Why do normies hate Christopher Columbus?
Why do normies hate Christopher Columbus?
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nobody likes guidos
>people living somewhere
>Colombus finds them
>fast forward
>those people are a minority there now
Whoa, sounds like you have a problem with immigration, bigot!
Killed a lot of people, enslaved them, tales of cruelty towards not only natives but also settlers. So much so that he was stripped of his governorship by the monarchy.
Not a nice guy.
out of control in a lot of places of course but what a retarded false equivalency
Why is it a false equivalency?
Not that guy but it's because an invasion is not the same as immigration. An invasion is the movement of people through force whereas immigration is the movement of people along existing legal streams.
But modern immigration is mostly done by illegal means. Also United Statian colonial efforts in 16-17th century weren't exactly state mandated invasions.
When I was in school we were taught Christopher Columbus came to America and enslaved and killed everyone living there for no reason.
I'm 22 by the way.
>foreign invaders who've just discovered your land suddenly raping your women, spreading disease, and killing your men
Though, I never actually said I liked immigration either user. Good try though.
You're a moron
Kek, stay buttbastled.
Only marxist scum hate him. I am Hispanic myself and he deserve more respect and more statues.
Because one of their first dips into pop history probably came from Cracked, the Oatmeal, Lies my Teacher Told Me,Zinn's A People's History, etc. Since the old mainstream works just brushed over the whole genocide stuff, these works go hard in the opposite direction and just talk about all the terrible things he did. It's like how reddit and half of Silicon Valley worships Nikola Tesla.
what is there to like about him?
Great arguments, senpai
>I am Hispanic myself and he deserve more respect and more statues
You are literally a cuck
>Literally takes/is given credit for shit other people already
>Because uhhhh...
>Literally was retarded enough to think America was Asia
>Enslaved populations
He was a gud boi
Spain hated him too, despite how rich he made them he was arrested for cruelty. This was during the inquisition as well.
there was definitely a reason
1. free gold
2. free pussy
I'm Puerto Rican, I think Colon is a hero
We have statues of him everywhere, Last year we finished building one thats twice as big as the Statue of Liberty
He was a genocidal mass murderer, and worse of all he has a holiday that celebrates him in name.
It is like having a day dedicated to Hitler.
Cultural chuvanism.
Whites are expected to have better behaviour than other cultures, so to have a white man doing things that everyone else does such as taking slaves, land, or property by force is a shameful thing.
>Literally takes/is given credit for shit other people already
What do you mean? Yeah the vikings "discovered" America, but their discovery is pretty much completely irrelevant. Columbus' discovery led to the Spain's dominance of Europe for two centuries
I hate him because his discovery resulted in numerous interesting cultures being wiped out and replaced by generic western ones
Columbus cut short what could've been a thriving Aztec hemisphere. Think of all the thicc nahuas
Remove 'just discovered your land' and you pretty much described mass migration.
That's wrong though.
Don't worry, you're more American than the white liberal limp wristed pathetic excuse for a human being that bawls about muh Columbus.
Are we talking about Columbus or the refugee crisis
More like:
>he immidiately enslaves them
>shortly after they were exterminated by working them to death
Cucklumbus was a complete asshole.
Hispanics have many other actually cool people. Cucklumbus however was none of them.
Incas were superior to europeans though.
Are refugees an army now?
Weak bait.
Fuck off Incatard I'm tired of you posting in every thread.
>whites are expected to do because of their superiority
>"I'm tired of your posts!"
>immigration is the movement of people along existing legal streams.
Then Europe is currently being invaded...
>state-approved immigration is the same as a series of violent military invasions from a foreign power
You don't even distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.
>"As a black man..."
>shilling for the person who genocided his peple
>being this totally a cuck
Nah he is literally a white skinned mongrel. A cuck without identity. All they do is trying to destroy amerindian heritage and go to europe whenever possible.
Most European countries have quotas of refugees, invasion implies there's some kind of grand military plan behind the movement of people from shitholes/warzones to first world countries, instead of it being economic self interest.
Columbus WAS his people you retard, Puerto Rico is mostly pure ethnic Spaniards.
>t. pure european stock
off yourself you wetback spic
See? They are mongrels in denial. Hahaha
There are nearly no native Americans left on Puerto Rico, the only people to get butthurt about it.
Not after the given definition it is just entering a country by illegal means.
And every refugee applying for asylum in Europe (and not in their home countries) is a criminal because he crossed the boarder illegally.
desu hes kind of a piece of shit desu
He was a total asshole even by the standards of his day. You have to be some sort of monster for the Spanish Crown to find you morally repugnant.
He was a piece of shit AND a complet retard. The only reason he found the Americas was because his calculations of the earth size was wrong.
Because everything that (((they))) thought us about him in school is a lie.
>i am a native spanish mongrel named after spanish overlords who wants more statues of the italian who brought historical mommy and daddy together
Checks out.
Why can't Columbus day be replaced by Lief Ericson Day?
He found Canada hundreds of years before that Spaghetti nigger accidentally the Caribbean. Which is why the Canadians honor to this day with their flag.
Because his discovery was utterly meaningless.
wtf i love canada now
>build giant columbus statue
You're not helping your argument
there were Viking settlements in Vinland for hundreds of years. they were seasonal and for the purposes of getting timber and other resources for the Greenland colonies.
He didn't actually do anything wrong.
He was peaceful with the first tribe he met, they had scars and told him of another tribe raiding them for slaves. A ship was wrecked so he had to leave some crew behind with them. He then sailed on and found another tribe which attacked him with arrows.
On his 2nd voyage he found the peaceful tribe had been scattered and the crew he had to leave behind had been killed, so he had to wage war upon the other tribes.
I am sure some would rather he just wait for the hostile tribes to murder him rather than lift a finger in violence, but this is the real world. Tales of his brutality in this war of self defense were embellished by jealous rivals trying to usurp his position and nowadays by people with anti-Italian sentiments so we can safely conclude they are all complete fabrications.
Yes, meaningless, that's what I said.
If only...
only meaningless in today's context because the abandoned the Greenland settlements because shit got too cold and lonely.
>He wuz a gud boi
Absolutely BTFO how will Leifcucks recover XD
Why do you people bully the nords and vikings?
Gustavus Adolphus ruined Germany and I will never forgive him. NEVER!
Columbus is genuinely a go-getter, he embodies a lot of ideals of entrepreneurs
You mean invasion because what the European powers did wasn't "immigration", it was quite simply - we came, we saw, we conquered you. Furthermore, there is a popular misconception that the land belongs to Native Americans. No, it does not, as the US (the country that every fucking one of these cunts lives in) was founded by WHITE Europeans.
Say for example a Muslim nation comes and invades Europe and beats us, they are free to do anything because the weak should fear the strong. The problem white Europeans have with immigration is because as another user said, it is STATE FUNDED and STATE APPROVED. They are not invading us, they are being invited by our traitorous governments.
>They are not invading us, they are being invited by our traitorous governments.
Oh boy user, just wait till you hear how many immigrants and refugees the US lets in
He was a giant asshole. Not a "I'm judging historical figures with my modern liberal values" asshole, but a "Egads! I dare say, my contemporary, Christopher Columbus, is verily a giant asshole!" Nobody liked that genocidal ex-pirate except those that profited from his exploits. But time dulls all crimes, and Columbus came to be remembered as a great man, because his voyages were truly very significant to history, regardless of his unrestrained barbarity.
All sides have traitors. Face your replacement.
Over my death body, Schlomo.
right, so they had no fucking impact. why do people need to keep explaining this to you?
I'm sure they had a great impact on the people living in Greenland at the time.
> I am Hispanic myself and he deserve more respect and more statues.
Christ, It's cucks like you that make some people think hispanics are self-hating.
it had such a large impact that the colonies stopped existing on their own volition, not even due to war, famine, or even disease
>Only marxist scum hate him. I am Hispanic myself and he deserve more respect and more statues.
Atleast you know your place. I salute you.
When the Pope calls you evil
You're probably evil
FFS he turned entire tribes of indians into nihilists
I'm from Spain and even this is too cuck for me
Mmmm, you like sucking papi EspaƱa's juicy cock?
Because he was a white Christian, simple as that. Did he slaughter innocents? Sure he did, but so did Genghis Khan, Muhammad and almost every Chinese emperor ever, yet they aren't this demonized by anyone.
If anything, Puerto Ricans are mixed with niggers, not natives. Natives were de facto exterminated from there.