ITT: Historical DLCs
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rec a book about this pls
Brazilian invasion of Italy
The Absolute madman!!!
my nigga
the danish show "1864" has a lot about the battle of dybbol but i havent found any subbed versions
>A meme tier race to the centre of Peaking to save christian hostages by the 8 nation alliance won by Britain as a curtain call signalling the beginning of the end of Pax Britannica whilst the Russians fuck over the Americans who then get their moment on the wall anyway whilst France is left out of planning
Why is history so poetic and prophetic, makes me almost think someone writes this shit?
is that from Fort Niagara? I recognize that coat of arms if so thats pretty neat.
this, please.
the russian civil war, i'm guessing?
i only read a small report on food manipulation that was very interesting.
he is my spiritual animal
Here some extra crusade if you liked the main ones.
Also check out the Wendish Crusade, the Livonian Crusade, and Swedish Crusade I, II, and III!!!
What the fuck
it was the first war the independent US ever fought, just wasn't a very big one so it's not very well-remembered.
It's the "shores of Tripoli" part of the US Marines anthem
chinkettes loving that big white dick
Rhodes, Benjamin D. The Anglo-American Winter War with Russia, 1918–1920: A Diplomatic and Military Tragicomedy. New York: Greenwood, 1988.
>A pedestrian account of the Allied intervention in Archangel and Murmansk that offers no new insight into the conflict. It does, however, offer a factually correct overview of the major issues and activities of the British and American military forces and diplomatic missions.
Foglesong, David S. America’s Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995.
>This book studies the struggles of President Woodrow Wilson’s administration to choose between nonintervention and intervention to the point of destruction of the Bolshevik regime. The result was an indecisive, limited intervention and an ineffective covert war against the Bolsheviks.
Halliday, E. M. The Ignorant Armies: The Anglo-American Archangel Expedition, 1918–1919. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1961.
>This book presents the American side of the Allied Expedition to north Russia and highlights President Wilson’s misgivings about the venture. The essential problem in Allied relations was the American desire to limit the scale and scope of intervention, in contrast to the British, who had more extensive aims, especially that of reopening the Eastern Front.
Moore, Joel R., Harry H. Mead, and Lewis E. Jahns. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki: Campaigning in North Russia 1918–1919. Nashville: Battery Press, 2003.
>This is a history of the 339th Infantry Regiment of the 85th Division, which comprised the bulk of the American Expedition to north Russia in 1918–1919. The officer authors do not attempt to explain or justify the politics behind the commitment of US forces in Russia but are content to focus narrowly on the regiment’s experience. Originally published in 1920 (Detroit: Polar Bear Publishing).
Unterberger, Betty Miller. American Intervention in the Russian Civil War. Problems in American Civilization. Lexington, MA: Heath, 1969.
>This book consists of three chapters that provide background and overview, twenty-one official documents, and five concluding essays of opposing interpretations on why America intervened in the Russian civil war.
MacLaren, Roy. Canadians in Russia, 1918–1919. Toronto: Macmillan, 1976.
>This book examines the role of Canadian Premier Sir Robert Borden in the decision to send Canadian troops to Russia alongside British and American soldiers. The author includes not only the voices of the politicians in Ottawa and London but the experiences of common soldiers as well. In general, the military viewed the intervention as misguided and not well thought through. MacLaren also analyzes the reasons behind their eventual withdrawal.
Fic, Victor M. The Collapse of American Policy in Russia and Siberia, 1918: Wilson’s Decision Not to Intervene (March–October, 1918). Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1995.
>This book covers the situation in Russia in 1918 regarding American intervention. It focuses on the various points of potential success for the anti-Bolshevik forces had President Wilson put America’s efforts behind them. It is written from the Cold War perspective that the intervention was justified to prevent a greater evil—the creation of the Soviet state—from taking root.
Unterberger, Betty Miller. America’s Siberian Expedition, 1918–1920: A Study of National Policy. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1956.
>One of the earliest treatments of the United States’ intervention, this book is based solely on English-language sources. Viewed from the American perspective, it offers a sympathetic treatment of President Wilson’s administration’s decision to intervene in Siberia—a decision made in part to thwart Japanese imperial ambitions in the region.
Anderson, Godfrey J. A Michigan Polar Bear Confronts the Bolsheviks: A War Memoir. The 337th Field Hospital in Northern Russia, 1918–1919. Edited by Gordon L. Olson. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010.
>This is the memoir of a young American draftee who served in a military hospital unit assigned to support the American military expedition to north Russia. Typical of many American firsthand accounts, the author offers no judgment on the politics of intervention but confines the narrative to a description of his own experiences.
>We're going on a cross-country train trip, boys!
it also crosses over with this
Call of Duty: Cod Warfare
Is this proof that god hates us? Canada could have been a giant irish Quebec...
wtf is this lol
>protect the shipment mission
There is actually a game that covers that conflict surprisingly enough. It's the reason I even knew about the conflict in the first place.
I've known about it long time ago on the tv. I was excitation because it seemed so far fetched, like some bad written but engaging fanfic.
>German man after serving Russia in ww1 leads a mercenary army that conquers most of Mongolia
>Declared the incarnation of a Buddhist war god
You literally can't make it up
I freaking love the boy scout uniforms
>imagine the fucking gangbang for those two flipettes
>end of pax britannica
This was literally the best time to be the British empire
My bad I thought this happened during the opium wars
>this kills the burger_1.jpg
China got fucked over many more times during the 19th and early 20th century.
And the one(s) to destroy the Hussites
>be frontier soldier shooting mexicans and redskins
>Quest started: Ancient Chinese Secret
>Wendish Crusade
Have a map.
Fucking crusader jews it's like 300 of dlc stop
Not as weird as the North Korean deployment to the Democratic Republic of Congo, or the Serbians in the Army of Zaire dlc.
>That time the king of Castilee sent an ambassador to Tamerlane so he would attack the Ottomans
If you want his name it's Ruy González de Clavijo
>just like in my Paradox game!
>Europe and the Mongols never got to team up to remove the Muslims
Shane O'Neill was the Prince of Ulster, I'm pretty sure that makes him a noble
>Operation Beleaguer
They misspelled Burger.
greeks fighting chinks?
>Hey buddy, can you see any slaves from up here?
yeah. they lost and have to give em all their horses
what's this?
The guy is clearly not black lol. Was this painted by an amerilard?
when the chinese attacked some greek city in afghanistan that alexander built or someshit
man, cant believe a white man like that would fight against his white brothers, Italians, at the behest of jews
Tbh im not suprised considering the scotts were hired before by the swedes and got utterly btfo'd by Danish/Norge Hillsmen
But the Cubans where embargoed, and how the heck does the US permits that expedition?
Huey Long did nothing wrong
dont worry its upcoming
id say by 30 weimar america will become the second confederation
In which you play as Tonto Red Bearshvili
Serbs were mercenaries, that isn't that odd.
>the deadliest single cannonshot in U.S. history
fucking hell lad
What do you think the boy scouts based their uniforms on
what is this