best army
Best army
Other urls found in this thread:
>no retreat policy resulted in people routing instead, making it almost impossible to regroup after a loss
>newest tanks always, fucking up frontline supplies and making it impossible to perform field repairs
Just because the Soviets managed to be even shittier doesn't mean the Nazis weren't shit.
>best army
>gets its shit kicked in by jews and slavs
What did he mean by this?
Uhm... no sweetie.
>steel division
>heh all your equipment represents evil
>we're just going to copy it and apply it to all modern equipment anyways
I love these memes
To add to what this guy said, the absence of any system to delegate authority if the leader of a squad was killed caused them to be super disorganized when their captains etc got killed.
Same tbqh.
They make me happy.
>lost the war
>best army
What did OP mean by this?
>black and white thought
you don't have to win to be good at something you know.
taking on the world entire and nearly winning at multiple points is no easy feat
So, Incas were superior to europeans?
I bet you do, you little slut
>taking on the world entire and nearly winning
Listen I get that Stormfront was just taken down as a website but you really don't need to go full retard on Veeky Forums. I'm just waiting for you to go on about the "noble struggle" of the German population and "not all German soldiers"
What did the Soviets copy?
he literally claimed it was the best Army, not just a good Army
but it was the best army?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm no sweety
The best army would have won the war.
so who was the best army?
That one have more nukes.
The Anglo-Allied Armies of England and America.
missing some variation of "It was all Hitlers fault" and "Only following orders"