>kills myself
hehe, nothing perssssss
>kills myself
hehe, nothing perssssss
Is there a point you want to make, or do you just want pictures of Sudoku? Cause I got pictures.
Well atleast you didn't commit seppuku because you disgraced the Holy Roman Empire. I sure as hell wouldn't do that.
What I find hard to digest is the idea of "getting back" at your enemies by killing yourself.
Ah, well honestly it had more to do with "getting back your honor" since being beaten and captured is pretty much the lowest of the low.
Of course it didn't happen as often as people think it did, the Japs were as pragmatic as everyone else. They'd switch sides in a heartbeat if it meant the continued survival of their family.
During the Boshin wars, for example, Tosa riflemen and artillery turned their guns on Shogunate forces in the middle of a battle once it began to swing in Imperial favor. There's a lot of examples of this during the Sengoku period as well, I just can't be assed to look them up right now.
I think you meant seppuku... Some sudokus sure are hard to crack but not to the point of killimg yourself kek
>spot the newfag
It's an older meme though
lolled on floor my ass off
How the fuck did people have the strength and pain tolerance to cut open their own gut
where there is no chance to win you can at least cuck your enemies by showing them a grimace of cold superiority on your dead face claiming moral victory over them
They didn't. At least not all the way open. That's why they had seconds to behead them after their strength gave out. Very few ever managed to actually complete the belly-cutting part of the ritual suicide. You're supposed to make two cuts, one side ways and the other vertical, going up. Most keel over during the sideways cut.
after the initial stabby stabby the pain was too great to continue, so they usually had a buddy next to them to finish the job (by cutting off the head?) to make it a bit less of a bother
Wasn't it so they didn't start wailing like bitches too?
Also, it's an honor to take an enemy's head, and by having your bro nick it off, you deny him that pleasure.
lemme get those
Fuck the last part killed me.
awful thread but made it slightly less worse
And if the beheader somehow fucked up, he had to commit sudoku himself.
I've been considering suicide for a long time. I think the method I'll use is inert gas. Just get like a CPAP machine and hook it up to a helium tank. Should be painless, should be fairly quick, should be peaceful.
This. Seppuku was mainly a political tool of the Shogunate during the early edo period.
What are you doing telling us about this for then? If your life really is as bad and unfixable as you imply then all you're doing is attention whoring like worthless trash. Get it on with.
What part of this thread is awful?
Why, user?
>t. virgin
Yeah but you won't, you little bitch. You'll always tell yourself "tomorrow, I'll do it. tomorrow, I'll buy what I need, they'll see, they'll all see".
But you won't. Because deep down inside you know better. You know you want to live. And no matter how shit your life gets it's better than death. One day you'll get it, you'll make that step that hurts like a motherfucker but you'll make that step towards life.
Crying for help on Veeky Forums means you're full of shit and you want attention, that your life means something. Well guess what faggot the struggle is real and you need to grow the fuck up and keep on living.
Why do they always hold the sword by the blade? Never did understand that.
so they cant comfortably use it to fight back the people condemning him to kill themselves
not all seppuku were voluntary.
it might be too long to hold comfortably when stabbing yourself in the gut, plus you'll apply more twisting force (the connection point to your body is the axis here) than pulling force when attempting to drag it through your belly if your grip is too far away
Anyone else think this is an incredibly stupid way to kill yourself? Stabbing yourself in the stomach is incredibly painful and not to mention not lethal until you run out of blood so not only is it stupidly painful It's also a slow and suffering death.
The guy standing behind would usually be a close friend. As soon as the stomach cut was made, he would cut halfway through the neck to finish the job quickly. Sometimes there wouldn't even be a stomach cut, the person committing sudoku would just give a symbolic gesture to be executed.
You are correct according to this, don't know how accurate it is though
Why not just say .1 femtoseconds?