>""studying"" philosophy without mathematics
""studying"" philosophy without mathematics
Mathematics is logical, So yeah.
Side note: Philosophy past Kant is trash.
STEM fucked philosophy pretty hard, to the point where phil degree holders are just serving coffee to STEMfags.
Philosophy past Nietzsche is trash.
>studying philosophy
Fun fact: maths used to be a humanity, thank God we came to our senses.
To be 3+4=7 or to be 6*0=0
Stupid brits
Philosophy already has a bunch of formal types of logic. Can you explain to me, why any math that exceeds high school level would be relevant to philosophy?
There's plenty of shit philosophy before Nietzsche.
>I am studying mathematic
>I am studying mathematics
>directly study the nature of structure, change, possibility, relation and space
And when has a philosopher ever done enough mathematics?
>anthropocentric philosophy
>using math
>having such faith that mathematics is a discovery not an invention
Call me when aliens have their own Godel's Imcompleteness Theorem [spoiler] coz they probably would [/spoiler]
>mfw a materialist tries to do "philosophy" near me
>philosophy has to be logical
maths requires actual intelligence tho. you brainlets wouldn't be able to handle it
I'm not really sure what you mean but there are many major philosophers that were also great mathematicians, like Leibniz and Descartes.
>thinking the soul is connected to the human body through the pituitary gland
>getting tribal about which academic subject you like
What I mean is, that nobody in this thread is going to be a new Leibniz or Descartes, and nobody here is going to win a Nobel Prize. There is a place for regular mathematicians and regular philosophers, who know their shit and do a good job.
So, if anyone who came far enough to study philosophy has studied math to a high school level already, and if philosophers don't need to study enough math to become mathematicians, in OP's mind, how much math and what area of it do they have to study in order to be competent philosophers, provided that this thread isn't just underpaid bowl cuts doing the "STEM master race" meme.