Assuming the holocaust really happened, why weren't the streets filled with angry human rights protesters? Everyone was just OK with industrial murder camps? Something doesn't add up...
Assuming the holocaust really happened, why weren't the streets filled with angry human rights protesters...
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Good one
>Everyone was just OK with industrial murder camps?
No one seems to remember it nowdays, but the jews seriously had it coming
They had fucked over goys so much in the past decades than no one felt sad for them
The Nazis operated in extreme secrecy. They used as few personnel as possible to actually man the death camps. They told the victims lies when they were being rounded up and put on trains - such as, for example, that they were being sent to labor camps in the Ukraine. And most of the death camps were outside of Germany, in relatively remote rural areas.
During the early part of the war, the Nazis had attempted to carry out an operation of killing mentally ill Germans (later called "Aktion T4"). This provoked a public backlash and helped teach the Nazis that they would need to use more secrecy with such things in the future.
I'm sure that many people highly suspected and/or knew what was going on, but the Nazis maintained at least a certain level of plausible deniability, and given that they had set up a police state, it would have been dangerous to ask too many questions.
it didnt happen though
>why weren't the streets filled with angry human rights protesters?
Because people that protest on streets get straight to camp. Such is life in a totalitarian dictatorship.
What begs the question even more so is the fact that there are no other events in history where questioning the authenticity of the official story is illegal.
>there are no other events in history where questioning the authenticity of the official story is illegal.
Are you just incredibly stupid, or are you a lying stormshit?
>"Vladimir Lenin died because he was too smart and thought too much for his brain to handle."
That doesn't sound right. Could he have been sick?
>"lol straight to gulag with you"
You'll find there's a clear difference between actual legitimate investigation of the Holocaust and "Hitler dindu nuffin, he a gud boi"
Please, do name another event where questioning the official story is illegal.
Or were you under the impression that what user said about holocaust denial being illegal was wrong?
>people get sent to kz for painting slogans
>people get sentenced to death for handing out leaflets
>everbody is sent to camps for the slightest hint of opposition
>you get to camp if you listen the wrong radio stations
>the blockwart has an eye on you all the time
So yeah, why did people not protest and fairy dance in the streets OP?
Upsetting your feelings does not make an event untrue does it?
>Please, do name another event where questioning the official story is illegal.
>Recognition of Armenian genocide by 2001 law in France and in political documents, usually in parliamentary resolutions
>Bans on symbols and imagery propagating Stalinism and Communism, public spaces and street names' changes, and removal of monuments. The legislation was discussed for example in Poland, Estonia, Bulgaria, and Ukraine.
>Fundamental law that implies the narrative of occupation of Estonia by the Soviet Union instead of narrative of voluntary incorporation of the Estonian Republic.
>Prohibitions on the denial of Soviet repression.
>1998 laws against the denial of Soviet-era atrocities. (Poland)
>2006 law against denying the Holodomor. (Ukraine)
And of course, that's not even going into what real totalitarian regimes do, like if you went to China and said that Tibet was an independent nation until relatively recently.
I dislike those laws, but their existence doesn't mean that the Holocaust is fake.
The Nazis never had much compunction about killing people and followed an explicitly eliminationist ideology. They themselves never made it a secret that they were willing to use deadly means on a mass scale. Do you think that the Night of the Long Knives never happened? Or that Aktion T4 is fake? Or that Soviet POWs weren't allowed to starve to death in huge numbers?
>Reddit spacing.
Doesn't discredit what he posted.
Human rights wasn't a movement until after WW2
>Human Rights.
You're vastly overestimating the capacity of G*rmans to feel sympathy or compassion.
Who gives a shit? Ten fold that number died under Soviet Russia
>guys, why did people not demonstrate under Nazi totalitarian dictatorship where any and all political opposition would result in long prison or death sentences?
Like seriously?
>I dislike those laws, but their existence doesn't mean that the Holocaust is fake.
This. But I believe that these silly holohoax laws are actually the best arguments for denial in the first place. Why the fuck is it illegal?
Same reason seig heiling and nazi imagery is banned. Being a Nazi is illegal.
It's almost like the people who would protest such a thing, were put in camps or were executed themselves.
But being a commie isn't.
Your point being
Apartment from the Holodomor, Armenian Genocide, Rwandan Genocide...
soviet flag as well as hammer & sickle are outlawed here as a "hate symbol".
Nazis and Commies are both the trash of society, decent people despise them both.
Commies were cruel and incompetent but commie ideology doesn't actually advocate ethnic cleansing and enslaving the human race like Nazism does.
to be fair it does accept it as a side effect, as some "classes" of humans have to perish in their ideology. Hence the millions of people persecuted and killed by commies.
Communism and Fascism are both equally shit ideologies, and both ended of the dust heap of history for exactly that reason.
Yeah commies are absolute trash just like Nazis, but I do think that the matter of deliberate violent ideology has some significance. The biggest reason however is simply that Nazis lost the most catastrophic war in history and whacked the entire world out of balance in the process so they get the brunt of the vilification.
You are just trying to explain why one flavor of shit appeals much more to your taste buds than another flavor of shit.
Face it totalitarian ideologies are evil shit, one is not really nicer than the other.
This, they went to great lengths to conceal it. The whole deal of sonderkommandos was to reduce the number of people exposed to the extermination policies. Same thing with inmate self-management, although that was also put in place to ease the manpower requirements.
The average german dindu nuffin
There were Germans in the streets at first, but by the time the war was at its peak, they just went "fuck it". Look up Berlin, they stopped the nazis from killing the Jews there by protesting, so the nazis just left those Jews alone while killing everyone else
Evil happens when good stands idle. Most people wouldn't have supported the Holocaust, but it was relatively secret, and "human rights protestors" were arrested as political criminals.
Many people also disliked Jews, even if short of genocidal wrath, they didn't want to help them either. Some Nazi soldiers killed themselves after finding out the truth.
>something doesn't add up
Fuck off, /pol/
>stormfag is desperate
Nobody denies those except a few communists and Russia for political reasons
> Armenian Genocide
Only a big part of Turkey denies it and not because they do not believe in it, but because they don't want to be jewed by Armenia.
>Rwandan Genocide..
Nobody denies this, as far as I know.
Point is, a big part of the world denies the (((holocaust))), not just a few strormfronters. Even in America, the land of liberalism and jewish rulership, there is a sizeable minority that denies the holohoax.
>Point is, a big part of the world denies the (((holocaust))), not just a few strormfronters.
Oh that's just adorable.
> Even in America, the land of liberalism and jewish rulership, there is a sizeable minority that denies the holohoax.
That's nice, but it was the illegality of discussing the Holocaust that apparently cast doubt on it . Holocaust denial is perfectly legal outside a number of European countries.
>Oh that's just adorable
Maybe it is. Have you left your house in the past 10 years? Africa and the Middle East - everyone denies of any holohoax. Much of Asia doesn't believe in it. EE and WE largely doesn't believe it (except Germany where they lock you in prison if you name the jew), the US, Canada, Mexico - all have sizeable minorities that deny it. I bet you that most of the US South doesn't believe in it.
At the end of the day I'm not sure if the majority of the world even believes in the holohoax, it's just a media narrative that "it happened", so don't even try to question it, goy.
Not really. People just don't believe that the jews were genocided. There are way too many inconsistincies regarding it and even less proof, much less solid.
That's not what started this part of the thread
Denying the devastating effects of communism in Chezchia comes to mind.
>Maybe it is. Have you left your house in the past 10 years?
>frica and the Middle East - everyone denies of any holohoax. Much of Asia doesn't believe in it. EE and WE largely doesn't believe it (except Germany where they lock you in prison if you name the jew), the US, Canada, Mexico - all have sizeable minorities that deny it. I bet you that most of the US South doesn't believe in it.
Please, provide citations for your claims. And remember, we want to weed out the ones who are motivated by anti-semitism, whihc is especially likely to cut into the Middle-East demographic, what with all the tension with Israel.
>At the end of the day I'm not sure if the majority of the world even believes in the holohoax, it's just a media narrative that "it happened", so don't even try to question it, goy.
No, it's more that we have quite a bit of scholarship on it, which by the way, you can question in most of the world, just not Europe where they have funny ideas about freedom of speech.
It is also of course, completely divorced from the initial claim, namely that banning of Holocaust denial fuels the skepticism, and that this is a unique phenomenon, which it of course isn't.
> There are way too many inconsistincies regarding it and even less proof, much less solid.
Start here.
This is legit cognitive dissonance right here.
>protest deportation of Jews to death camps
>get arrested by the Gestapo and sent to a death camp yourself
You really didn't think this through didn't you?
>thinking mass murdering women and children is justifiable under any circumstance
In that case, Bomber Harris was right to incinerate every German city and we should've systematically slaughtered Germany's adult male population after the war as a preventive measure.
1. The Nazis didn't publicize the fact that they were throwing people into camps.
2. If somebody else tried to publicize this fact, then that person was swiftly thrown into a camp.
>muh wimmin n chillun
If the Germans are gonna consider schoolgirls in attics a deadly threat to the Reich's security, then I consider every German military-age male to be a threat to world security and deal with them with accordingly.
Friendly reminder that the Dachau massacre was 100% justified and should've been done at every concentration camp.
What would you suggest to do with the Jewish children? Wait until they are 18 and then kill them? Who would take care of them if their parents are dead?
How 'bout not killing their parents in the name of meth-mongering white Mugabe's delusions of persecution for starters Fritz?
>Don't kill the parents
>Don't kill the kids either
Wow, so difficult.
So we should just let the people that started both world wars walk free?
>The people who started both World Wars
>So we should just let the people that started both world wars walk free?
Quit projecting your own guilt onto the Jews faggot.
Would /pol/ line the streets in protest if each and every member of BLM, Antifa, and Move On dot Org were slaughtered?
Implying camp is something bad. USA and UK had camps with thousands of victims.
/pol/ here,
We would be the ones shooting them.
duur what is the geveva convention
Gee, I dunno, maybe because of the whole war thing.
>mass murderers deserve to be free
Most people didn't know nigger. At best people in nearby villages had suspicions but it was a conspiracy theory at best.
One US general forced people in a neighboring town to bury the bodies as punishment.
The thing with the holocaust is that initially the Germans just wanted to kick the Jews out of Europe into Palestine or Madagaskar. Once that plan went poof with war they started showing them into reservations and ghettos which soon ballooned uncontrollably. There simply were too many Jews to manage particularly in Eastern Europe. It's clearly part of official holocaust dogma that the systematic killing only started in '41-42.
Does this look like a mass murderer to you?
If so, please do the planet a favor, take your favorite German pistol and follow your beloved Fuhrer into the moral abyss by blowing your own brains out.
>le Hitler killed himself meme
Hitler fought to the death against the Soviets, there is no evidence he killed himself l.
Inhabited, would need to kick Arabs first
That would end up like Nazino
>It's clearly part of official holocaust dogma that the systematic killing only started in '41-42
Einsatzgruppen were operating since the Polish campaign. They only got more efficient with the time.
Except the testimony of dozens of survivors of the Fuhrerbunker who say otherwise and the fact he explicitly told SS general Felix Steiner that he was going to shoot himself.
I hate /pol/ so much holy shit
Hello rabbi
The Daily Stormer just got shut down and even fucking Russia denied them a .ru domain name, they are in full damage control right now it's hilarious, they are fucking shilling on /co/ and Veeky Forums right now for fuck's sake
It's almost as if the holocaust did not happen...
Literally every non shill who has studied history denies the holocaust.
Not an argument.
Being happy that someone literally just got SHUT DOWN only because he isn't a good goy.
Very rare for someone to have balls to believe both that it happened and was deserved
And I assume you reach this wondrous conclusion by determining that everyone who acclaims the holocaust is a shill?
How do you account for Jean-Claude Pressac?
I thought they used clips or something for this exact reason
He is controlled opposition. I believe that jews should be genocided but unfortunately they were not. The world would have been a thousand times better without them.
You'll have to do better than that if you think you're serious
Aww shucks Cletus, now what site will you browse while waiting in line for your welfare check
>hitler didn't finish the job but i better pretend he never tried so i get a shot without immediately being shot
>Everyone who hold different opinion than me is paid by invisible aliens, therefore their arguments are invalid, therefore I am correct
Pomo logic at it's finest
Goddamn right.
And that's what happened in Germany too.
I don't really understand why people continue to play off the holocaust as something that in practice only targeted the jews, or was planned to target only the jews. The only point of invading eastern europe was to eliminate large portions of the population that they considered undeniable and resettling the land with Germans. Whether or not the Holocaust did happen, the NSDAP intended to implement something of the nature to not just Jews but many Slavic and Baltic ethnic groups.
Lots of evidence he had one ball and a micropenis though.