Half Batawi and Half Batawi and half Indo here. I've heard stories from both proponents and critics of the Dutch decolonization of Indonesia and I'd like to share some unanswered questions with you in lieu of the 72nd independence day of Indonesia:
Did Republik Indonesia have a legitimate claim on Negara Indonesia Timur and would the development of that region been faster if they still had ties to the Kingdom of the Netherlands?
Emergence of Indonesia
Sorry for fucking that first part up
How do you feel about being muslim?
Why did you invade Timur?
How many communists have you killed?
Why does the Phillipines have better women?
Why is Bali, the Hindu Island, the only place where you got tourism?
Indonesians fucked up when they went muslim
Basically this, a lush tropic paradise ruined because of a shitty religion. You could be developed by now if you kept to Buddhism or Hinduism.
dunno even during dutch administration were focused on java and sumatra, they did build some stuff in the outer island but mostly for extracting resources and military post. VoC period was real shitshow though
I have no idea, but it looks like a non-nation to me. Seems like decolonizing it was Africa tier.
australian memes mostly,theres some other tourist places too but bali was the most popular one
>How do you feel about being muslim?
I'm not muslim
>Why did you invade Timur?
Thats what I'd like to know. The only thing they have in common is that they were also under dutch control.
>How many communist have you killed?
My Indo relatives went with the boat to the Netherlands before this period and my other relatives stayed in Jakarta and I don't know how they experienced this period.
>Why does the Phillipines have better women?
both have qts
>Why is Bali the only place where you got tourism?
I don't think this is true but Bali has the most tourism and I think its because of orientalism back in the day. If all of your colony is primarily muslim an island harkening back to the time before islam seems pretty interesting
because bali was nicer than other island. especially java
Because all the other islands are full of muslims, Bali is hindu
And why did all the Sumatrans join the Javanese?
Is it about some maluku people who want NIT to be resurrected?
Problem with east Indonesia more like size thing. Its size almost half of yurop, mainly deep sea, and not much resources other than, well, fish.
I don't think being dependent with Dutch will help either. They have no history to be able to do that.
So you'd say development wise the area would have turned out the same under the Kindom of the Netherands or Republik Indonesia?
even before the dutch sumatra and java were more developed and technology advanced compared to the other island, mostly because of trade routes
yes true but giving that sumatra and java were under Republik Indonesia I'd guess the dutch would try to make most of the island they have influence over.
>and not much resources other than, well, fish.
Why do you think the Dutch conquered it?
Spices, right?
It's oil
But Indonesia is economically better than a lot of their neighbouring Hindu-Buddhist and Catholic neighbours, infact, with exception of Thailand and Singapore, the most developed and richest countries in southeast Asia are all Muslim
Because it's the only place in the world where Islam spread peacefuly.
except that time when the sultanate of Demak conquered Majapahit and the Sunda kingdom which probably helped the spread of Sufi Islam on Java
Is it true that Indonesia and Malaysia are basically the same if we ignore that one got dutched and the other angloed?
Jan Pieterszoon Coen heeft niets verkeerds gedaan
Both of them share some Malay-speaking peoples but both of them are also multiethnic as hell, Malaysia alone has like 30 indigenous languages
Malayu is their lingua franca
He was a great jewish man
Its complicated, both countries have many different ethnicities but they share many similar culture, Malaysia (and Brunei) are Malay dominated and Indonesia is Javanese dominated, the two are considered the historical dominant power in the region, the preislamic era history of the area (traditionally called Nusantara) can be summed up as rivalry between Buddhism Malay states and Hindu Javanese states, with their proxy in Borneo and surrounding area, only after they're both converted to Islam in 1500s they kinda get closer, but they're still different
Western Indonesia is ethnically and culturally close to Malaysia, and to certain extent, to some other ethnics in Indochina, Sumatran are basically the same people as people of Malayan peninsula, eastern Indonesia is ethnically and culturally different and are closer to Melanesian and Aborigine countries like Timor, Papua new Guinea, and eastern pacific island countries
tf no topless cuties on java because of islam