How would WW2 have been different if Germany hadn't surrendered before the Manhattan Project was complete? Would history be any different?
WW2 Germany
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By the time of V-E day, the only areas still under German control were a sliver of land around Kiel, Denmark, Norway, and some of Northern Italy and some of the more mountainous regions of Austria.
Hiroshima was nuked on August 6th, so we've got about 3 months to hold on. There's no way that this is happening. If they don't surrender, they'll simply be overrun.
>if Germany hadn't surrendered before the Manhattan Project was complete?
And how exactly do you think that would happen? At the start of 1945 Germany was already fighting in their own homeland, by April Berlin was already under siege and most of the country occupied by the Allies or the Soviets, there is simply no way for Germany to be able to fight on until August with zero leadership, manpower or resources.
I think a better rephrasing of the question ought to be "what if the atomic bomb was ready in July 1944 instead of July 1945?"
Berlin gets nuked.
Assuming Hitler survives, what would happen?
Nazi zombies
Hitler has the distinction of somehow being less reasonable than the Japanese high command, so the war would probably continue.
What if Germany never made a mistake? What if the USA went fascist? What if the USSR never existed?
No, than maybe just one or two cities would have been nuked. But unlike most people think it doesnt make such a huge difference if you bomb a city with one big nuclear bomb or with 10.000 "normal" bombs. and the latter was done to many german cities. So it really would make no difference.
Interesting point tbqh, but I'm not sure I agree. Even stubborn as shit Japan surrendered once they realised entire cities could be levelled by one plane.
the message was not so much "look, we can level cities" it was more "we are not giving a single fuck anymore and are going to kill as many civilians as we can".
>less reasonable that Japanese high command
Is it even possible to reach that level of Autism?
unfortunately for europe, yes
>Underestimating Germanic autism
Here, you need to learn
Meeeeeeeeeh, was it though?
Destroying cities with conventional cities was a hell of an effort. Almost 2000 aircraft were needed in the Firebombing of Dresden, 1200 bombers and something like 800 fighters to defend them. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were wiped out with one plane each. It's kind of a big deal that someone can fly one plane into any of your cities and destroy the lot with one bomb.
>conventional cities
conventional bombs*
Not really. The firebombing of Japan had killed enough people as it was. What the nukes represented was not only total destruction, but doing so with just one bomb.
I do like the idea of bombing a city with another city
Neo-nazism would have been stronger because they would have something worse than the dresden bombing to point to
This again
>success breeds jealousy
Youre probably a butthurt pole or just a trolling american.
Kys H*n
>another what if Nazi Germany....thread
>brainlets playground on Veeky Forums
>that filename
explain please