How was slavery under the Ottomans and Islam in general compared to the U.S, was it more humane or were they just as bad if not worse?
How was slavery under the Ottomans and Islam in general compared to the U.S...
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We were not as cruel as wh*Tes
they got some sort of medieval eugenic shit going on, children were taken as slaves and brainwashed into ottoman military life, culture and education which produced produced infantry corps officer as well as civilian administrators and high-ranked viziers. this level of social advancement was miles ahead compared to say other european feudal serfs or slave at the time. it is still still slavery and brainwashing no matter how turks try to spin it though
forgot to say that this shit caused their downfall in the long run
Take them all as slaves and not letting the smart progress and be priviledged put them in a negative selectivr program.
Try again.
read that list of the ottoman grand vizier again and count how many people were from the devshirme, hell these people pretty much controlled the empire at some point and could threaten and assasinate the sultan
still, majority of viziers were Turk.
give 3 (three) examples of notable Ottoman scientists
about 60% turks and 40% balkan devsirme i'd say. theres even some italians and armenians
Cirsassian girls were best sex slaves
The term caucasian came from them after all.
They were seen as the whitest of whites.
Basically slavery in the royal palace was done in a few ways.
You had the Enderun which as this user showed trained the elite infantry and statesmen from poor converted christian boys.
Reason for this was so that they could be a counterbalance to the turkic sipahi landholders which were the knight equivalent within the empire and another reasoning behind it was that it would at the end improve the lives of those poor farmboys.
Ofcourse there was also domestic slavery which was basically the same as the roman and greek model where slaves were used in the household as maids or if the slave was a pretty girl as sex slaves.
muslism were still raiding europe for slaves in the 19th century.
Europeans were still raiding other countries for slaves in the 20th century
Lel, even the majority of scientists in the Ottoman Empire weren't even Turkic. Turks really do contribute nothing to humanity.
What kind of stupid question is that? Europeans didn't even consider their slaves as human.
Ottomans educated their "slaves" and put them in powerful positions. At the end of it it were those same "slaves" that defended the system to the extend where they threatened to even kill the Sultan if he abolished the devshirme system.
How is that even close?
Why do you hate turks? Are you a rapebaby?
>ywn be a muslim noble with a harem of sex slaves in the late middle ages
>Why do you hate turks?
Everyone does though.
>Are you a rapebaby?
No, Memet al-Konalu-Cockrujuju, I am not.
But majority of your mothers bulls were Turkish
The people on the right had no balls.
Muslims wouldnt have stopped either if the French hadnt conquered them
As a matter of fact, many muslim countries are still slavers nowdays (ISIS, Dubai, Saudi Arabia...)
Rape babies are a meme.
That's an awful lot of projecting, mate.
Ask your mother if you dont believe me, well an important part of your mom's bulls were african but still
prime, textbook example of moving the goalposts
So he proved you wrong and now you start whining.
Was reading about circassian beauties the other day, shame that place's such a shithole nowadays, I'd love to visit.