Handsome historical men
wouldn't call that handsome, looks like a school shooter
not bad for a 15 year old.
I want him to liberate my boipuss
Willy was better looking
The dude was the biggest chad of all time.
I would let him remove my Jewish colonies, if you know what I mean
>sturdily built british soldier, impossible to knockdown, has probably body slammed dozens of japanese soldiers to death
>manlet, effete g*rm larping as a degenerate aristocrat and wears one leather glove like a faggot with impractical clown pants.
you just KNOW which one has the superior genes.
Close but no cigar.
This manlet
Peter O'Toole?
I like Uncle Billy.
He has this rugged look, with that 'I don't give a shit what you think' expression.
he's not attractive, you're just a yankee faggot
Wade Hampton was a total stud
>barely over 100 pounds
>barely over 5 feet
>weirdly Latin looks for a German
>overwide mouth
Damn you rebs really hate him don't you
I can't get over how Asiatic young Himmler looked. I mean look at that face, it's literally Kazakh/Native American tier.
I wipe my ass with the american flag because of this guy. Seventh generation Georgian here.
Who are the first two? Top right are clearly Hirohito and Himmler, bottom are Mussolini, Goebbels, Goering, and Hitler.
Desecration of your born national colours aside, Georgia EXISTS because of men like him. Men who prosecuted the war to a swift end before it got so bloody your ancestors spent their livelihood and future fighting it.
I think a winter's worth of food in rurual Georgia and South Carolina and a few hundred miles of rail lines is an easier loss than hundreds of thousands of young confederate lives.
Who knows. Perhaps your ancestor was among the men who was spared a painful death because the South realized the hopelessness of their cause all the sooner.
Hate him all you like, he almost certainly wouldn't mind. But he did his job.