Can someone explain what corporatism is all about?

Can someone explain what corporatism is all about?

Like mercantilism without the gun boats

Private Property without Free Market.

Capital, state, and labor are basically organized into guilds in a push pull relationship.

its like capitalism without capitalism

Its about risk diversion.

Imagine you are a merchant in 17th century europe. You own one ship, with which you transport goods from india to england and sell them here. If that ship is lost in a storm or gets captured by Pirates you are bankrupt.

So you and some other merchants decide that you founding a corperation. This corporation owns all the boats, lets say a total of 10 of those. You have provided one, so you own 1/10 of the corporation.

Now if one of those ships is lost in a storm or gets captured by pirates you only lose 1/10 of the ship, not the whole ship.

Same principal applies to stock Companies. If you own 5% of 20 Companies chances are very slim that you will ever go bankrupt.

You know how capitalism is supposed to be about free markets but it's actually about who can acquire the most market share and use their power to kick everyone else back down the mountain? When instead of developing countries being allowed to develop in semi-isolation so that domestic businesses can grow and compete fairly with international competition, NGOs and multi-national corporations use their money and influence to take over the emerging markets before they have a chance to begin? That's corporatism. It's about stifling competition, not letting it flourish.

Corporations are defined by the principle of no individual accountability, yet they are given rights as if they were people or private businesses.

That's corporatocracy, not corporatism.

This looks like stranger kind socialism.

It's literally capitalism taken too far to the point where is strangles the whole system.

Corporatism is one of the core princips of fascism and involved the management of sectors of the economy by the state- or privately- controlled organizations (corporations). Each trade union or employer corporation would, theoretically, represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like.This makes possibly the class collaboration in fascism against the class struggles proposed by marxism.

It's not only with fascism. It has ties with the Church and is currently adapted in Scandinavia

The economic aspect of a wonderful country like Italy at a great point in their history like the fascist period.

Its when capitalism and big government combine

Economies of scale make it so monopolies are the most efficient way to produce things. The problem, however, is that if a private citizen or company has control over a monopoly, they'll use it to manipulate the market for their benefit instead of providing for their consumers. Corporatism, however, has the state take the role of the owner; the owner is thus interested in making sure the consumer isn't screwed over as the consumer is probably a citizen the state is accountable to.

It seems pretty reasonable to me; the only thing that sucks about it is groupthink causing the corporations to eschew new ideas, but I'd think enough transparency and an informed and powerful citizenship could rein that in.

>the owner is thus interested in making sure the consumer isn't screwed over as the consumer is probably a citizen the state is accountable to.
this is retarded, clearly government and corporations would work in their own self interests, (since governments are controlled by other individuals and privates citizens who have their own interests at hand) to fuck over citizens harder than normal. The slave labor that happened in nazi germany comes to mind

>monopolies are the most efficient way to produce things

this is blatantly retarded, competition is key in a healthly economy, and more importantly a monopoly is very difficult to manage and effectually run, once Rockwell was forced to break apart his monopoly on oil, his wealth increased tenfold

in times of competition companies feel obligated not to treat their customers better but engage in PR to make their customers irrationally attached to them over competitors, act with dishonesty, undermine public discourse, and make people more consumerist and greedy.

also, competition exists for two reasons, to provide for price information and to avoid the groupthink I was talking about. for price information, getting around that is pretty simple: charge exactly the cost of production and not a cent more, and if a good isn't sold, the demand is saturated and you should lower production in turn.

also, why do you take it for granted that even democratic and transparent governments will be controlled by selfish citizens? why would people not get rid of their government if the current lot were known to be selfish assholes and the option of getting rid of the government was available? if the current alternatives are all corrupt, why not start a new one?

ITT: trumplets and extrumplets try to explain something they didn't study, again

It's basically the boogeyman lolberts point to when their holy free market is fails, remember kids
Anything good = capitalism
Anything bad = corporatism

it's letting corporations run the state for the benefit of the corporations, usually combined with some form of belligerent nationalism in order to get the retards to blindly go along with it

>price information, getting around that is pretty simple: charge exactly the cost of production and not a cent more, and if a good isn't sold, the demand is saturated and you should lower production in turn.
So your trying to eliminate the way things are priced? Sounds like socialism, and if there is ever a saturation of a product that product can simply go on sale

>also, why do you take it for granted that even democratic and transparent governments will be controlled by selfish citizens? why would people not get rid of their government if the current lot were known to be selfish assholes and the option of getting rid of the government was available? if the current alternatives are all corrupt, why not start a new one?

the problem with facism is that power is absolute and in the hands of one person. This system creates a kind of nepotism among the higher stratus of the government and more importantly it is easier to be corrupted. Democracy is founded of making sure power does not go unchecked, and corruption is punished in a democracy.

>corruption is punished in a democracy.

Hmm ok.

>and corruption is punished in a democracy.

Go back to sleep Benito.

The easiest definition is that the State actually protects and privileges certain private property owners, even though the market is generally free.

An example is Google, which pays barely any taxes, if any taxes in many of the countries where it operates, compared to other large corporations.

>If you own 5% of 20 Companies chances are very slim that you will ever go bankrupt.
t. Lehman Brothers

>he actually thinks the corporations described in corporatism are business corporations

if democracies were bound to be completely corrupt then the us would be completely dominated by unregulated monopolies and there would be a complete disregard by the government to preserve human rights, that's not what happened in america is it? Like i said, checks and balances keep that in check. Democracy sure isnt perfect. But it sure is the most practical way to govern in my eyes

>unregulated monopolies

The similarity of the name to modern corporations is misleading, Corporativism was much more like feudalism than capitalism. Essentially the idea was to organize the economy into "corporations" that were made up of everyone involved in a certain industry, not only the workers and factory owners but the consumers, too. In theory these groups would have equal say in wages and conditions within the industry, the idea being that they all have the same essential interest in the industry prospering, and that by forcing owners to work closely with workers and consumers, you will build bridges between the classes and alleviate the social tensions that led to Gommunism.

In practice, the owners held the whip hand and Italian corporativism was really more like managed capitalism than its radical theory.

OP is asking about the fascist economic system, not abut corporations. Yes the name is the same, this is unfortunate, but fascist corporations are not at all like capitalist corporations.

i don undesta

I thought corporatism was more than just the economy, like a church might be a corporation too, or things like fire fighters or Police.

"Economy" is a broad term, for corporativists it meant any kind of activity people do "for a living", which includes the church and groups like firefighters.

>if democracies were bound to be completely corrupt then the us would be completely dominated by unregulated monopolies and there would be a complete disregard by the government to preserve human rights, that's not what happened in america is it?

Man, your american democracy is already in control of powerful monopolies and multinationals and also is fueled for them, and your preservation of human right is mostly an excuse to interfere in other countries policies.

>american democracy is already in control of powerful monopolies and multinationals and also is fueled for them
explain the platform trump ran on then, there were no doubt candidates who are in the pockets of globalists corporation but these are often bad traits in a candidate, hillary is a good example of this

>human right is mostly an excuse to interfere in other countries policies.

personally I believe, lets just take an example, i believe that the us meddling in the middle east are more utilitarian than anything. How do you keep 300 million people alive when the world runs on oil and the people who own all the oil are backwards theocracies that enforce a 300 year old religious law?

>explain the platform trump ran on then

Even if trump is an exception, he don't govern alone. both republicans and democrats have a long history of collaborations with the globalists, bankers and multinationals so the influence in the american government is practically inevitable and the thing don't seem to change soon.

>How do you keep 300 million people alive when the world runs on oil and the people who own all the oil are backwards theocracies that enforce a 300 year old religious law?

then you are just justifying the intervention in others countries to preserve the american lifestyle and government, this is why there is so much criticism about american way to rule, and that also fuel the anti american feeling of the left.

>if democracies were bound to be completely corrupt then the us would be completely dominated by unregulated monopolies and there would be a complete disregard by the government to preserve human rights, that's not what happened in america is it?

Its more than just a lifestyle, oil is what keeps the world moving

Would love to hear why you think im completely ass backwards

Because we live in a completely oligarchial system whre everything is designed to benefit primarily those at the top through the exploitation of everyone below.

oil is what keeps the american government and their businesses moving*

America enjoy a powerful hegemony in the world because that control and influence, but how many years/decades could this last?

I dont think this is true, the vast majority of people have only gotten wealthier as time advances. The poor have not gotten poorer as after the industrial revolution It is not true that the poor keeps getting poorer. The 1% is also constantly moving with new people popping in and out of that economic bracket constantly. When youre on the top its difficult to stay on top. Esecially on todays fragile, yet unpredictable market I wouldnt classify the usa as an oligarchy, since citizens can elect officials. Though i think there are some bureaucrat behind the scenes who are left unaccountable (deep state)

What's the difference?

Not disagreeing with you per se, just curious

Wrong it is not only america that relies on oil. Cargo ships that move around the world in a matter of days run on oil planes that can take you around the world in less than 24 hours run on oil. Oil has spurred globalization and reversing back would mean going back to the middle ages America is powefull in part because of its natural wealth, its high earning populations (means we can tax lots of money) and High spending in military research which keeps us above other countries militaries. I personally think those are things that are very difficult to completely fuck up, so america may stay on top forever

Corporatism or corporativism is a kind sociopolitical organization of a society by major interest groups, known as corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests. (works mostly like medieval guilds) and corporatocracy is a government in which power has been transferred from the state to large private corporations.

America relies in oil because they control the international monopoly, and use their military power and political influence to maintain that grip in the world. The final the goal of all this is maintain the power of just a few powerful individuals and their interests over the rest of countries to make them excessively dependent and manipulable. The current economy in apparently wealth it's just a giant bubble waiting to explode.

Idk if america has a absolute power over the middle east, it seems to be an influence game between many major world powers. All whom benefit at keeping the middle east weak

>if democracies were bound to be completely corrupt then the us would be completely dominated by unregulated monopolies and there would be a complete disregard by the government to preserve human rights, that's not what happened in america is it?
>mfw he actually believes this

>Idk if america has a absolute power over the middle east.

Are you real man?, america have a big influence in the area even more now with the current turmoil who also was caused in part by the same americans to destabilize the "surbersive"goverments with the financiation of "freedom figthers" who now are against them.

>"a rising tide lifts all boats bros!"

>relative poverty

Corporatism is organizing the economy to use large universal corporations. Fascist italy is the best example, where it sought to build unions through corporate involvement through a union of the state.

For example, a corporate state would want a unit of all trains under one company so that workers could unionize and they would have full and complete access to the market.

It's a based system where faggots and marxists as well as kike free marketers get the boot under the supervision of the all-knowing and well-defined State. The state under corporatism ensures that faggots and Jews don't screw with your country.

>I dont think this is true, the vast majority of people have only gotten wealthier as time advances.
Half the country makes less than 30k a year which due to rising prices is almost unsustainable.