>Anti imperialism/colonialism
>0% unemployment
>Didn't judge or segregate people on silly arbitrary things like race
The Soviet union was far from perfect. But to claim it was all bad is wrong
>Anti imperialism/colonialism
>0% unemployment
>Didn't judge or segregate people on silly arbitrary things like race
The Soviet union was far from perfect. But to claim it was all bad is wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>Anti imperialism/colonialism
>0% unemployment
also 0% work done
>Didn't judge or segregate people on silly arbitrary things like race
Who deported all the Germans and Poles after World War two?
Read a book!
>Anti imperialism/colonialism
Nice thread comrade
That was defending socialist countries from Western imperialism.
>defending "socialist" countries from Western imperialism with more imperialism.
seems legit comrade
>Anti imperialism/colonialism
Yes user, if you paint imperialism in soviet banners it suddenly becomes not-imperialism comrade.
>Deporting Poles means protection from Western Imperialism.
It's not Imperialism when the Central Committee says it's Antiimperialism.
Except Ruskis literally IVANed the entirety of Central Asia and Eastern Europe, not to mention everyone within their borders starved to death quite frequently. Many famines were covered up or flat out denied by the Soviet government, and some are still unrecognized as genocides by the Russian state today. Look up the Soviet saying "you pretend to pay me, I pretend to work."
Also they killed a bunch of Jews I think.
>Actively kept the Ukrainian language from being spoken, starved the Ukrainians multiple times, and had worse treatment for them than the Austro-Hungarians
Fuck off
>implying occupation in 1968 wasnt justifiable to prevent Jewish liberals from taking power in KSČ again
t. Czech
>It's not imperialism if it's done overland instead of oversea.
>It's not unemployment if nobody works
>It's not segregation if we call it "population transfer"
I for my part do not care if the Materialism intoxicating my society is of Jewish or Communist nature. The corrosive effects should be similar.
what does it have to do with that
The overwhelming majority of Ukrops voted to preserve the Union in the only democratic vote ever held in that state
I think the worst thing about the modern world is materialism. In Marxism it is definetly contained.
go to worship kike on stick or something then
>implying capitalism itself is not as materialist as marxism.
The SU was an imperialist power because the ideology of Communism requires imperialism to survive.
Many people shame Stalin for his stance of 'Socialism in One Country' instead of 'exporting the revolution' like Trotsky wanted. Only to socialists could the annexation of Estonia, Latvia, Eastern Poland and the invasion of Finland not be considered as 'exporting the revolution'. In fact, Trots don't think this policy went far enough.
Of course it is, every economical order is Materialistic.
The difference is that Marxism was considered as much more than an economical order, but as a science to guide society in every aspect.
>Anti imperialism/colonialism
What was the cold war?
>0% unemployment
But still having people on the top
>Didn't judge or segregate people on silly arbitrary things like race
>What was the cold war?
>resisting judeoliberalism is imperialism/colonialism
good buddy of mine grew up the only child of a powerful official.
his dad said the people pretended to work and they pretended to pay them.
he said they would send people to the west with empty suitcases and they would return full of toilet paper.
life was misery for the common man but there was nothing to compare it to.
his family loves America.
>let make the eastern europe our client states/ colonies
Invading Afghanistan sure was
The soviet Union was an authoritarian "socdem" with nukes. I don't know why tankies defend that if they consider "marxist" themselves.
What kind of Czech would be browsing this cesspool in 3 AM?
>commodities produced for exchange
Nice revolution
The kind people what use Veeky Forums.
>lets give Eastern Europe to jewish americans
Afghan government asked for help, it wasnt even actual invasion
Better jewish americans than jewish russians.
>Anti imperialism
The reason so many communists, the Chinese included, disavowed the Soviet Union was because of its overt imperialism
But Chinese was imperialistic too.
SU was not especially cozy for Jews from Stalin onward
>Anti imperialism/colonialism
You made it too obvious.
Which makes even more damning that even they considered the Soviets too imperialistic
>conquer and subjugate other nations
>pay people to do nothing so you can pretend you have 0% unemployment
>murder countless millions over silly arbitrary things like class
>soviet union
>Anti imperialism
>Not imperialist
It was a Russian supremacist organization run by the political elite in Moscow
>Afghan government asked for help, it wasnt even actual invasion
You mean the Socialist Afghan government that the Soviet Union funded and propped up through a proxy war?
That afghan government?
>defending "Democratic" countries from Communist dictatorship by installing dictators
wew lads
>against imperialism
>most of countrys land is gained from imperialism
So the Soviet union funding, equipping and organizing a coup in a foreign land, staffing the new government of that land with its officials, sending over settlers and private citizens into that land to take role in its restructuring and then ultimately invading that land at the behest of the unwanted government.
None of that sounds like imperialism to you?
>the PDPA was a wildly unpopular soviet puppet regime that won power by mudering the previous ruler and establishing a borderline military junta
>waaah all of our peasants are revolting because as it turns out socialism isn't a panacea for all of societies problems and we are seen as completely illegitimateillegit, come help us oh glorious leader!
Loling at your ideology as history dances.on its grave.
>Anti imperialism/colonialism
Ha ha ha ha ha, explain half the coups in Africa and Latin America then
Implying the revolts are not affected by a certain foreign country.
>anti imperialism
>didn't segregate
you stupid fuck
>Oh the irony
Welcome to geopolitics, where communism and democracy lost their mean in the name of political dominance.
>Actively kept the Ukrainian language from being spoken
Ukrainian language was CREATED and solidified during Soviet times
Imperialism isnt bad when its fight against Jewish government.
But it's still imperialism.
>0% work done
how did they get to space then? kek
It doesn't matter how we call it.
What matters is the plan!
>It's not imperialism!
>It is, but it's not bad imperialism!
>Who cares what we call it!
Fucking tankies
totally legit story sharter, officials lived like kings and even more so after it ended
>says the Soviet Union is anti-imperialism and non-discriminatory
>proven wrong about imperialism
>retreats into antisemitic discrimination
lel, and people think /pol/ is more retarded than /leftypol/
>people think /pol/ is more retarded than /leftypol/
You can't compare autism
>starved to death quite frequently.
>starved the Ukrainians multiple times
Name more then one
>Anti imperialism/colonialism
Socialist Empire is still an empire
only reason why Russians didn't really colonized anything is the fact they already have Siberia/Far East to colonize, just like USA didn't really colonize anything because "manifest destiny"
>0% unemployment
that's not a good thing you moron
when they can't fire you means you don't have to work as long as you show up, which is one of reasons why work productivity was so low compared to the US
>Didn't judge or segregate people on silly arbitrary things like race
not even close to true, that's just wistful thinking of naive leftists Americans
not to mention they also judged other silly arbitrary things like class ancestry (yes comrade, you are fit to be an aeronautical engineer, but your grandfather was a shop owner who didn't liked the party, so you can be just a tractor mechanic)
> expanding itself
> meaningless employment for dirt cheap wages
> segregate party members
>can't fire
0% unemployment doesnt mean you cant get fired you nigger
putting the /pol/ in /leftypol/
god I fucking hate you stupid tankie niggers
It means you cannot be unemployed.
When the only employer is the state, you cannot be fired.
Unemployment was illegal, if you couldn't find yourself a job, the police will find you one, and buy you a train ticket to get there.
So thats where the 0% unemployment is coming from.
yes, you fucking can, you get arrested and get sentenced for forced labour if you dont work in your job
If you see being in prison as being unemployed.
Then you can also see being in school as being unemployed.
You can get punished but you cannot get fired.
Also who are doing the forced labour for? Your former employee.
>Unemployment was illegal, if you couldn't find yourself a job, the police will find you one, and buy you a train ticket to get there
How is that a bad thing?
>I am sorry mother, I have to go cut timber in Siberia, I will be back in four years. Don't cry mother, I promise it will be okay, at least I have a job now.
>0% unemployment
>this is a good thing
Ayy. When will people understand that the rate of unemployment is a (nearly) meaningless number? It's the quality of the jobs, the income they provide that is important, not some stupid number.
Go full force capitalism and you'll always have 0% unemployment because people will starve and die otherwise.
It's the same as people cheering now for Trump because the rate of unemployment is down in the US, not understanding that this comes at a price.
Good like to cut timber is Siberia with 15 days administrative arrest for uneployment, degenerate
are you autistic? You can get fired from position of for example doctor for being drunk, they you can be bus driver or something and if you wont work, you will get arrested, is it that hard you retarded American?