>literally believed that history that history is guided by an imaginary railroad and is destined to end a certain way
How do people believe this autism? Especially today when communist nations are rapidly becoming capitalist thus BTFOing his autistic railroaded simplified history.
Just read Marx
>literally believed that history is guided by an imaginary arc and is destined to end in more justice
How do people believe this autism? Especially today when capitalist nations are rapidly becoming more feudalist and nationalist thus BTFOing his autistic arced simplified history.
To these people it isn't "history" as much as it is scripture. It's become more a secular religion than a secular academic pursuit and as such there are fundamentalist fanatics.
Wrong! Capitalist nations are rapidly becoming more globalistic and interconnected. You just got BTFO son.
you've literally never met a Marxist historian. the teleology has been severed from what we just out of respect call "Marxist history" since the Frankfurt School at least
>implying fierce nationalist flames aren't stoked hottest during periods of increased globalization
>implying you're not just reifying the point about feudalism (global corporations own everything and serf populations have to beg super conglomerates for access to loans so they can pay the conglomerates for houses with money they borrow from conglomerates)
also, fascinating that you can't hold to the central idea of Whig history (arc towards justice) so you go for a semantic argument like a moron
oh, i see. reddit.
shows that people aren't ready for socialism, and if people are educated to think they aren't slaves then they will continue to live like slaves
also >that history that history
>communist nations
These don't exist. Socialist nations do exist, though, as well as social democracies. Much of Western Europe are social democracies and many other nations would be social democracies if they had the capital.
Indeed, more and more nations, given the necessary resources, will eventually become social democracies as capitalism fails to provide for the working class (you see this happening already in Europe and the US). It's only a matter of time before the systemic failure of capitalism leads to socialism and eventually communism.
Wtf why are we going back to feudalism I thought God and Savior Marx said socialism was inevitable after capitalism (which promptly got BTFO when the USSR [COLLAPSED]
Nothing could be more Reddit than communism.
>Socialist nations do exist
Like these socialist nations?
Whig history is probably wrong too but as of now it has more credibility than Marxist history.
again, modern Marxist thought doesn't take Marx's works as dogma. the teleology inherent in his vision of history isn't taken very seriously by anyone anymore and is seen as a product of his time (a counterpoint to the equally simplistic Spencerian take on Darwinian evolution that had a huge influence on social science and popular intellectual life at the time).
just because you're too stupid to read contemporary Marxist thinkers doesn't mean they're too stupid to do what literally every academic does and refine method and theory
I remember when this image had Chavez on it then commies edited him out around 2015 kek
>literally religious hope in expansion of human rights through time that isn't taken seriously by anyone and is cynically used by politicians and propagandists to justify when bad things happen on their watch
>more credible than predictive economic model that identifies the internal contradictions of capitalist mode of production and is even read by staunch capitalists in IMF to help massage monetary policy
>people aren't ready for
>will eventually become
>t's only a matter of time
Classic commies
Dialectical Materialism, a HUGE part of Marxism and the autistic railroad has been BTFO so many times. At least Whig history predicted a ton of shit.
>dialectical materialism is inherently teleological
interesting. you'll have to point me to a single fucking time this has ever fucking been proven, seeing as the method is used constantly without teleology. also interested in seeing it "BTFO" since it's literally a historical method and doesn't have an inbuilt conclusion.
also, what the fuck has Whig history predicted? literally all you can say is that it said good things would happen in the future and some good things like Civil Rights movement have happened. meanwhile, there are literal white supremacist rallies ongoing in the USA today, so that kinda puts a wrench in the long arc of history thing.
Because people like you immediately would go "HURR CHAVEZ STARVATION CHAVISTAS MURDER RATES WELFARE DURR" even though he had been dead for years.
we went from feudalism to capitalism, so it will be a matter of time; even if that time is 1000 years from now, assuming capitalism hasn't destroyed the planet by then
sometimes history does arc towards justice
>we went from feudalism to capitalism
Feudalism and capitalism aren't that different. In fact, one could argue that they are the same system, it's just that authority and privilege are no longer tied to heredity and church influence.
>there are literal white supremacist rallies ongoing in the USA today
Opposing removal of a statue because it's offensive to some isn't white supremacism.
We are literally talking about authority. Why are you lackadaisically tossing it out of the window like a used tampon? It is like a scientist saying "quantum physics is just another law of physics, forget that, let's talk about the luminiferous aether and phrenology instead".
Fucking retarded shit, I hate to say it but you people are genuinely stupid.
>t is like a scientist saying "quantum physics is just another law of physics, forget that, let's talk about the luminiferous aether and phrenology instead".
Not even close as an analogy at all sperglord.
>so it will be a matter of time
There it goes again
You'll wish
The future is red
Literally the same shit they taught in delusional Soviet schools. I once read in a book that Soviet historians were so butthurt they couldn't find some slave revolution that advanced the world to feudalism and it made them uber butthurt.