If I were to travel back in time and kill one person to prevent Holocaust, what would be more effective, killing Hitler or Luther?
If I were to travel back in time and kill one person to prevent Holocaust, what would be more effective...
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Killing Hitler. Luther caused an ideology but that's an ideology that would have appeared anywhere considering how much Germany hated the papacy and its hypocritical ways. Someone else would have started shit.
Kill Hitler and the Nazis never come to power the way they did if at all.
Luther's antisemitism was probably not that abnormal for his time.
>Not mentioning that Zentrum allowed Hitler to take over
Lenin. No Lenin, no communist uprising in Russia, no Russian interference in German democracy, no rise of fascism.
>No Lenin, no communist uprising in Russia
The Trotskyists probably would've had an uprising anyway.
Kill Abraham. Hitler can't gas the Jews if there are no Jews.
Abraham fathered other people's besides the Jews. Jews are descended from Jacob. If you killed Jacob then Abraham's inheritance would have gone to Esau and there would be no Jews. Or better yet kill Judah.
NSDAP was not fascist
Yourself because it didn't happen
Marx DESU.
The first human ever
this desu.
Arminius. The barbarians would be latinised and we would avoid all of the bullshit that comes with the germanic race
>to prevent Holocaust
Prevent what now?
No, it has to be Abraham. The others are innocent.
It's obviously Drexler
Killing Moses.
>read a book
Says the imbecile who gets his knowledge from wikipedia articles.
a unified Germany has proven time and time again to be the greatest existential threat to European civilization
>Implying the Anglo isn't the real evil for fucking up every attempt to unify the continent, even to this day
Exactly this.
Didn't mean to offend you but what you posted doesn't make sense.
The Germanic "race" (or ethnicity, whatever) existed before Rome and would have stayed around anyway, except in case the Romans completely genocided everyone in the orange regions of the map I posted.
Also you seem to refer to Germany with "the bullshit that comes with the germanic race" (because this thread is about Germany) but Germans are just one people that emerged (mainly) from the Germanics - the English, Scandinavians, Benelux peoples and to a lesser degree French, Italilans and Spanish are all peoples with significant Germanic roots as well.
I'm not the guy you originally replied to nor do I care about that argument, just FYI. Just grinds my gears when wikipedia brainlets act like they're the knowledgeable ones.
>Just grinds my gears when wikipedia brainlets act like they're the knowledgeable ones.
sorry, didn't mean to be cocky, but that post I replied to just doesn't make sense at all.
That map is fake.
It's unsourced, and there was no census in '34(there was one in 38 or 39)
> Kill Hitler
> Leave Soviets at full strength
Stalin develops the A bomb before the Americans
Bye bye Tokyo, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, London
Good job saving all those Jews
What if I don't want the Holocaust prevented OP?
I think that what you say about Luther applies to both. Dawkins' idea of a meme is I think correct in this. Killing one person wouldnt change jack shit, the circumstances brought about Luther, and if it wasnt him, it would be someone else, same with Hitler. Germany was defeated, put upon, shackled with debt, went through crippling inflation, who is to say that the world dodged a bullet with Hitler and someone even more sinister and deranged took over? It's similar with Trump in the US today. The states were inching towards a more socialist system as goverments all over the world seem to move and all the people weaned on McCarthyism and Jim Crow shit kicked out. Before him there wouldnt be chance in hell that Bernie Sanders or Elisabeth Warren win the presidency, after him, it seems much more plausible
I know this one's kinda a copout but I would help Georg Elser barbecue the entire Nazi leadership Inglorious Bastards-style.
Also, killing Reinhard Heydrich a year earlier (before the Wannsee Conference) would've at the very minimum delayed German plans to implement the Final Solution by several months, maybe even up to a year if Hitler was unable to find an adequate replacement. A delay that would have saved countless lives (perhaps in the millions) as the time could give Jews a chance to organize some form of armed resistance, or at the very least meant the Allies would be geographical closer to (and thus in a position to liberate) Jewish Ghettos before they could be fully liquidated.
Well then that would make you a fucking kraut. And you know we do to krauts.
Europeans were killing Jews for centuries before Germany even existed as a unified country, safe to say killing Hitler wouldn't prevent Jews fromm being killed.
Muhammed. No muslim Palestinians to give Hitler the idea
I reckon the Catholics didn't not vote NSDAP out of conviction, but rather because they were already voting Zentrum, an explicitly Catholic party.
What's it like to be this fucking ignorant all day every day?
Kill Georges Clemenceau
Ancestor of Hohenzollern dynasty, so Kingdom of Prussia would never be formed under their leadership.
you wouldnt really have to do anything to prevent the holocaust
the weimar republic was going to fail nonetheless and that meant war.
I would say Chamberlain because that cuck allowed appeasement when the german army was at it's weakest (1939)
answer is objectively Gavrilo Princip
Kill Wilson, US stays out of WW1, Germany wins. Nazism averted, the holocaust averted, WW2 averted, the cold war averted.
Killing Luther would just result in Zwingli or Melanchthon take his place. Reformation was inevitable and not the result of just one guy.
Hitler on the other hand would have made a difference, he was the one who kept the NSDAP together and enabled their vicotry in public elections.
I agree with this. A steady progression northward of the Roman Empire before Christianity set in would have done to Germany and the slavic lands what it did for Gaul, Hispania, and Britain.