We post partitions that would have prevented WW2
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Partition of Mr. Hitler's head with an axe, maybe.
more a post ww2 map but still
Germany is divided into Hannover, Pomerania, Rhineland, Saxony and Bavaria and some territories are transfered to Poland, Bohemia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark. The new German states pay 0 tax to a central German state, 0 reparations, they get beneficial trade agreements from neighboring countries, they are constitutionally obliged to stick to demilitarization and political reforms and allow free movement of allied troops, a moderate social welfare system is set up and perhaps even a defense pact with the allies, all elected leaders travel to ww1 war memorials every year and kiss the gravestones of fallen French soldiers, all to deincentivize reunification and the surreptitious funding of a military. So basically maximum benefit to civilians, 0 benefit to militarists. If they militarize the French, Polish or British army moves in and occupies key transport conduits, crippling the country, for years if necessary.
>ywn live in beautiful Kanton Marseille
Why live?
Germany annexes 50% of French land after the Franco-Prussian war in addition to Alsace-Lorraine. Both world wars are avert!
what am i even looking at
>Live in Vienna
>Plan a night to drink a beer at a bar in every canton in a circle
It'd be worth it just for that.
The peoples of Europe get countries along the borders of their linguistic area, all countries form a non-aggression pact. All borders are recognized by every country and won't be changed. In case a country attacks another, all other countries join the attacked country.
France and Poland should border at the Elbe
Oh and every country has to be democratic, anti-democratic parties (like KPD, DNVP or NSDAP for Germany) are monitored.
In case there's a coup in a country and the democracy and human rights are abolished, the other countries intervene.
Aside from the borders, that was basically the plan for the League of Nations.
Also, what do you do about linguistic enclaves or mixed area? Pure majority? What if half of a town speaks Polish and the other half, say, Ukrainian? And it's not a clear split? Forced migration?
>Also, what do you do about linguistic enclaves or mixed area?
Encourage migration to create ethnically homogenous states. No forced expulsion, that is and was cruel and inhumane.
Pure majority enclaves could maybe continue to exist depending on size.
They can't rise up if they don't know who the fuck owns them.
>Germany is divided into Hannover, Pomerania, Rhineland, Saxony and Bavaria
Jesus fucking Christ, you got it all wrong. Those borders you created could be called
>Lower Saxony/North Germany
>Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
>East Germany/Central Germany
>West Germany/Rhineland-Hesse-Westphalia
>Franconia and Swabia
Honestly it reminds me of the provinces of the awful partition of the Confederation of the Rhine.
>implying Baden-Württemberg wouldn't unite with Switzerland and conquer the entire world
>serb-alb reich
>it's mostly Albanians, with some Bulgarians, and a handful of Serbs
That map is spectacularly retarded in that regard.
>Austria blobbing into Russia
God I miss EU3.
>that Korea
The hyperwar will begin again soon
Do it in eu4
You're gonna drink like 2 dozen beers?
>Neuen Deutschen
This meme is quite hold, kek
>that proposed flag
a few decades ahead of you bros
so in other words its not democratic
literally this
still trying to figure out what is going on in this map
German partition
How many German women do you think they've each banged?
No, should the population vote for an anti-democratic party, this party can govern, but it's prevented by the other countries from taking away the democracy and human rights...
Just like a good, modern constitution, only enforced by other countries to be more safe.
Oh and the other countries only intervene if the country itself can't deal with the problem itself.
Fast and Furious: Africa drift
Just realized again how shit this map is.
"Aix-la-Chapelle" (Aachen) lies right in the middle between Cologne and Liege. It should be in the territory of the Netherlands on this map. The place that Aachen got on this map is close to Gerolstein in the real world.
The thought of a country existing like that get me hard
This, including the eradication of 'Prussia'
>implying Prussia played any role internationally after 1918
Prussia didn't matter in Nazi Germany. It was actually on of the last resorts of democracy in Germany with a strong SPD but was essentially disempowered shortly before the Nazi takeover.
The dissolution of Prussia wasn't necessary or justified in the context of the Third Reich and WW2.
This is so retarded its genius.
Replace WW2 with an endless war
Bavaria was the last, Prussia fell in line with the Nazis fairly early on.
no, but he is most likely planning to throw up at some point and carry on drinking
alternatively yes he is going to drink 2 dozen beers because the nigga can put it away
This is the hardest I've ever laughed at something on Veeky Forums
>a perfect Europe doesn't exi-
>Denmark is an island nation
>Low countries easily defensible peninsula.
>Switzerland and Austrian alps become fjords
>Czech ports
it's perfect
i mean probably none, since they probably look and act like shit
I can only get this hard user...
then where would the German people live?
that question doesn't make any sense
who ?
by the fishes, Georgie.
floating with the rest of us
I might be wrong, but it seems to me you are suggesting to genocide german people
What did you do to Lithuania you bastard
Gavrilo, pls go, you died in the cell before WW1 was over.
It's humanitarian work.
>german people
You've used that phrase twice now, would you mind explaining to me what it means? Outside of a humerous oxymoron, that is.
Germans aren't people, and therefor cannot be the object of genocide.
>People actually think it was Germanys fault.
>Not Austria-Hungarys, Russia or Serbia
Hmm. Just make a massive Poland or Eastern power from Russian lands and some German ones. Divide Austria up between Italy, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Germany.
The whole Germany did it, is a tired meme let it rest. They were better at fighting than we wanted them to be, and they did fuck up and should pay reparations but it was Austria`s autism that kick started it all, Russia made it worse by pre-mobilising.
it burns in hell where it belongs
Gavrilo Princip was a Yugoslav nationalist, not a social anarchist.
Oh, you'd be surprised. It's an interesting subject. I was thinking about making a thread on the topic. How he viewed himself, what he believed in. Also, who in Serbia is proudest of him (he's worshiped by anarcho syndicalists). Also, the king of Serbia wanted to be president, and translated John Stuart Mill to Serbian.
I can unironically get behind this.
But who would give you all that sweet EU money then, Władysław?
A-H was shit and the smaller succeeding states were even more shit. Was there ever any way to make eastern Europe stable?
>Austria still exists
They have to go too.
The Eternal Teuton is truly the most perfidious of all
Austria and Bavaria would really be a good match.
Well as an Austrian i'd give him a fair chance. Also you can just go for 0,33l beers.
Finally sea access for Austria again.