Whats the deal with pakis? Are they just muslim poo's?
Whats the deal with pakis? Are they just muslim poo's?
And some afghans and balochis who are basically feral afghans.
Those are pashtuns though, they are the second largest ethnic group, ironically more pashtuns their than afghanistan
This is also Veeky Forums related, somewhat
Dear brainlet, use /int/ or /bant/ for your general poo in loo shit meme threads. thanks very much.
Pashtun is literally the modern word for afghan. The nation is called afghanistan because pashtuns were called afghans when they created the country. You can argue that other ethnicities can be considered afghan too (as in, they live in the republic of Afghanistan) but you cannot argue that a pashtun is not afghan, even if he lives outside of the state Afghanistan.
They identify as pakistanis though. Pastuns has become more of an ethnic term now
They identify as pakistanis because they are, since they're citizens of the state of Pakistan. My claim never pretended to say they live in the state of Afghanistan or that they should. Replace afghans for pashtuns if it feels better for you, but please understand that saying afghan is better so OP can understand that no, not all pakistanis are muslim indians.
What about persian and iranic admixture? Or the hindkowan people. There was this pastun paki on /int/ who said he had iranic heritage
"Admixture" is a vague term. Indians also have foreign admixture. Ethnicities are what's important. Some of the principal ethnicities in pakistan (punjabis, sindhis, etc.) are indian ethnicities, but afghans ("pashtuns") and balochis are not. As far as I know while other ethnicities that I could consider non-indian also exist they're pretty irrelevant and small in numbers.
Since you got slightly triggered when I said afghan instead of pashtun later, please understand that I don't mean "citizen of the republic of India" when I say indian before anything else.
Wew this niceness is a chang from /int/. Im actually pastun though but my dad is from swat valley. Are there pashtuns in swat?
It's really fucking not. All these threads about "is this country white?" or "why are x demographic racially inferior" don't belong on Veeky Forums.
Fun fact; Pakistan has an incest rate of over 70%
They are pre-IE Indus Valley people.
Enough with this all these hateful memes. They are neither Indians nor Indo-Europeans but Dravidians.
Indians have the dravidian population not pakistan though
The Indo-European scum eliminated the indigenous Dravidian languages.
Pakistan was one of the biggest mistakes of human history, second only to Rome.
Then we would have gotten all the qt paki grils
Exact details in geography aren't my forte but pretty sure the swat valley is in what we could call Pakistani Pashtunistan ie the frontier province. I'm most certain that there's pashtuns. I'm not chinese but a spic, by the way.
I meat change
>This niceness is a change from /int/*