Also British tanks had such good armour that they used to run over German anti-tank guns.
Plucky Brits made Dunkirk evacuation possible
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this man really francophobe or is this just a meme to get him more views? Asking an honest question there, I basically never watch his videos.
he's right though.
I'd say both to some degree
it's just ordinary international banter
>Muh clean Wehrmacht
>SS only hired bullies
>Germans used Lee Enfields
>muh clean wehrmacht
He specifically said the Wehrmacht killed prisoners.
Post the list, updated thank you!
No doubt this totally unbiased and absolutly not anti-French podcaster will give due credits to the French rearguard, right?
Holy shit, judging by comments, this piece of shit Lindybeige managed to make a video depicting the French as cowards while talking about Dunkirk ( a battle in which British were the cowards while frogs protected them)
This shit is surreal hahaha
Don't watch any of his videos about WWII or any subject related to the UK if you don't want to get triggered
They all basically boil down to why the UK is the best country that has ever existed and why France sucks
I'm German and I don't really care much about France, but seeing a Brit shit on them for Dunkirk while the French basically saved their ass is just over the line
The Eternal Anglo knows no boundary
>its another "I haven't watched the video but regardless I'll accuse lindy of x"
Nowhere in the video does he say that the French were cowards. He says that a large number of French soldiers were conscripts and were demoralised by the memories of the Great War and fifth columnists. But the French professional soldiers were as good as the BEF.
Basically his opinion is that the French Army in WWII wasn't a bunch of cravens surrendering at the first sight of Germans, but neither a force to be reckoned with that reclaimed France alone as de Gaulle would have you believe.
France won the Napoleonic wars
the french saved the anglos at dunkrik
The anglos threatened to blockade us if we invaded germany
The Americans forced us to decolonize from Algeria
France was never racist, unlike anglos
the running over part is true
it was a regular thing to trample artillery/AT gun positions with your tank if you had the chance, especially on the eastern front, even if the AT caliber was sufficient to penetrate
ouiaboos on suicide watch
>Dunkirk is celebrated even though it is basically the British fleeing with their tails tucked between their legs and abandoning France to their fate
>They still have the audacity to call France the cowardly ones
The Anglo revisionism is real
He's trying to pin all the blame on the SS and portraying the Wehrmacht as dindu nuffins with only a few bad apples in their ranks
The thing he mentions about the 100.000 French soldiers going back to mainland occupied France, while given the opportunity to stay in Britain as an army in exile, but only a few thousand staying is absolutely fucking repulsing
>but neither a force to be reckoned with that reclaimed France alone as de Gaulle would have you believe.
Those are the free French forces, not the same army that was defeated by Germany in 1940.
>Dunkirk is celebrated
It's celebrated because it allowed Britain to continue the fight, Churchill even says in his speech that "Wars are not won by evacuations"
why aren'this ears protected?
i know, fucking traitorous frogs
Considering there were lives lost for making it possible for them to even have a chance to get to safety. That's like the complete opposite of survivors guilt. I'll bet you the men who died on the beach of Dunkirk and the men defending the perimeter would've loved to not be dead and get the opportunity to get rescued. Waste of space got a whole new definition when I heard it in the video
if your wife and family are alone under occupation from a regime that is known to be ruthless? The nazi's knowing that her husband and their father is fighting for the enemy? I would go home too.
You guys are sick wastes of life for condenscending these men from behind your pc screens.
Reminder that
1. Most evacuated French troops were sent back to France before France surrendered
2. Even for the few that decided to go back there after defeat, you have to remember that no one knew the Reich would fall 4 years later in 1940
For all they knew, it dominated all Europe and had no powerful enemies yet, so joining the Free French meant exiling themselves from their homes and family maybe forever
It's those who did that who were incredibly brave rather than those who didnt who were cowards
And if anything, it's Lindy talking about this anecdote to shit on frogs while totally leaving out the fact the French rearguard basically made the evacuation possible, that is absolutely fucking repulsing
>It's brave to surrender to the Germans
Fucking Frenchies lmao
I hate this cunt. Mostly he is talking about things he dont know shit about and his fanboys are eating everything he is saying.
Nice reading comprehension
>muh clean Wehrmacht
Go back to /r/badhistory redditard. We know the Wehrmacht killed Jews and we're proud of it.
>and we're proud of it
No, "we" are not.
not going to watch the video because i can't stand listening to this pseud, but does he tell about the one returning home in a condenscending way?
How about you watch it and form your own opinion instead of being arrogant and ignorant?
If you want to add something to this thread then show where he is wrong.
Lindy says a lot of crap but this was one of his better videos and I saw nothing that was (obviously) wrong.
>If you want to add something to this thread then show where he is wrong.
>Lindy says a lot of crap but this was one of his better videos and I saw nothing that was (obviously) wrong.
just asking a question derived from what the other user posted, quit beind so butthurt
started watching and I already REEEE'd when he basically said that the dutch and the flemish where collaborateurs from the start of the war
>Vids literally trying to steal the credit of the French rearguard for Dunkirk's success in order to give it to some obscure British tank
>As if that wasn't a dick move enough, Lindy adds to that various moments of shitting on the French for diverse reasons (like returning to their home instead of joining a newborn rogue organization)
Great video indeed
You are absolutely retarded. He's nearly neutral in this video.
Dutch people are basically Germans, obviously they are closely tied to Germany.
I don't even know what to say, you saw the video, you heard what he said. Quote him directly and you'll see that all you say is bullshit.
Or are you honestly unable to understand that "important part" does not mean "they alone"? There are multiple reasons as to why Dunkirk was possible and he named many. The attack with the tanks was something most people will not know about and it was interesting, he also said that it didn't really do anything because the force was small and thinned while advancing, but it forced some troops back and posed a thread to the German troops who were also stretched thin.
>the dutch are german
man i hate burgers
>the dutch are basically Germans = the dutch are Germans
I am German, Dutch people are very close to us, they could very well be a federal state in Germany. The difference isn't much bigger than that of Austria/Bavaria and Prussia.
Are you aware that Germans don't refer to themselves as Germans but Deutsche? Germany=Deutschland.
Deutsch Dutch, it can hardly get any more similar.
>Open video
>British accent
On vacation one can easily spot the difference between a Dutchman and a German
t. Dutchman
>The attack with the tanks was something most people will not know about
Same with the French rearguard, which was infinitly more important than the British gay tanks
Yes, Dutch are not Germans, but similar.
The difference between someone from Munich and Berlin is as big as the difference between someone from Germany and someone from the Netherlands.
Everyone knows about the French defending, it's key to Dunkirk. The tank attack is not and he made that clear. There are multiple reasons as to why Dunkirk happened and why it was possible, the French defending alone was certainly not it.
>Everyone knows about the French defending, it's key to Dunkirk
Normies don't
And that Nolan movie silencing it to make people think "heroic" British pilots were the "key" won't help
His opinion on the low countries is very very ignorant
>Flems had an affinity with everything germanic in the east
Jup that's why they fought for 4 years a generation before
>dutch is like deutsch, they're basically the same lmao
Do you get all your insight from lindybeige-esque youtubers?
>Most evacuated French troops were sent back to France before France surrendered
If that's true I apologize and thank you for clearing that up. Blame Lindy for not clearing it up and take my ignorant post as an example of what the average viewer takes away from it. Lindy truely is cancerous
Yea, German states were always homogeneous and never fought each other or anything.
Nice argument. But you're right. The Dutch and the Germans are fundamentally different, you're right. Language is nearly the same, history is closely connected and even the fucking name is nearly the same but hey, completely different.
>be ignorant and inattentive
>blame others
>the French professional soldiers were as good as the BEF
>as good as the BEF
The BEF is one of the most shameful army corps of WW2. In the rare cases where they actually fought they were assblasted or captured. Otherwise they simply retreated en masse.
The simple fact that this dude dare compare them to the French troops is a mere joke.
The absolute state of Germans, do you believe your own words? There was no doubt in anyone's mind the aggressor would be the eternal kraut in the east in may 1940.
>they have an affinity with germans
Yeah they completely forgot about a war before when the krautnigger raped Belgium. You are helplessly anachronistic, viewing everything from the situation as it is present-day
Seems like you're halfassed doing the same with the Dutch for one another reason. Jesus Christ you're uninformed. The audacity to even pretend you know anything about the subject at hand
The main guy literally runs through the French rearguard. Did you want the whole film to focus on the French?
>>be ignorant and inattentive
>>blame others
Well that's the last time I appologize on the internet
>I should backtrack everything I see in a video, instead of blame the guy making the vid for being a deliberate sneaky snake
I'm sure you backtrack everything
"I'm sorry that was his fault, my bad"
The Dutch language and history are actually more closely related to those of the English than those of the Germans.
poor dutchies
>Did you want the whole film to focus on the French?
Half of it should have
Movie's literally called Dunkirk, not "The British at Dunkirk"
If you can put three different britbongs PoV, you sure could have put a French one
It's only about the absolute tail end of the operation, also. The British troops evacuated from "The Mole" were the last troops to leave. The movie just chose to focus a specific time and location for a very large operation, which is a rational decision to make. The movie would have to be 100 hours long to cover every possible POV.
The whole idea of keeping the Germans out of sight would have been spoiled then, besides the film was about the evacuation
The fact the French Army had large numbers from North Africa and moderate numbers from West Africa is well known and should have been recognised.
Unrelated to Dunkirk as the French started to have large numbers of colonials only with the creation of the Free French (and thus not during the Battle of France)
>(and thus not during the Battle of France)
>Watch video
>It seems to be interesting, balanced, and well-informed
I guess he's okay after all!
Someone knows what are these helmets with no insignia?
Didnt say there were zero niggers then
I said they werent "large" numbers yet
They were a few thousands in an army of millions
t. Lindybeige
But user there was, 1/3 pov protagonists was a cowardly necrophiliac frenchman who disguised himself in the uniform of a dead brave english soldier
>started watching and I already REEEE'd when he basically said that the dutch and the flemish where collaborateurs from the start of the war
Did he actually say that?
Ahahah Dunkirk, cheeky nolan could'nt resist putting 4 token black french soldiers in his movie
kek the african soldier most to the right has his helmet on backwards that's why it appears as if there isn't an insignia on it
He did save quite a few lives though.
This one ok (wtf man), but the other two next to him?
>Carefully avoid showing the French effort that saved the evacuation
>Still manage to put 4 niggers as French on the screen
Why does Nolan hate France so much?
reminder that Lindybeige claims:
>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>british naval guns on Malta could lanuch projectiles into space
Okay, so how important was the evacuation in a historical sense? Let's say that somehow the Germans were able to keep pushing forward and kill and/or capture all the soldiers on the beach. How does this change the outcome of WW2?
>pic supremely unrelated
>>climate change isn't real
Dude cut him some slack
>How does this change the outcome of WW2
It doesnt
The British would still repel German invasion thank to air force/navy, and Americans would thus still be able to use Britain as an advanced base for their liberation of Europe 4 years later
All it would change is that the useless shit Brits pulled in Africa wouldnt happen, but that was irrelevant to the outcome
Let's say the Germans manage to capture most of the people alive, and then uses them as a bargaining chip to secure a peace with Britain.
>he thinks the British elites would give up their pride for 150,000 British soldiers lives
Well, were they? Do you have an argument?
It doesn't really change anything. The British army was mostly irrelevant during this war anyway. At best the Germans would have spend more ressources to feed these POWs.
He doesn't actually say that in the video. He just says that most of the massacres were committed by the SS, but that ordinary Wehrmacht solders also had a habit of shooting black soldiers who tried to surrender. So the SS committed the organized mass murders while you'd still see sporadic killings of POW's among the Wehrmacht based on racial enmity.
>Market Garden was a victory
Nobody actually believes this, right?
This guy is retarded af
while we're at it
His followers will just upvote anything he has to say huh?
Christ... Why does Veeky Forums bother discussing this fucking joke all the time anyway?
to shitpost and to laugh at his fanboys mostly
It doesn't. The British Army was irrelevant, and these troops were irrelevant to the British Army. They already would raise more troops than that by autumn, and they left most of their heavy equipment behind.
If that would have worked, the British would have surrendered in 1942.
Do you realise that you're just as bad as Lindybeige?
The tank museum vids are pretty good though, and they have no issues calling out most british tanks as the pieces of shit they were.
He's absolutely delusional. There are however enough braindead piles of offal in cheap shoes out there to ensure he gets hits.
He LITERALLY made 2 videos about this
>metric is rubbish
Muh nigga
Metric system is French, so of course this faggot would be butthurt about it
> Kilos are abstract
> Pounds are not
Jesus Christ. I can't even tell anymore.