I think a lot of us are quite tired of the shitposting concerning race theories, which seem to be a solid 50% of all posts here. This isn't the true purpose of this board which should concern itself with history.
Therefore, how about creating a new board for this kind of race discussion? /pol/ won't really do because it's more of a board for current events. A new board would allow all the people who care about racial theories, 23andme autism and haplogroups to talk about their theories and leave the rest of the "intellectual" boards (namely Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums) alone.
Waddya think?
Thomas Moore
lol no
Owen Roberts
The new janny is super aggressive he erased my dogbro thread. Threads about the domestication of animals are usually the best threads on Veeky Forums.
Fuck you you overzealous hotpocketeer did you just start browsing this board at the beginning of your summer break? Yuck.
Hunter Thompson
We already have a board for it, it's called Veeky Forums, but people won't talk about it there because they're afraid of actually have to talk about it with someone who may know their shit.
Logan Reyes
Just erase the &humanities part. Peaople who want to talk about politics/shitpost hide behind LOL DOOD ITS HUMANITEES every time you call them out.
Isaiah Russell
I don't think Veeky Forums is a good place for it either. It's more of a board for science, not for "what race were the X" type of threads. There should be a separate board for this kind of discussion.
Noah Moore
People will still continue posting about those topics regardless.
As an example, these types of threads used to be very prevalent on Veeky Forums before Veeky Forums was created. Veeky Forums has vastly improved as a consequence.
Alexander Sanchez
>post false-flag /pol/ threads >get to use my anti-g*rm memes to "counter" them
Jack Thompson
Aaron Sanchez
Just ban the orangutan inca faggot, the turk wh*ite fersian and limit the amount of american civil war and africa threads to one or two. All these are prioritary over anything else.
Camden Morris
Butthurt wh*Teoid
James Butler
is he really that aggressive? wow
Brody Hughes
Why do you capitalize the T after the asterisk?
Isaac Turner
probably phoneposting
Daniel Sanders
funy how european chimps are such cowards that they need a third party to intervene for them. its because in their simian hearts they know their inferior intelligence and constitution is the death of their feeble race
Samuel Stewart
I always use a correct grammar, but nice one.
Nathaniel Sanders
>a correct grammar are you sure about that e*rangutan?
Connor Harris
Yes. How is that a question?
Bentley Lewis
Good, if the janny was even more aggressive this board quality would've improved greatly. Your thread was probably a shitpost that had nothing to do with Veeky Forums.
After inumerable cries for better moderation, it seems that someone has finally granted our wish. I hope it gets even better.
Jaxon Bailey
What about the Arab Nazi tripfag who only posts in all caps?