Who was the biggest Chad in history?
Who was the biggest Chad in history?
Charlemagne or Genghis Khan, a tie between those two most likely.
Genghis Khan was extremely cucked ever since he was born, then he just sperged out on everybody because of his shit life.
The guy who fucked your crush while you were too much of a pussy to even talk to her
The entirety of your pre civilizational pre arranged marriage male ancestors were all chads. Compare the length of the x and y chromosomes women are all betas. Makes you think.
Y-chromasomal Adam
Qin Shi Huang Di
George Washington
This guy right here, including 350+ bastards
In stark contrast, the virgin, 0 (zero) offspring
You all know it's true.
At least he btfo Poland
>virgin invades Poland and doesn't even get laid
>Chad is so great that Poles make him their king, extra fit women beg him to knock them up
nice try Prussia
Genghis was an early case of beta uprising
This what happens when asian people don't get their daily dose of green tea.
some Spartan obviously
>Fucked boys for fun, fucked women to procreate
>Dissed way larger empires, which to avoid war with them, just kept quiet
>Enslaved a fucking lot of people, and were so alpha that most normies think they fought for democracy
>Feared by all greeks
>Had a philosophy which even the greatest philosophers said it was perfect, because they played dumb but were really smart
>Bullied everyone until the end
You don't really understand what a Chad is, plus you are into boyfucking. This is no thread for you, please leave.
>parents couldn't afford an inn, born in literal animal shit
>no friends to even show up to his birth, his dad had to ask 3 literal whos to give him presents
>couldn't afford wine to bring to a party so he made his own batch
>asked like 1,000 people to share 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread because he couldn't afford more
>sperg out and flip tables when people are doing things at his dad's house that he doesn't like
>flips out at a fig tree for not having fruit in the winter
>makes a house with the cornerstone the builder refused
>as the alpha and omega, literally has beta orbiters
>born of a virgin, died as a virgin, like poetry
Yeah, nah
>still buying into the sparta meme 2 and a half millenia after the fact
>implying you didn't just made up that name
Alcibiades' chad antics are so ridiculous you literally can't make this shit up.
>gets cucked as a child
>wont accept it and fully cucks all responsible
>this vengance is not enough, cucks all of eurasia aswell
about as chad as it gets really
Men on every continent have tried to model themselves after Alexander the Great, and match his accomplishments, almost always ending in miserable failure. Same applies to Julius Caesar, although he was one of the men who tried so desperately to be the new Alexander. The only difference is that he actually kinda succeeded in that.
Don't fucking remind me
>So chad you bypass women entirely
Op asked about Chads, not who the hero of your childhood was.
If you define "Chad" as "A man who inspires envy in other men" then Alexander is the clear winner.
I like my definition better.
not him but caesar was literally chad
>cuck countless senators
>fuck two literal queens
>conquer gaul, btfo pompey
>plebs love him
>get murdered by betas
>your family takes over rome
>>your family takes over rome
*your wife's son's family
this and Peter the Great (even though he initially was a pussy in dealing with Charles XII)
This guy fucks!
he does, and he doesn't shoot blanks either!
Nice one.
Are you baiting? If not get out of here.
Not the poster.
Fuck you faggot.
Enjoy living under a failed state without Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya. Viva Gaddafi! Viva the Green Revolution!
>implying you are not just samefagging because I caught you.
You have to be at least 18 to be on this board
>Thinks oil money can by military competence
I laughed harder at this than I should have
>Viva Gaddafi
user... I have bad news for you.
Alexander the great
he's the chad that all other chad's measure themselves with
i would date her
user, you are one sick fuck.
Genghis, probably.
she is cute desu
Stop chasing shadows and use google, if not trolling.
Genghis Khan more like 'the ultimate virgin conqueror'.
My money would be on Khaled.
Good post
Jacques Casanova
Casanova guy lost his virginity in a three way. His memoirs are free btw, google it
Keep shilling hard for the NATO rats and beheaders.
Oh hello /sg/
he was gay though
Cyrus the Great.
> mfw knife in the bum
Atlantis. When that sea was still navigable.
Alexander the Great
How was he cucked as a child?
The og chad. First time someone conquered without political or economic intentions. just wants to impress daddy such a lil bih
Didn't know about Charles II deformities until now, now I know why this is fucked up
Lake Megachad.
If you're cucked to begin with you're no Chad. You're a bitter virgin sperging. You can't become a Chad, you're a Chad or you aren't. Also no Chad would be scared of dogs.
But he was literally bullied for looking like a girl.
Either Charlemagne or Frederick Barbarossa.
No faggot. I don't know what that faggot board even is anyway. Listen faggot, Gaddafi wasn't a cuck and he wasn't a virgin leader, he made Libya into the jewel of Africa but you faggots are cheering on as Libya gets fucked by foreign powers.
as it should be
enjoy death sand monkey
Faggot frog poster, I see that you enjoy Sharia law and a failed state. Libya wasn't perfect faggot but it was better under Khadafi and you can't prove me wrong nigger.
fucking this, he broke horseshoes with his bare hands
Y-Chromosome Adam
>Completely chads the virgin politicians of Athens into hating him so much they frame him for breaking dicks off of statues so they can execute him
>He defects to Sparta and helps them for a bit
>Ends up leaving Sparta because he literally cucked the fucking king of Sparta
>Goes to Persia for a bit and pretends to be a good boy so Athenian betas will take him back
>They do because they're desperate betas
>Again they get frustrated with his Alphaness and exile him under the pretense that he lost a battle that was actually lost by a subordinate who did the exact opposite of what Alcibiades suggested
>Spartans crush Athenian betas
>Alcibiades is finally tracked down to his mansion and killed as he gets out of bed with his mistress
>queen of bythynia
>mfw the best insult Caesar's cuck enemies like gayto and kikero could come up with was the ancient world's equivalent of "lol tranny"
Truly, devastated men.
>outside forces cannot be overcome no matter what actions you take.
No user, it is only you who is the sperg.
Stalin tbqh
Who are you quoting, virgin mongol?
Of course it was better under Gaddafi. But you wanted democracy, and this is what you got.
>Appeal to first world for help against your brutal dictator (who was not so bad btw)
>First world throws out your government
>Country descends into factionalism and warfare
Unironically This.
Alexander was the first and greatest Chad.
Sex with girls is for queers.
Rip gentle Quang, you will b missed.
His mom had sex with his bully
Phallic sausages
>freemasonic symbols,gets cucked by a women