What emotion do you feel when you look at this photo?
What emotion do you feel when you look at this photo?
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"Hella sick-ass cool photo, bruh"
Victory, sweet victory over the fascist scum. The Hiterlites of G*rmany brought this war upon themselves. Damn Stalin for thinking he could trust the Hiterlites oh was he wrong.
The arrogant G*rmans thought they could conquer the Soviet country, and subjugate the Soviet people, they played stupid games and won stupid prizes.
I imagine the Germans in the buildings saying, "LOL the tolerate left amirite???"
Stalin never thought he could trust them. He just knew he had to enter into a pact of convenience for both sides while he turned his agrarian shithole of a country into one of the world's foremost industrial powers.
also needed spam
[stands in breadline]
51 years of Soviet occupation is cruel but it had to be done. I just wish we could have learned from history and restored "Germany" to a patchwork of quaint peaceful principalities (sans Prussia) as they were before Bismarck.
Fascists painted red waiving their banner over other Fascists.
55 years rather
He thought Hitler would be bogged down in a WWI stalemate with France and he could make money by selling weapons to their industrialists.
So much for the "tolerant left"
>selling weapons
more like oil and grain
>industrial power
always loved how the guy standing below the flag bearer is wearing a watch on both arms
Sad. As a german with relatives who had to flee the first wave of commie rapists, real sad.
My grandpa told me that once the first week was over and other russians and especially higher ups arrived the situation normalized and rapists and the like were often shot on the spot by their higher ups. Before that you could only hide and hope or run. My grandma hid in a cabinet in some cellar for 5 days until grandpa found means to get the fuck out of the east and to NRW.
Has to be bait.
the weak should fear the strong
meh, the "throw humans into mg fire until they run out of ammo" tactics doesnt strike me as "strong"
Gladness that the Nazis were defeated. Anger that Stalin had caused and would continue to cause so much suffering and death.
>Slavs raping the "masterrace" with a communist handicap
There's more to soviet victory than numbers, /pol/tard wehraboo
Yes, that's totally what happened.
>even acknowledging losers
Its a compass.
Winners don't need organized brigades to direct the discussion, roadkill.
Never been on pol but im german so yeah i might be biased.
Then tell me what amazing tacticts the soviets used.
This, because this single moment caused so much butthurt it can still be felt today
Deep battle my german friend.
at least you get to be on top of the developed world while russians are standing in bread lines again.
It's a bit small. I cant see if this is the one where they edited out all his looted watches.
Everyone uses that tactic against fortified enemy camps and the like.
Why do all these pseudo commies who would be the first one to be send to the gulag think that the soviets first wave was anything of worth.
Its was steppe mongols and pretty much nothing else, more chinese than russian, send into the meatgrinder. After that it changed, no other faction made so much military progress in the war years as the soviets. But still. Im correct.
And if we want to be REALLY correct, not the soviets won, their harsh lands did.
>Doesn't even try to deny it
>b-but stormfags did it too!
> But still. Im correct. And if we want to be REALLY correct, not the soviets won, their harsh lands did.
yeah, the harsh lands won the war for the russians. Its not like the germans wildy overestimated the amount of encirclements they would do when they went on the offensive after the winter of 41.
? most actual trained soldiers were stuck in the ice or already frozen or starved to death.
Russian scorched earth ever heard of it?
Berlin was defended by old vets and literal children in the end.
Also the strict order to take stalingrad, no matter the cost, fucked the heer up tremendously.
I said it once and Ill say it again, if Hitler had died at some point before barbarossa the germans probably woudlve won the war.
That was Hitlers retardation. Worst military leader bar to none, amazing speaker and thinker but man was he bad at war.
>the germans would probably have won the war.
hans please. HoI4 isn't a simulation.
Hitler made so many tactical errors along the way.
A lot of oldschool military leaders and the like hated his guts. Especially the ones from prussian lineages.
With decent leadership and some diplomatic finesse, yes the germans couldve won the war.
(Also Italy was a mistake)
>? most actual trained soldiers were stuck in the ice or already frozen or starved to death.
where are the proofs?
>Russian scorched earth ever heard of it?
Scorched earth is artificial, the land is naturally like that
> if Hitler had died at some point before barbarossa the germans probably woudlve won the war.
>A lot of oldschool military leaders and the like hated his guts. Especially the ones from prussian lineages.
Mostly because he disliked and distrusted them, preferring generals of lowly origins to the Prussian officer class.
Capitalism always prevails.
>Scorched earth is artificial, the land is naturally like that
I should clarify that I dont mean Russia is naturally scorched
Soviet tactics were garbage, hence the retarded KDR. Who are you kidding?
It's sad, to me the photo says "it's finally over" but literally none of that destruction in the background needed to happen.
Leftypol and reddit lookin awful desperate right now.
Well you know why? Because the german heers leaders were ALL prussian before the third reich.
They scorned and hated non prussian soldiers and generals.
It was a hate/hate relationship basically.
Proof is that most of our losses were exactly where i said they were, at the frozen hellscape of stalingrad and the surroundings. I dont know the exact number anymore but a really big portion of our losses were at stalingrad.
The land is naturaly hostile in winter yeah, but the old tacticts of the ruskie of burning down everything and taking everything of worth while retreating is smart and effective.
Given operation barbarossa was retarded because hitler demanded stalingrad to be taken just because of the name.
They already destroyed it, if they had jsut go around it to moscow it wouldve been a whole different story. Instead they got the meatgrinder urban warfare shitshow of stalingrad.
Cant imagine how it was for either side to fight there.
Are you saying you're not from /pol/?
Do you know how obvious you are you subversive kike?
>stormcunts have been invading for the past 5 years
>b...but reddit!!!!
>muh /pol/ boogieman
Could probably count the amount of times I've been there on one hand.
>a website that looks like its from the late 90s and barely nets 30,000 users A MONTH is totally influencing all of Veeky Forums!
You know how retarded you sound, yeah?
The fact that you had to go so far back to even find a mention of Veeky Forums should tell you something.
we fought the wrong people, WW2 should have been everyone against the soviets
>stormfront has no influence on stormfags
Yeah, sure...
So much for the tolerant left
Go run over someone
>Well you know why?
Yes, I know why. Because the old-style Prussian nobility (that made a large part of the high officer cadre) never really supported the NSDAP and was prejudiced against people whom they saw as low-born upstarts (those not part of the old Prussian military nobility).
Triumph, glory, justice.
mostly thoughts about 1940s photoshop
bad bait
Ah yes, don't mind the millions of armed men standing in the way of your objectives it was actually the frozen mud that got us btw we are the master race 1v1 me fgt
*takes over half of europe and enslaves it under communism*
good job americans you really liberated europe :)
>Worst military leader bar to none,
His generals made grave mistakes too
>amazing speaker
not really
If only it was a British flag...
>Amazing thinker
so you're laughing at logic and proper argument and citation? did you fail out of school?
>what are hardcore ideologues that spend day in day out agitating and making propaganda and dedication all their free time arguing with people on forums to push their ideological agenda.
you don't need that many people, you just need a few nutjobs willing to post constantly to convince people to their side through sheer repetition
thats about the date that other reddit picture is from too. in fact that picture has no date on it on purpose to trick people as to its age, obviously
I don't feel much. The photo itself was staged to be the next raising flag on Iwo Jima. It's not much.
And it's Soviets against Nazi Germans so who cares who wins? Instead of two great evil forces now there's only one to take out.
>haha hes dumb bro i am a much more influential thinker
I'm angry because they used some Georgian fuck for this staged photo instead of Mikhail Minin, the guy who actually planted the original flag on the Reichstag not two days ago.
>le ebil Soviets meme
Because concentration camps are not bad when the guards speak Russian?
Germans POWs had it coming, and Soviet veterans themselves were often victims of post-war gulags. The Red Army does not bear the responsibility for post-war communist crimes against the Soviet peoples.
There's nothing memetic about unquestionable truth. I'm so sorry history doesn't bow down to your wishes comrade.
You know Soviets re-opened Auschwitz and built several labor camps of their own after the war in their conquered territories.
I already adressed everything.
Wait, so. Soviet being evil is a meme, but the soviets being evil after the war is not?
Do you have any proofs for this claim?
They didn't just commit crimes on Germans but on every other nationality under their control.
Tankies on wiki already deleted his photo because it made him look bad so I'm posting it now. There were more camps though.
Soviets are not a hive-mind. Why can you tell the distinction between German civilians, Wermacht, SS and the Nazi party but not between the Red Army, Soviet civilians and the Communist Party?
The Russian soldiers of WWII are ultimately heroes and communism is a tragedy that struck the Russian people the most.
Yeah it's a tragedy and also tragic that the Soviet army was used to take as much land as possible and to the civilian population they proved to be worse than Germans which is no small feat.
Check out his plans for the greater germania and what kinda projects he wanted to start instead of fighting a war he didnt really want in the first place but maneuveured himself into due to autism and old hate.
Those millions of armed men had serious trouble with the germans for the first phases of the offensive. Where did I say anything about "Masterrace" etc. Why is this board so fucking shitty, youre like a worse lefty version of pol at times.
Most russian soldiers of ww2 that actually advanceed into western europe were mongolian steppe niggers, cannon fodder. And yes communism hit the actual russians real hard, i mean native russians were systematicly genocided by the soviets, yet its not that bad and my god that holocaust ! all this fixation on the holocaust and how many jews died there (plenty of non jews died in those camps) is absolutely retarded and disrespectful of all teh people that died in gulag or in american pow camps or anywhere in the theater of this war.
And people who actively defend communis should be send to maos china or stalin russia to live in the amazing world that communism creates. blue eyed naive sheltered shits.
I like Russian historians like Nikolai Ivanov always insist on calling them Soviets not Russians because Russia was the first victim of bolshevism and it was basically anti-culture. No need to identify with this cult.
Better photo.
Yeah one of these days I'm gonna have to ask why they removed the photo. He's not gonna get any prettier.
Damn Lenin looks like THAT?
>and to the civilian population they proved to be worse than Germans
Maybe in the Baltics, because they largely collaborated with the Nazis, they definitely weren't worse to the others.
tell that to anyone from the balkans and the poles. oblivious yankee doodle.
Also, "Well, it's finally over. Must have felt amazing to put that up there.".
None of the american pseudo commie larpers understand that tho.
I dont get it, what kinda history do they learn in uni? I really dont get it.