What are your thoughts on Napoleon?
What are your thoughts on Napoleon?
Overrated failure
Nice and cool guy, unlike his enemies, who were mean beta virgins always trying to end the hero
And they did... It's what Napoleon gets I suppose, for being a Chad amongst a coalition of virginbois.
As an Englishman I hate him. As a man I want to fuck her.
He's ok. A good commander overall, but not actually that hard to beat if you just play it safe. Napoleon had a gift for taking advantage of his enemies' mistakes, but he was pretty empty-handed if they didn't make any.
Man of the millenia, the dude is a legend
He achieved more than anyone else in history. Why am i even replying to an obvious britcuck post?
He's pretty well respected in the low countries. I never really understood why everyone else has a hateboner for him.
Did nothing wrong.
A national hero in France, he's the historical figure we love the most, despite the anglo propaganda and the few mistakes he made.
The most influential man of modern times. Only Jesus and Karl der Grosse can claim to be superior in historical impact.
Self important sociopath who murdered countless hundreds of thousands to salve his own monstrous ego.
Italian hero.
>Napoleon was litteraly Hitler
Here we go again... His landgrabs could've been less significant if his neighbors stopped trying to fuck him over.
>Bullies keep poking you with a stick
>You don't move
>They keep doing it
>You fuck them up hard, give them a lesson and go mind your business
>Soon after, they come back again and keep poking you
>You tear them apart once again, enough is enough
>They come back
Ethnic Italian, since when does your ethnicity determine your nationality ? He was more French than the Bourbon kings ever were.
Stalin ?
Is that why they devout a whole two paragraphs for him in their history books
Well go ahead and ask a French man who's his favorite historical figure.
I bet you a hundred bucks it'll be either Nappy or De Gaulle.
As an Englishman I feel like I SHOULD hate him, but I love him.
Props to you for not falling for the moustruous british propaganda
Europe has constitutions, the metric system, and cheap table sugar because of him.
Ultimate example of why you need to quit while you are ahead.
When was that an option for him?
when he had le grande armee but before he marched into Russia.
You really think that the rest of Europe would have just left him alone?
No but he would've had about four hundred thousand more men to take them on.
I don't much care for people overthrowing monarchies.
Metric is for uneducated, lazy idiots.
Why would Brits be angry about a man they defeated?
You spelled the Imperial System wrong user
>more than anyone else in history
6 coalitions defeated*
Name someone who did more
I'm waiting.
There would have been twice as many coalition wars had Napoleon not invaded Russia. They were never going to let rule Europe
Imperial isn't inorganic, dumbed down and prescribed by autists for use by proles too stupid and lazy to pick up a book though.
And wouldn't it be nice if he had four hundred thousand more men for that on his home turf where he's won all of his stunning victories without hugely stretched communication/supply lines or the Russian winter ever becoming an issue?
First you'd have to list an actual accomplishment by generic manlet tinpot dictator #6000000
nigga rolled 20s for his whole life
He wasn't a manlet
Where did the manlet meme come from anyway? More anglo bullshit?
Not even close, Napoleon's armies marched from Portugal to Russia, crushing everything on it's path only to be beaten by a vastly outnumbering army and Russian winter
All of this within a decade
>outing yourself as an autistic lankcuck
And it all blew up in his face in about a decade. Caesar's legacy lasted for hundreds of years.
I don´t know, i don´t like democracy at all, and feudalism either.
I would say that he´s ugly as fuck.
Warmongering imperialist dictator.
>Caesar's legacy lasted for hundreds of years.
Only because of Augustus deeds
Caesar himself was hardly that ebin
>Warmongering imperialist
Most wars he fought were started by his enemies
In an era of dictators
Unless you think the Russian Tsar, the Austrian Emperor, and the Prussian and British Kings were democrats lmao
This argument works with Hitler because he lived in an era of democracy, but here it doesnt
to be fair his successor was a much better leader than he ever was.
And who was it that put Augustus in a position of power? Part of being a good ruler is establishing a good heir. Julius Caesar killed it.
Based Daddy. That is all I will say, to enlighten you:
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Something to do with the conversion of French measurement made it appear he was only 5"2 to the British while actually being around 5"7. Despite that being short enough for manlet status here he was actually above average height in France.
The British knew it was wrong and just rolled with it for keks.
Nice buzzwords fag
>fight in the revolution to end monarchy
>become a monarch
WTF was his problem?
>conquered most of Europe
>proved stability to a post-revolutionary France
>metric system, code of laws, constitutions across Europe because of him
>beat Prussia in 19 days
>conquered Egypt
his followers did more historically speaking
the french wanted him to be emperor
Anyway he was a warmongering count who had a thirst for European to satisfy his manlet urges. Even when he was exiled he decided to further embarass and fuck up his nation.
But he influenced far more.
He gave us the greatest concept in military history: the sustained artillery barrage
Christianity is more Paul's invention than Christ's.
idk to be fucking honest.
t. american
So? Soldiers are made to fight wars. What's with a bit of conquering if it means a better life for civilians.
>Defence capabilities mean that that state should declare war on the world
Really makes you think
He sold us a to of territory in the Louisiana Purchase.
>us a to of
wait? are you drunk too?
>Having defence capabilities means you should go to war with the world
What did the retard mean by this?
>if it means a better life for civilians
sometimes people need to die.
how new at life are you?
Daily Nappy threads are the best part of Veeky Forums. Bootyblasting monarchucks never gets old.
Should have never attacked Russia while the Peninsular War was going on, god damnit you dummy, why did you let Austerlitz get over your head?
>Sometimes people need to die
Kys Stalin
A better life under the incompetent ruling of a distant relative of Napoleon. Fucking lmao.
He would've won in Russia if Spain didn't catch a case of autism and wanted an Absolute Ruler again.
"Constitutional" ruling. And they have the metric system. And table sugar. And better laws.
far from stalin youngfag
i agree with you except crying about metric.
also i am not
>also i am not
please disregard
>mfw Spain unironically wanted bourbons to rule them and died in huge numbers so a french monobrow cunt could go back to opressing them
what the fuck was their problem?
No, you just have a neo-conservative like Trotsky mindset.
A "constitutional" puppet of France, ruled by a dictator. Really makes you think.
A GOOD dictator. Not like how it was before where "pedestrian" was an insult and not a person. Napoleon cared about his people.
Is that why most of Napoleon's wars were defensive?
He avenged the Empire, and spread its englightenment through his Napoleonic code. The hero Europe needed.
>Good dictator
Wrong, he was a spreg
Like 1812 and the Peninsular War? kek
>neo-conservative like Trotsky mindset.
But wanting to be left the fuck alone and making the world a better place for jews are two different things.
Prove me wrong faggot
he was totally liberal
Burden of proof is on you tripfag virgin, you made a bunch of bullshit claims that don't hold up