This is a thread for the discussion of the board, What do you think is wrong with Veeky Forums ? and how should we go about fixing it ?
/meta/ - Hiro approved meta thread
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>people still quote this post when it's obvious Hiro doesn't fucking care about thing that aren't Veeky Forums pass money.
Those thread are useless, it's always people bitching about the same issue and nothing is ever done.
Ban all /pol/ posters.
They fall for the lamest and poorest baits and derail all kind of threads.
The Inca poster is from pol too. Ban all those faggots ruining my comfy threads.
If you want to ban leftypol go ahead. Tell us how are you gonna do it.
Not your safespace, leftypol shill
So you support the Inca poster.
The only thing that could possibly help is if the mods had any interest in policing content and were not only interested in keeping site hits high, they need to think long term about the userbase and how driving out the people with actual purchasing power will eventually drive out advertisers and the people who buy Veeky Forums passes, everyday leaving Hiro unable to afford the servers, resulting in either the sale of a money losing website or the shutting down of every board outside of maybe 3
Actually enforce /pol/ as a containment board, if they could force all the pony spam into mlp they can force all the bald faced political sperging into pol.
I support anything that triggers you anti white cucks
Kill yourself, you white guilt faggot
Man every board seems to hate /pol/, it's like the top priority every time this thread shows up somewhere
Too slow
Too repetitive
it is clear that mods, from all boards, don't give a shit about post quality anymore, i've seen good boards like /k/,Veeky Forums,/g/ and /pol/ (yes /pol/) get deteriorated during elections time by the influx of newfags
Coupled the new malicious ads and the scam artist gook running this site, it's lost.
( see, a redditor newfag in action)
Keep on speaking truth to power you fucking virgin.
Malicious ads? Explain. I just use adblocker.
you know those clickbait ads that will try to get you to install malware? the ads here are legit one of them, just disable your adblocker for a minute to see them.
This place is getting out of control.
>i've seen good boards like /k/,Veeky Forums,/g/ and /pol/ get deteriorated
This, I used to love Veeky Forums, everyone was so fucking friendly and helpful, now the reason it isn't turning into some /b/ 2.0 its because it's a blue board
Get rid of /pol/ threads. There are topics that can be discussed that will be contentious, that's fine. We get the same handful of threads every day or two using the same images and "sources" to try to incite argument though. They need to be deleted.
Remove "& Humanities".
Get rid of & humanities.
All the absolute worst threads are humanities and politics is a humanity, meaning this place is crawling with /pol/ and /leftypol/
Also, get mods who aren't shit at their jobs.
what's the history of fat buggs meme?
Somebody posted a thread on Veeky Forums complaining about other's judgements on reading on the train. The picture was the fat bugs bunny
Somebody replied "bugs... easy on the carrots". He got 150+ replies
Thanks. What is the meme supposed to mean now on Veeky Forums?
You mean "corniness"?
Because they're shitposters that spam ebin redpill memes instead of contributing to real discussion.
>every board hates /pol/
Greater /pol/ includes /b/, /tv/, /r9k/, /k/ and some parts of /x/.
In the context of Khrushchev's Crazy Corn Caper, probably.
Ban all Turk posters.
We really need to get rid of the Incaposter
Please be patient I'm a newfriend
Maybe change & humanities to & the arts?
I just... really need somewhere to occasionally talk about ballet that that's not a dead ballet forum or echo chamber
Remove thinly veiled attempts to shoehorn current events or some political point in a topic which usually start on Veeky Forums with "historically speaking...". /tv/ and /v/ have the same problem ( "Who will play X in..." for the former "What video games can I..." for the latter).
Unfortunately ballet is a pretty low interest topic in general. Perhaps you could start a thread where you write a long post about ballet that's interesting to us laypeople but I doubt you could get a two sided discussion.
I concur, humanities is a shitty meme term anyway and dicussion of fine arts would add fine to this board quality
However poltards would probably infest this section as well with their ignorant worldview.
Easy, you ban /pol/.
I like him. He's a good counter balance to all the white supremacist shitposters. Unless you want to get rid if them too incaposter should stay.
>I doubt you could get a two sided discussion.
A lot of topics that don't receive much public attention suffer from the same thing. You are either met with silence, spend time mostly lecturing people, or spend time arguing with people who have barely researched the topic yet think they know more than you.
Bump, anyone who is /pol/ or lefty/pol/ should gtfo.
There's been some okay threads here all things aside
>Greater /pol/ includes /b/, /tv/, /r9k/, /k/ and some parts of /x/.
/b/ is completely dead, /tv/ has a lot of legitimate problems with things that concern /pol/ stuff, for them it is unavoidable, but it's not really /tv/ itself that is the problem.
/k/ pretty much prays every day that some shit happens so that they can finally shoot someone and be a hero.
Give me 20 good men and I will conquer Veeky Forums back. Let the mods see what and whom they ban and if they ban threads that would be okay then rewoke the mod status. It's that simple.
As far as I am concerned we could even have /pol/ stuff here, the real problem is that they never discuss anything. They already made up their mind and it's not about learning new things.
we've occasionally had decent ballet threads on here! depends on who's around
People on those boards hate /pol/ too faggot , you tards just spam those boards more
It's literally just one autist doing it, look at the filename in pic related
I feel like the board is hurting for good and active mods. I love this board, browse it pretty much every day for at least some time, and would be up for trying to moderate it when I can desu. I like to consider myself pretty impartial and woulsnt delete threads unless they were really obvious bait or against the rules.
hello anons, this board has great potential. it is up to us to get the job done. the moderatorii ianitorique can only do their job AFTER we have done ours. keep on reporting the content that does not belong here. and you know what it is.
there are some boards that are making a comeback to clean and clear content because anons are vigilant in reporting the gunk. Veeky Forums can definitely be one of those boards.
remember to keep reporting rulebreakers and poor content. if we all pitch in, we can make this board strong again. good luck!
>and how should we go about fixing it ?
Ban everyone who has ever posted here, then delete the board.
Post more falseflag /pol/ threads so we can "counter" them with our anti-g*rm memes.
/pol/ is the new /b/
Same as Veeky Forums:
Most people know very little actually and pretend they're experts
>mfw g*rm """""history""""" discussion is eradicated from the board
It does not include /k/ you fucking twat, we despise them more than anyone. Don't believe their lies, it's all part of their white nationalist power fantasy. I fucking despise /pol/, I hate them so much it makes me gnash my teeth sometimes.
If a poster's IP has shown they were on /b/, /pol/ or /r9k/ in the last 6 months, ban them from posting
There I fixed it
>6 months
No. 12 months.
>leftypol raiders
Why do anti white leftypol shills want a safespace?
I think the janny is doing a fine job, and last night was one of the comfiest times I had on Veeky Forums since it's inception.
honestly /gif/ is better for traps anyways
I don't know if this is the right place to discuss this because I don't know if there is a specific board on Veeky Forums that you can discuss things related to Veeky Forums but I digress here.
Is it possible that in light of the Unite the Right rally that Veeky Forums, basically all of Veeky Forums is going to be possibly banned because of the moral panic that we are in right now?
So you support the Inca poster.
>Everyone is anti white and left if they don't like me
This is why people don't like you :)
Ban all cishet white people.
I would be fine with this, because the arts and history intersect in interesting ways. The quality of the board would skyrocket.
The solution is obvious but for some fucking reason Moot nor Hiroshima haven't implemented it: if you post on /pol/ you are banned from posting on any other board for 24 hours.
This should have been implemented back when /mlp/ was created.
Stop calling people who disagree with you
>or /leftypol/
History is not a science and comes from many different perspectives, and our understanding of history and humanities informs out political leanings. The point of this board is to be dialogical with different historical perspectives to discuss and debate history, not to shelter you from hearing the other side.
>Alt right holds 1 fucking rally where antifa show up and 3 people die
>Whole of the US flips shit over large scale tier political riots that happen on a daily basis everywhere else
We'll be fine kiddo, just because the bourgeoisie uses neo-liberal capitalism and """""diversity""""" to oppress the working class, co-opt any actual leftists movements, and censor speech via indoctrination and consumerism doesn't mean they have total power over the internet
>if you post on /pol/ you are banned from posting on any other board
I almost want something as retarded as this to happen. Veeky Forumsterics will be surprised then that all the "why did Africa.." shitposts haven't gone away and are more prolific than ever and that many good posters have suddenly vanished.
Yet eurangutans can't get it yet. Sometimes they need to get "redpilled" with some Inca-facts.
>I-It's not /pol/ I swear
You have the same Africa threads on Veeky Forums, and I doubt it's independent localized posters all deciding to shitpost about Africa that just happen to use the exact same talking points on both Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /pol/
There is alrady evidence /pol/ likes to shitpost on other boards, why does /pol/ pretend it's not them?
I just don't like you. Niggers being dumb has nothing to do with weapons. Having 10 threads about your day of the rope jerkoff fantasy is not weapons related. We don't need you stupid faggots go apeshit everytime some niggers chimp out and start crying about the next civil war, it's not fucking weapons related.
The six Africa threads up right now have nothing to do with history or humanities, they're just poor shitty bait you retards keep using to force people to be "woke". I come here to talk about history, not to read some fucking mental pygmies retard gymnastics turn a thread about the Meiji Restoration into a Holocaust denial thread.
Get a fucking identity, you fucking basic bitch sheep. You don't need to constantly be spewing the diarrhea of your fetal-alcohol syndrome affected mind about how terrible niggers and Jews are, and how (((THEY))) are trying to wipe out the white race. There's a time and a place for that, and when I'm talking about what breech loaders the fucking breech loaders the English used the late 19th century is not fucking it.
Fuck off and die.
>Waaaah why do people disagree with me and why do people who disagree with shitpost?
Everyone shitposts you moron, I don't see you complaining about the Anne Frank porn or the
>Was it autism?
aww, the impotent anti white cuck is trigger :(
kill yourself, subhuman cuck
>I don't see you complaining about the Anne Frank porn or the
Because if I ignore those threads I don't have to worry about them. There are several Africa threads at any given moment, more are always made, and even in other threads /pol/tards try to force it into a ranting about niggers thread.
These type of posters are all over the place, I don't see pregnant anne frank posters in Veeky Forums or even outside those threads really.
>Veeky Forums is a site that mainly appeals to teenagers, college kids, and loser adults
>new Veeky Forums user is a loser/child/virgin/all of the above, his main hobbies are video games and ironic Nazism
>Veeky Forums user grows up/makes money/gets laid/starts reading
>becomes mature enough to be disgusted with Veeky Forums content but not mature enough to stop himself from going to a website
>"why is Veeky Forums so shit now?????"
why do you want an SJW safespace?
>There are several Africa threads at any given moment, more are always made, and even in other threads /pol/tards try to force it into a ranting about niggers thread.
Just use the filters to drown out the Africa threads
>/pol/ turns every thread into a rant about niggers
In Africa threads, yeah.
Here is a reason why
>Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, the President of South Africa and current president of the governing political party, the African National Congress (ANC), was charged with rape in the Johannesburg High Court on 6 December 2005. On 8 May 2006, the Court dismissed the charges, agreeing that the sexual act in question was consensual. During the trial, Zuma admitted to having unprotected sex with his accuser, whom he knew to be HIV positive, but claimed that he took a shower afterwards to cut the risk of contracting HIV. This statement has been condemned by the judge, health experts, AIDS activists and the public in general.
Whenever you get into African history the topic actual Africans and their behavior is bound to be brought up. When you have examples like this it's kind of not hard to have the knee jerk
>Fucking niggers
The easiest way is the stop arguing. It's pretty much a universally understood fact that black people are dumb (which is why progressives go to such lengths to deny it.) I'm sure that most people on Veeky Forums aren't progressives, so the argument usually becomes "no it's environmental" vs "nuh uh it's genetic", with a few "gb2pol"-posters.
Holocaust denial is a problem though, and technically not history.
>In Africa threads, yeah.
You clearly haven't been here long.
I've seen Asia vs European threads devolve into nigger bashing.
why are you white knighting for niggers?
Why are you defending bashing niggers in threads not about niggers?
>c-cuck a-anti white!! C-cuck!
>u r trigger lol
>I totes beat that strawman I just made up my dudes
See the pathetic fall backs these troglodytes always resort to? What else can you expect though from a group of whiny, self-victimised faggots who do nothing but bang on their keyboard with impotent rage.
That's how you use that word by the way.
look at this anti white cuck, he's fucking raging that he can't have his precious little SJW safespace
>That's how you use that word by the way.
wrong cuck, I was just describing you anti white traitors
"(of a male) unable to attain or sustain a penile erection. "
> It's pretty much a universally understood fact that black people are dumb (which is why progressives go to such lengths to deny it.)
>The longer your argue about something, the more wrong it is!
holy shit you're a brainlet.
>Can't understand that the guy he's talking to just calls people anti-white cucks is the same thing as the Eurangatang poster
Veeky Forums might be better if it had a community
Wordfilter the words wh*ite, (f)ersian and eurangutan.
He's not a good counterbalance or a counterbalance at all since he doesn't target this kind of threats. His diarhea is everywhere, ruining literally any thread vaguely related to pre-columbian america. You're a blind zealot.
I read on Veeky Forums he is from pol. Why don't we ban pol posters and we get rid of both cancers?
>His diarhea is everywhere, ruining literally any thread
Much like the white supremacist posters. I agree with you though, I don't like the incaboo much anyway because he ruins meso threads by baiting retards that just want to shit all over Pre-Columbian civilizations. Saying anything remotely critical of whites/euros is probably one of the easiest ways to derail a thread.
Why do leftists cuckolds want a anti white safespace?
OK, everyone should agree to ignore the antiwhitecuckposter so dont reply to any of his posts please, hes just gonna be more mad if we don't
So you support the Inca poster?
I support white supremacy
>the leftist subhuman is this much of a coward
Wew he really needs those (you)s bros
He's a far left Marxist false-flagging to make right wingers look stupid. I've seen him admit it on /r9k/.
Wow how hes falseflagging to shift the blame to marxists, nice
Incas were superior to europeans though.
I don't give a shit about incas, the only thing that matters is left vs right
>proved himself to come straight from reddit