavily romanticized portrayals. See the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
There actually are gypsies in Murrica but they behave closer to Italian-Americans than euro-gypsies. They still have the cancerous culture and run scrap metal business. They've got no idea how things actually are with totally all natural gypsies in Europe.
Nazis considered them twice as bad as Jews as 1/8 Jews were legally Aryan but for Gypsy blood it had to be 1/16 or less
Same way they are seen by everyone meaning scum of the earth and should be exterminated. National socialism is just more efficient than other systems and actually had a decent go at getting rid of them.
It's no different than the way Euros view the American Negro. They don't have to live with them and see romanticized portrayals of their "culture" and draw their conclusions from there as opposed to actual experiences from living among them.
They were romantised long before. Ever heard the term "Bohemian lifestyle"?
>Americans don't have to actually deal with them
There are about 1 million Roma living in the United States, but they are mostly assimilated so most people (including you, apparently) don't realize it.
No, American gyps are like a combination of guido jersey trash/white trash/ and wiggers.
>assimilated gypsies
Epoxid bait
These aren't real Gypsies, they all look like white people. Probably Irish pikeys.
IIRC, British Gypsies are like 80% British genetically.
Holy shit the hunchback of Notre Dame wasn't written by an american you stupid piece of shit
Our what
I didn't know Americans did that.
Gypsies were the primary victims of the Holocaust, if you go by the people whose numbers were most reduced by systematic, bureaucratic violence. There were just fewer of them to start out than Jews, and more of them lived outside places ruled by Nazis.
The lifestyle of exiles from Bohemia who lived in Paris and affected poverty to gain sympathy because of their exile status?
>How are Gypsies seen in *write anything*
As a plague.
They were heavily targeted by the nazis, nothing surpising.
>Please give me an answer that's not a Jewish lie!
What would you consider a "Jewish lie"?
Stormfags like to throw this out whenever confronted with something they cannot argue.
He's saying Americans were exposed to the portrayal of Esmeralda in the book/film, not that an American wrote it, retard.
The portrayal of esmeralda is a french one, who thus can clearly see gyps as romanticized. therefor americans arent more exposed to romantic gyps theyre just inbred
So assimilated you pedantic fucked.
There are a lot of Romanians in my American town. Most have sandy hair with chiseled features and look vaguely Slavic. Some are much darker and look Indian. What's going on, Veeky Forums?
The darker ones are romani, probably trying to larp as romanians. Real romanians look kinda like Iberians or north Italians with slight slavic features as you say
We don't.
"Gypped" here means you got ripped off or scammed. Beyond that one phrase nobody gives two shits about gypsies.
Romanians are from the country of Romania.
Gypsies (also known as Romani) have nothing to do with Romania aside from living there in large numbers, but they are present across Europe.
I love gypsies
>Americans probably believe that gypsies are just nomadic white people lmao
But they are
through a tiny 10x10 window before you release the cyanide
Pic related are actual gypsies.
are you serious cleetus?
Gypsys are the dirtiest, brownest, most digusting shits you could see in europe.
>average Esmeralda after she turns 25
Iberian here, the romanians I've met look nothing like us. Gypsies look... weird, weirder than our own gypsies and the actual romanians look like russians, blonde with light eyes and all. At least the ones I've met.
They literally come from India
Good thing that Veeky Forums is not being treated as /pol/ with dates, right mods?
So many gypsy """women""" actually have facial hair
there isn't anything like that here. "Gypsy" is slang for someone who wanders all over the place and "gypped" is slang for being scammed or ripped off. Other than that, I've never heard anyone really mention gypsies at all. We simply don't have them here so no one gives a shit about them. It would be like asking Europeans what they think of Native Americans. They most likely don't give a shit.
Hating gypsies is not a /pol/ conduct, it's common sense.
t. secular big gubmint civic nationalist
Gypsies are actually indian emigrants (middle ages). They settled the Balkans through the ottoman conquest, because they usually attached themselves to ottoman campaigning armies, acting like auxiliaries/ working hands. They worked metals, especially adept at working copper and tin, so they made hooves, dishes, jugs and all kinds of shit for the needs of the ottomans army. Many "settled" the conquered lands, but still kept being nomadic, or living as pariahs on the outskirts of towns, being seen as impure. Usually they were employed as executioners, because white people saw this job as very morally damning (in Transylvania at least) so they used gyppos. They formed real dynasties of executioners spanning hundreds of years, and this is possibly one of the roots of the deep seeded hatred towards their kind. Also, they don't assimilate in the general population, they are dirty as hell, they look like brown disgusting people, they thrive on begging aggressively, stealing anything that's not bolted down; they're liars, cheaters, hustlers and generally have barbaric customs like child marriage, honor killings and a pack mentality. It's a well known fact you never fight a gypsy, you always have to fight the "satra" which means the whole nomadic congregation. This is also their primary social structure, the extended pack. People hate them al over europe for these traits. They were also hated even in fucking India (imagine that) because they were the lowest of the castes, the "untouchables", as in untouchables because they were fucking repugnant, not because they were so badass. Sadly, they are also mistaken for my own kind, but we here hate their guts too and pic related tried exterminating them during WW2.
t. Romanian
Must be her 13th baby then.
Because their women are qt. They are pretty much tanned nomadic europeans.
>their domen are qt
No most of them aren't
this has to be a joke; here's your average young gypsy woman, traditional dress and all
Travellers aren't really Roma gypsies, they're just called the same word bcuz nomads.
I'm German, and not exactly proud of what happend during the war. But if there is a people/culture/race that actually deserved to be gassed, it was the fucking Zigeuner. They don't integrate, they think it's ok to cheat/steal from everyone, that doesn't belong to their tribe. Essentially they are the antithesis to both liberalism (they won't mix/mingle with, or even treat outsiders fairly) and nazis/fascists/whatever you call yourself on the right (for the same reasons, and because they are seen as genetically inferior, they do inbreed a lot).
Next time I'm in that part of town, I'll post some pics of their trailer park, and maybe compare it to the social housing programmes a block a way (the difference is staggering)
No no no. This is your stupid romantic notion. Gypsies are disgusting you stupid american.
I don't mind them. They mostly keep to themselves and have been here for ages. Those that manage to get out of gypsy communty (which is closed and exclusive as fuck) usually get some kind of education and become low-to-mid skilled workers. They're usually good, hardworking people because they have a strong work ethic and determination.
The gypsy community itself is the main problem. It holds to some really retarded, backward values. Basically they believe all non-gypsies (they call them gadjo) are spiritually and physically impure and thus must be avoided at all cost. Some gypsy communities interpret this as an all-out chauvinism againt gadje, claiming it's okay to cheat and steal from gadje whenever possible.
Gypsies are literally jews without money, Both are rootless, self segregated ethnic/religious groups.
Jews are not nomadic, they even build large synagogues and their own cemeteries.
And there are other massive ethnic and cultural differences. Gypsy culture is based about stealing and tricking, Jewish is about education. Jews have religion, Gypsies don't.
Are gypsies basically the European version of hillbillies and trailer trash in the US?
No, not at all similar.
>Jews are not nomadic
>what is a diaspora
Also, both are (were in the jews's case) a floating nation, and have great disregard about intermarriages with people from other cultures, maintaining a sense of cultural self segregation (they vs us) in every country they pass.
>It would be like asking Europeans what they think of Native Americans
I think you'll find we feel empathy for them. They've been displaced and genocided by a bunch of greedy fat cunts who only want the easy life and have no morals.
>t. salty mixed "native"
I bet you believe in the noble savage bullshit too
The only hot gypsy chicks are the ones who have Slovene or Serb blood in them. And even then only somewhere up to their twenties, an attractive gypsie over 30 is literally a miracle.
Jews live in houses they own, go to synagogues they built and die in cemeteries with their kind, they are settled population. Gypsy culture on the other hand is inherently nomadic.
>maintaining a sense of cultural self segregation (they vs us) in every country they pass.
Not really comparable, Jews integrated much better. And the (they vs us) mentality started to disapear soon after they were granted equal rights
No. I'm European. Sorry I brought up the truth, sharter.
When I say both are roothless I not only mean about location but political alligance and cultural integration.
>Jews integrated much better.
Because their implication with banking services and trade. and this is also the main reason of their persecution plus the religious persecution to force conversion.
What a surprise, I'm from south america, also your "truth" seems biased, what are your reasons to support that argument?
They seemed pretty rooted in the Pale.
fucking why, i bet you live anywhere but Europe and never had to experience those fuckers
I'll never understand the Euro's obsession with irrelevant pissant minorites. Is it all really just "waahhh I got pickpocketed once"? Niggahs need to hit up Harlem.
how did the jews get to Europe? I'm looking at the map here and am quite baffled that were Jews in England in 1200. Any mediterranean country i understand but when did they get to Eastern, Nothern and Western Europe?
I'd rather live in Harlem then any fucking gyppo slum, take a look at this video.
>Nazis considered them twice as bad as Jews as 1/8 Jews were legally Aryan but for Gypsy blood it had to be 1/16 or less
No, what the fuck. That's just rural people. Gypsies are the niggers.
NO, gypsies are a people that are nomadic and are originally from northern India. They're not European in any way
>The gypsy community itself is the main problem. It holds to some really retarded, backward values. Basically they believe all non-gypsies (they call them gadjo) are spiritually and physically impure and thus must be avoided at all cost. Some gypsy communities interpret this as an all-out chauvinism againt gadje, claiming it's okay to cheat and steal from gadje whenever possible.
Met some integrated gypsies(some even with college studies, which they intentionally refused to apply for roma quota seats, because they wanted to prove they can do it on their own).
They are super nice and funny.
>Niggahs need to hit up Harlem.
Bitch, they literally piss off even ghetto blacks.
Here are some stealing a black kid's bike(ironically), then chimping out.
those are limpwrited yuro blacks not our supercharged ameriniggers
Nah, second vid is from some ghettoish looking place in houston.
btw, that's the equivalent of a ghetto, but with gypsies.
>gypsies are nice if they stop being gypsies!
Generally, yes.
If they actually start being decent members of society, they aren't hated.
But those that actually get rid of their habits are very special exceptions.
Hillbillies and trailer trash stay put for the most part.
Don't even compare kikes with gypsies. Kikes are much, much, better.
I'm pretty sure the Nazis killed more gypsies than jews desu.
>nobody cared then
>nobody cares now
Why cant you assholes stay on your containment board?