Why did the mighty Bulgars fall to obscurity?
Why did the mighty Bulgars fall to obscurity?
ottoman rule
They lost some eyes.
They feared the Greek warrior.
They weren't really mighty, Byzzies were too busy just managing to keep the Arabs out of Anatolia. To spare much thought for some larping Turks.
This one made me chuckle
The Americas were discovered, and the lucrative trade from Asia that passed the Balkans fell dry.
This ensured that no big revolts and resurgence can happen, and the Ottomans happily rotted away in relative safety.
Same for Greece.
The didn't see eye to eye with their neighbours.
>went more and more feudal
>retard king decided to split the kingdom in 3 to make nice to his sons
>try to backstabbing the ottomans
3 reason - everyone on its own enough to bring down an empire
The Bulgar -Byzantines wars lasted for near 700 years. The Byzzies weren't that busy, stop larping for a second. The Bulgars had an alright empire marked with ups and downs. The weren't the greatest empire ever, they weren't the most cultured one, the weren't the most stable one. But they were there for 8 centuries and you have to deal with it.
8 centuries? 4, at most, and you can only call half of that an empire.
>they were there for 8 centuries and you have to deal with it
you have to be Bulgarian yourself to be so deluded
t. (You)
They clearly weren't that mighty if they fell into obscurity.
Not really. From 680 to 1396 the Bulgarians were in almost constant war with the Byzantines, the absolute strongest European nation for most of those years. Not to mention that when the Latins tried to resettle in the Balkans they got quickly BTFO
Then why aren't they in Medieval II Total War.
Checkmate wewuzer
Byzantine made game
Can someone tell me what's going on in Wallachia during that period?
I know they played a part in the second empire.
They were repelled by Croats.
Memes aside, they were just flavour of the month empire from the dark ages.
>one of the oldest european states by name
>contested byzantines for centuries
>almost captured Constantinople a few times
>the first state to christianise slavs
>oversaw the creation of cyrillic alphabet
>Title "Tzar" originated from the bulgarian king being recognized as "Caesar" by byzants
>destroyed arab siege
>btfo the franks a few times
>completely obliterate the latin empire in one of the most humuliating defeats a crusader army has seen
Very underrated empire.