>tfw you know the good guys won.
Tfw you know the good guys won
i may hate religion, but christian architecture is fucking beautiful
Fuck Franco the traitor
The worst Spanish leader since Fernando VII
I wonder what Christ the martyr would have thought of a massive, phallic cross dedicated to celebrate an autocratic military dictatorship.
Even worse, that place was built by slaves of the regime
Fuck off homo
>Hating Franco and Ferdinand VII
Who could be behind this post?
It was a crusade against masonery,comunism and atheism. All the people that hate christ. He would be proud of his son Franco
>Ferdinand VII
Biggest traitor cuck in the history of traitor cucks
He never betrayed anyone. He was just a victim of masonry and their intrusism and hate for Spain. When Ferdinand ruled the country did well but masons didn't care about that
Are there still conspiracy theories around the fucking Freemasons?
You might want to re-read the new testament, friendo.
>Dude coups and assesination attempts are ok if they fit my ideology lmao
>He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”
—Luke 22:36, NIV
Franco was defending christianity and inocent christians from murderers
Nice argument
Shhhh...shut up!
>he was a good leader
>couldn't handle x
You can make as many mental gymnastics as you'd like, fact of the matter is that franco is burning in hell.
You are aware that this quote is about Jesus trying to get himself arrested? When his disciples say that they already have two swords Jesus says that those are enough and after Peter tries to defend him with one he scolds him.
So does the commies
Actually, Italy is full of Catholic Commies.
Catholic Dagon worshippers all go to hell
But who cares about Protestant hell?
Is there anything worst than some leftist brainlet who has to shoehorn some homophobic pseudo psychoanalysis on people he disagrees with
Picture unrelated?
closeted homofags triggered
Not really.
Fuck you. My family was buried there for speaking a different language and living in the XX century and not the XV.
>My family was buried there for speaking a different language and living in the XX century and not the XV.
>Muh le current century
>Implying it was about language
Kek and kek. Your family is there for burning nuns and defending and illegitimate regime you pile of garbage
>dude let's just but a fucking huge cross on top of a mountain!
This is the definition of crass.
It's always the good guys who win silly user
Doubt so, Francoist did not want to be buried in.
No, we can operate in public now.
absolutely euphoric.
*tips mitre*
Kike detected
>shoot at the statue of a guy generally considered to be the symbol of the downtrodden
>instead of some church, that was actually allied to the state they were fighting against
Proles always astonish me in their natural stupidity.
>sees cocks everywhere
>calls anyone else a fag
At the end of the day, conservative religious values in spain are on the decline. It has become another atheistic-liberal european state.
Yes you can masturbate over the brief period of traditionalism, just as turks fap over ataturk while his secular values are undermined everyday.
i'm so fucking glad communism is dead and defeated
What is more, Nowadays, The Vatican considers Spain a prioritary target for catholic reconquering, because only old people are still religious.
Franco did a good job. He fucked us so much, that we basically run ahead.
>i'm an anarcho-communist
Is this about getting triggered over the word "phallic" some new the donald meme I've missed?
Looks to me like they're just calling out that user's unhealthy obsession with male genitalia.