How do we make religion more appealing to atheists?
How do we make religion more appealing to atheists?
Religion is for those too weak to believe in the self.
I include communism and fascism as "religions" btw.
Evidence and reason.
If we take any fiction, any holy book.. in a thousand years time that wouldn't come back just as it was. Whereas if you took every science book, every fact, and destroyed them all in a thousand years they'd all be back because all the same tests would be the same result.
72 virgins.
Kill all televangelists and Protestants.
I think the atheists have the whole "virgin" thing taken care of user.
fedora memes
Focus on the social benefits and less on the cosmology.
Not desperately using Muh Fedora! every time could be a great start.
A little bit knowledge of logical fallacies can save a lot of labour for both sides.
Christianity is a joke of a religion I will never take seriously. The mythos for Cucktians is shit some demijew kills himself to give goyim a chance to be in the paradise dimension its almost like a jew sociopath thought of the easiest way to hook suckers in. Whites also ruined Christianity by turning it into a moralfag garbage religion instead of Islam lite.
Sex and booze. Like they had in the old days. Maybe chuck in some cocaine because we live in a modern world now and just watch as parish numbers explode.
Put faith to one side, and take up Platonism.
The intellectuals of the world flock to our banner! The Classical world is born beautiful and new! It is now acceptable to wear robes outside, no trousers, truly the future is bright!
Remove the unethical bits.
make it believable and consistent....and actually righteous for good measure
Empirical evidence.
No arbitrary constraints like no putting out fires, no meat of "x", no gays, etc.
No leap of faith
Wait until they finish puberty.
Make it the minority, so it becomes contrarian to support it.
That's already the case with these altrightists.
If all they did was charity, and they assisted the civil justice system if any of their number were accused of a crime, that would make religion less offensive to atheists.
Why would we want the world where everyone is either religious or not religious? Ewww.
Have it be true.
Damn man you got all the buzzwords
Secularise it.
We aren't gonna change the church for some fedora plebeians and skinny know it alls to find it appealing.
Put something in the water that lowers the average IQ by around 90.
As an atheist nothing disgusts me more than people like Pope Francis disfiguring his own religion to appease atheists and secularists. Proudly stand by your religion
But OP science is the religion of atheists.
It fills the role of religion in their life whether they want to accept it or not.
You don't. Atheists don't have that feeling of "another presence" that a large part of religious folk do.
What (most) atheists don't understand is that there's a portion of the church who don't actually experience "another presence" but who follow such people as social ritual and proof that their deity is literally intervening. The people who experience "another presence" don't understand that most people don't actually feel that. To such people, being against a god is like warring against your soul. I don't think they truly understand that the feeling of a presence is HIGHLY dependent on brain chemistry.
But it makes sense. The brain is a conglomeration of networks. It's not beyond the pale for one network to branch off as an "outside" voice to mix into the (irratic) stream of consciousness. It's not a lie by people when they say they feel God. Or at least not a 100% lie. The only time I got close was getting off Zoloft cold turkey and feeling a glow and a "spirit" that made everything trippy for a couple of weeks.
Pretty sure you can't. The only thing that can change an atheist's mind about God however is Deism.
Until the atheist realizes that he could be perceiving something drawn from a trick set.
Presumably, we're dealing with beings that have a far longer patience and tolerance. For all we know, all our activity and fury is for but a mere meal for some cosmic predator.
Deism is the wish of an anxious german who, otherwise, sees his position as of a rat in a snake tank overseen by somebody who sees that realm as just one of many...
remove the iodine from the salt
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Have your all-powerful, all-knowing god make them believe. Shouldn't be too hard.
Make it verifiable instead of relying on blind faith.
>Person makes god
>Has the audacity to tell me gods real because his manmade stories say gods real
>Appeals to morality because he thinks that morality can't exist without god, which makes no sense since morality would have had to come first since society is older than god's first reference in history
>Calls me a fedora if I don't buy into this
Sanitize the religions and remove links to theism and supernatural claims.
Naturalized Buddhism for example (incorporate rebirth as a natural cause-effect sort instead of a weird supernatural rebirth).
>is a fedora
>thinks he knows everything because the internet provided the proof
>is not a fedora because he dosn't buy into it, because he is an obnoxious cock
>Thinks god exists because a book tells him so
>Accuses others of acting like know-it-alls
Honestly, the christcucks are getting btfo here. Not a good day for blind faith in hebrew mythology.
Wait for them to turn 13
Kek gaytheists BTFO
72 anime virgin waifus*
Religion doesn't need to appeal to athiests it just needs to outnumber them to be successful.
Buddhism did a good job of that. Just make your religion more like Buddhism. It focuses on a real problem (suffering) instead of a fake problem (sin) and it gives you a sensible goal of waking up to reality that you work towards through your own effort.
if you were to someone masculinize the atheist population, give them an enemy to take down or some sort or purpose and coax them with the promise of plentiful vagina as a reward for their righteousness, i'm certain you'd get a lot of new converts.
fire and sword
Ban religion
Judeo Christian religion is why you believe that. It is the basis of the West's Individualism. Responsibility lies in the individual's sins.
The New Testament is a rejection of religion, you're agreeing with what you're disparaging. You seem awful confused. Are you a leftist/alt-right perchance?
t. abdullah al-britani
and fuck little boys and girls
>thinks climate change is destroying the world like tomorrow literally because bill nye told him so
By not streamlining it in the first place
Buddhism and Judeo Christian religions accomplish much of the same on the societal values side imo
Unironically this.
The second you start telling people they can't have something is when they rabidly want it. Just like children.