Can anyone tell me some of the historical reasons behind anti semitism?
Not nazi posting, I'm just looking for a little background on what the Jews have done to be so hated over the years.
Can anyone tell me some of the historical reasons behind anti semitism?
Not nazi posting, I'm just looking for a little background on what the Jews have done to be so hated over the years.
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jews are like the weird nerd from highschool that was always teacher's pet, awkward, and eventually becomes bill gates. most people in the same class as them go "oh neat" some people however live in disbelief, even angry, at the thought of the person they picked on for years made something of themselves.
Superstition and racism
Other than the obvious answer of racism, it has to do with how people perceive modern Jews as being a major controlling portion of the media and the political body. This leads to conspiracy theories, that can be seen as a parallel to certain Zionist ideas. This can idea of a group of people grabbing power and control can also be aligned with how Jewish people were historically displaced often by more powerful peoples, and it would make sense for them to want to take back what was their's and even take what is others.
So basically just superstition
People always hated and distrusted people who weren't like them. Jews were hardly the only religion or culture to be persecuted.
A minority of Jews in powerful positions did some awful things to non-Jews and that cause the bad reputation that the Jews have some those who don't like them.
Its interesting how historical oppression begets more oppression. The retarded "Jews have been expelled from every country they live in" argument is used even to this day.
>Not nazi posting, I'm just looking for a little background on what the Jews have done to be so hated over the years.
>most people in the same class as them go "oh neat" some people however live in disbelief, even angry, at the thought of the person they picked on for years made something of themselves.
Jews are the original chads fool.
>people perceive modern Jews as being a major controlling portion of the media and the political body
perceive? Its a fact.
Jews hated and distruted everyone who werent jews for much of history, hence one of the reasons nobody liked them
>Its everyone elses fault, i dindu nuffin
Jealousy espoused from their:
–strength as an ethnoreligious group
–mutual support/strong social network
–intellectual acumen
Settled in Europe
Different religious group
Anti-catholic Talmudic religious group
Isolationist culture
Bred like rats to form large Ashkenazi population from a population of a few in just a few centuries
Participated in usury
Universally disliked by European cultures for these traits.
Later on controlled high positions in European society.
Jews, due to their religion, stick to their own.
Because Christian kingdoms prohibited Jews from owning land, and Jewish tenant farmers were harassed or prohibited everywhere besides Poland, Jews lived in cities.
Due to usury restrictions, a privileged few became moneylenders. Certain Jews became substantially wealthier than nearly all Christians, leading to jealously and understandable resentment.
Catholic dogma suggests that Jews are collectively responsible for the death of Jesus.
This is a good example of the complaint most seem to share against the Jewish people.
tl;dr The jews in England were clipping corners off of coins and smelting them into their own form of currency, and because they only bought within their community, the value of the states currency plummeted while theirs increased. So the King told them to fuck off with that counterfeiting bullshit and kicked them out.
A few Jewish people, not "the Jews"
A few individuals=/= community
I don't fucking care.
My point is people take those statistics and segue them into superstitions and off base assumptions concerning conspiracies and the like.
I should of separated perception from the rest of that sentence.
"Should've" is "should have". "Should of" makes no sense.
Since we're all being faggots here, I guess...
Catholic dogma didn't teach that Jews collectively were responsible for the death of Jesus. But it did nullify and consider sinful for people to offer Old Testament sacrifices(korban) and practice Jewish religious rites after the promulgation of the church in 33 ad.
Mostly antisemitism was a religious thing,but the self segrational nature of the jews and their involve in banking and lending (both seen negatively in christianity ethic) just makes worse the things for them.
I thought this was a /pol/ free thread user.
i have a jewish friend and while his life has problems like everyone else's., he's got a good income, a loving family, a religion with a good culture and a god that makes sense, and their people are collectively chosen to be God's pets and try to be an example in the world. he's always been a nice person to me and has always answered my questions no matter how dumb they are
meanwhile, my only religious experience is going to a church a few times where they play rock music and talk about modern politics as much as or more so than god, and my family life sucks, my dad used to drink and the people around here across the street do degenerate shit like drugs all the time.
i wish judaism was a bigger religion, i could be happy. ive been in an existential crisis since ive been 10 when my parents stated gambling
Ashkenazi have very high IQs (especially verbal IQ) which makes them overrepresented in cognitively demanding positions everywhere in business and government. This breeds jealousy from the majority population.
This wouldn't be a problem if they had the notion of "noblesse oblige", like other elites (such as the WASP) have had throughout american history.
The problem is that they view themselves as a separate, superior breed and they loathe the inferior goyim they rule upon, which causes a lot of resentment against them.
It seems like America is going down the path of Weimar Germany...
>The entire world is racist to the Jews, and only the Jews
>Romans allow the Jews to keep their religion as long as they pray to their God for the Emperor and pay tax
>Jews say fuck that
>Go to war with the Romans
>Lose bad
>Romans still respect ancient religions because muh mysticism
>Romans: "Are you fucking serious? cut this shit out, you are already getting a much better deal then most provinces".
>30 years later
>They do it again, this time slaughtering towns and unarmed garrisons until the Romans show back up and put them down again
>Romans get tired of this shit
>Ban the Jews from keeping weapons
>They smuggle weapons in
>They melt down shit and make new weapons
>Someone claims to be the new Messiah and leads the Jews against the Romans
You know how it ends.
They get expelled.
Israel becomes Palestine.
Thousands of years later new Rome comes back, and moves the Jews back in.
god i hate you people, you guys are such faggots who misinterpert everything relating to jewish culture, you want to destroy a beautiful religion and culture and replace it with shit like christianity where you jump and up and down with rock music where the pastor preaches to you that politician of the week is literally jesus or islam which riots every 5 minutes or paganism where you just worship your race and your theology comes from skyrim
>Romans allow the Jews to keep their religion as long as they pray to their God for the Emperor and pay tax
no, the emperor wanted the jews to say that the emperor was a god
I don't know what you're talking about, I'm an atheist. And anyways, Jews view themselves as an ethnicity, not a religion.
Kill yourself.
Op here, I haven't gotten 1 Veeky Forums post on the subject you are all defeating the purpose of the thread by arguing about literally nothing.
>the emperor wanted the jews to say that the emperor was a god
This was required of every province under Roman rule. It was more about showing respect to the empire then religion since most people were pagan/paleolithic so what's one more God to worship.
They made a deal that the Jews (because the Jewish religion was so old and the Romans were superstitious as fuck) that they could pray to offer prayers to yahweh for the Emperors health and well being instead.
They just wanted everyone to keel and kiss the ring basically.
you're a queer that knows nothing about jewish culture besides what you hear on /pol/
I don't think there is a large collective mindset once a Jewish person gets into a position of power. At least not a collective Jewish mindset.
This kind of thought process is petty and not based on evidence and reason.
What even IS Ashkenazi?
>rock and roll
>appropriate liturgical music
>Jewish culture and religion
Maybe I exaggerate there's a few good posts but everyone is goy vs notgoy I want some history folks
yes, and that's exactly why they didn't do it. Committing idolatry is one of the biggest no no's of Judaism
>theology comes from Skyrim
I exhaled forcefully.
>jump up and down with rock music
What the fuck though?
Jews which lived in communities along the Rhine river in Germany, they spoke yiddish(ghettoized german) and descended from a small group of Jews who settled there from France which grew exponentially into a large population, they were expelled from the Rhein and ended up in Eastern Europew high is why many of them have german sounding surnames.
I know a lot of jews and interact with them a lot, I know what I'm talking about. Now go gas yourself.
Oh no, there's no conspiracy, it's just a sort of internalized behavior transmitted generation from generation. Jews honestly believe that they are a better people (even if they don't necessarily believe in God or being God's chosen), that Goyim hate them and want to kill them, and these beliefs guide them to act in a rather uniform way.
I just gave you a really shot version of three major wars between the Jews and the Romans.
What else do you want me to say?
>I exhaled forcefully.
every pagan on youtube only became pagan because they played an rpg like skyrim or daggerfall
>jump up and down with rock music
lots of churches are like this
>compromising your beliefs to some faggots larping as roma----
>what better reason not to submit
Seems pretty based to me.
I can except that in certain cases but applying it to every Jew everywhere seems ludicrous to me.
That is not considered appropriate for the liturgy.
>But an entirely new situation was created when, from about the year 1000, the Western portion of the Consensus found itself suddenly in the field of the young Western Culture. The Jews, like the Parsees, the Byzantines, and the Moslems, had become by then civilized and cosmopolitan, whereas the GermanRoman world lived in the townless land, and the settlements that had just come (or were coming) into existence around monasteries and market-places were still many generations short of possessing souls of their own. While the Jews were already almost fellaheen, the Western peoples were still almost primitives. TheJew could not comprehend the Gothic inwardness, the castle, the Cathedral; nor the Christian the Jew's superior, almost cynical, intelligence and his finished expertness in " money-thinking. ' ' There was mutual hate and contempt, due not to race-distinction, but to difference of phase. Into all the hamlets and countrytowns the Jewish Consensus built its essentially megalopolitan — proletarian — ghettos. The Judengasse is a thousand years in advance of the Gothic town. Just so, in Jesus's days, the Roman towns stood in the midst of the villages on the Lake of Genesareth.
>But these young nations were, besides, bound up with the soil and the idea of a fatherland, and the landless "Consensus," which was cemented, not by deliberate organization, but by a wholly unconscious, wholly metaphysical impulse — an expression of the Magian world-feeling in its simplest and directest form — appeared to them as something uncanny and incomprehensible. It was in this period that the legend of the Wandering Jew arose. It meant a good deal for a Scottish monk to visit a Lombard monastery, and nostalgia soon took him home again, but when a rabbi of Mainz — in 1000 the seat of the most important Talmudic seminary of the West — or of Salerno betook himself to Cairo or Merv or Basra, he was at home in every ghetto.
>In this tacit cohesion lay the very idea of the Magian nation1 — although the contemporary West was unaware of the fact, it was for the Jews, as for the Greeks of the period and the Parsees and Islam, State and Church and people all in one. This State had its own jurisprudence and (what Christians never perceived) its own public life, 2 and despised the surrounding world of the host-peoples as a sort of outland; and it was a veritable treason-trial that expelled Spinoza and Uriel Acosta — an event of which these host-peoples could not possibly grasp the under meaning. And in 1799 the leading thinker among the Eastern Hasidim, Senior Salman, was handed over by the rabbinical opposition to the Petersburg Government as though to a foreign state.
>Jewry of the West-European group had entirely lost the relation to the open land which had still existed in the Moorish period of Spain. There were no more peasants. The smallest ghetto was a fragment, however miserable, of megalopolis, and its inhabitants (like those of hardened India and China) split into castes — the Rabbi is the Brahmin or Mandarin of the ghetto — and a coolie-mass characterized by civilized, cold, superior intelligence and an undeviating eye to business. But this phenomenon, again, is not unique if our historical sense takes in the wider horizon, for all Magian nations have been in this condition since the Crusade period. The Parsee in India possesses exactly the same business-power as the Jews in the European-American world and the Armenians and Greeks in southern Europe. The same phenomenon occurs in every other Civilization, when it pushes into a younger milieu — witness the Chinese in California (where they are the targets of a true Anti-Semitism of western America), in Java, and in Singapore; that of the Indian trader in East Africa; and that of the Romans in the Early Arabian World.
>What has mattered in the West more than any other distinction is the difference between the race-ideal of the Gothic springtime which has bred its human type, and that of the Sephardic Jew, which first formed itself in the ghettos of the West and was likewise the product of a particular spiritual breeding and training under exceedingly hard external conditions — to which, doubtless, we must add the effectual spell of the land and people about him, and his metaphysical defensive reaction to that spell, especially after the loss of the Arabic language had made this part of the nation a self-contained world. This feeling of being "different" is the more potent on both sides, the more breed the individual possesses. It is want of race, and nothing else, that makes intellectuals — philosophers, doctrinaires* Utopists — incapable of understanding the depth of this metaphysical hatred* which is the beat-difference of two currents of being manifested as an unbearable dissonance, a hatred that may become tragic for both, the same hatred as has dominated the Indian Culture in setting the Indian of race against the Sudra. During the Gothic age this difference is deep and religious, and the object of hatred is the Consensus as religion; only with the beginning of the Western Civilization does it become materialist, and begin to attack Jewry on its intellectual and business sides, on which the West suddenly finds itself confronted by an even challenger.
Could you space it out if you are going to block post?
You mean pander to their youth to keep them interested? The church has always done that.
>damn kids today and their rock music and twitterbook
Many Modern day jews are not like the European Jewish societies from before the 20th century except if they range from conservative-ultra Orthodox Jews because they have integrated and assimilated into american society(many have intermarried with other cultures and have become disconnected with Jewish culture).
You forgot the part about the instances where they were banned from several professions, forced to live in ghettos, not allowed to mix with goyim. Not surprising that someone this uneducated falls for le jewish communism meme. Oh, and btw, is that way.
why do we have this thread every other week, and every time the OP points out that they are not from /pol/
>every pagan on youtube only became pagan because they played an rpg like skyrim or daggerfall
You're more likely to find quality theology in The Elder Scrolls than 99.5% of churches.
>no, the emperor wanted the jews to say that the emperor was a god
>Jews honestly believe that they are a better people (even if they don't necessarily believe in God or being God's chosen), that Goyim hate them and want to kill them, and these beliefs guide them to act in a rather uniform way.
Maybe one of these days they'll start fearing the God they blasphemed across the planet for their material gain.
Those spanned as a direct consequence from European dislike of the Jews, many of them were usually only farmers, merchants(although they were barred from many mercantile guilds) or usurers. In the Jewish segregated communities they functioned as a separate economy/society.
>>>/leftypol/ away
>Anti-semitic measures span from jews being disliked
Wow, really made me think.
So you wouldn't mind somebody saying "Christians are communists" due to the politics of Cuba and Nicaragua?
If you're a conversative (or something to the right of that) and you're not at least suspicious of jewish influence, you're either braindead or spooked as fuck.
Try a different church.
Damn Jews are based. They were just resisting wh*Te, Gr**KKK and Rom*n degeneracy.
Yes, jews are definitely opposed to degeneracy. It's not like their disproportionately involved in the porn industry.
Fuck off idiot. The (((right-wing))) is full of Jews.
(((Milton Friedman)))
(((Andrew Breitbart)))
(((Matt Drudge)))
(((Drudge Report)))
(((The Federalist)))
(((Ben Shapiro)))
(((Sheldon Adelson)))
(((Mark Levin)))
(((William Kristol)))
(((David Brooks)))
(((Ami Horowitz)))
(((Barry Goldwater)))
(((Charles Krauthammer)))
>jews constantly chimp out and commiy genocide against gentiles
>romans tire and finally btfo the judeans
>mfw its okay to explain Jewish over representation in the media, economy and politics by proclaiming they are inherently smarter than the general population
>mfw its explained by racism when its non-jews
really joggin the noggin
They have been the definition of a fifth column. They practice exclusion and preach inclusion. And sometimes they abduct and ritually murder gentile children. Being autistic and inassimilable was ubiquitous but the former was probably the last straw.
porn and hollywood and all audiovisual entertainment are just inherited derivatives of american music hall, which jewish immigrants came into at the turn of the century because they were poor and knew how to make a buck.
better than moving in just to chimp out and cry for gibbsmedats
and look, now we have the most powerful and respected movie industry in the world
you're welcome, goyfriend :)
>mutual support/strong social network
Its called nepotism
The primary historical reason behind antisemitism is Semites.
oh boy here we go
what reason on earth might jewish people have to trust other jews before outsiders
I don't know but you can't turn around and call me an anti-semite when I don't trust them either.
>mostly neocons or lolbergtarians
meanwhile, jews in every single survey are shown to hold the most progressive beliefs out of every other ethnic or religious group.
>yeah user what you said is completely true but here how it's not important even though I'm not going to contradict the main point
is this...the power...of high verbal iq
That certainly activates my almonds
Jews outside Israel user. In Israel they gave long lasting contraceptive shots to black jews without their knowledge and turn refugees away while building walls.
I don't give a fuck about jews in Israel, they can do whatever they want there. I care about the ones subverting other countries from within.
Maybe the reason could be that those outsiders created a country for them and have done everything possible to see that the Jews are safe and prosperous?
If you don't trust a community that hasn't harmed you, you will cause that community to lose trust in you.
I know what you mean, the only domestic Jews I ever met, with only a couple hundred in the whole country, was on Soroses payroll in an NGO
literally can't make this shit up
Anti-Semitism is the idiot's Socialism
Socialism is the idiot's anti-semitism.
>secular/hellenistic jews in every single survey are shown to hold the most progressive beliefs
Orthodox Jews don't. I don't care what ashkeNAZI Jews think.
Ethnic "Jews" are dead. Religious "Jews" still exist, but are mostly white.
That includes rich white folk who claim to be Jewish or convert to Judaism in order to get treated good because of the Holocaust, which their grandparents helped endorse.
you sound like a butthurt kike
Devastating critique /pol/
Yeah, because the statement I replied to was soooo well argued.
>Orthodox Jews don't.
A small minority, which means my statement about the average jew is correct.
Fuck off you dirty goy rat. (((We))) don't give a shit about your disgusting, impure nations. If you really don't like your subversive Jews, kick them out. I am fine with it, as a Revionist Zionist. We need as many exiles to come home as possible.
You couldn't disprove it
I'm Arab.
Jews aren't Semites they're Hamites
Most of these so-called "Jews" aren't even halachically Jewish. Don't conflate secular/hellenistic AshkeNAZI Jews with Mizrahi Levantine Babylonian Jews. Just because someone claims to be a Jew doesn't change that they aren't according to G-d. They don't adhere to the Torah, nor do they adhere to the Oral Law. If they did, they would be living in Judea & Samaria and speaking Hebrew to their Jewish children. A gentile who converts to Orthodox Judaism, moves to Israel, and joins the Hebrew nation would be ten times more Jewish than any Hellenist in Hollywood you claim is Jewish.
Uh.. You do realize E1b is one of the foundational Jewish haplogroups, even among Ashkenazi Jews, right? It's just as common as J1
The Founder haplogroup of the Jews are J1 and J2, both are from the Canaanites. Like other Semitic E1b tribes, the Hebrews weren't able to genocide the natives and simply forced their Afro-Asiatic language on their J subhects.
>Just because someone claims to be a Jew doesn't change that they aren't according to G-d.
Thank you orthodox poster.
I was just typing something similar to this.
>Not nazi posting, I'm just looking for a little background on what the Jews have done to be so hated over the years
>what the Jews have done
>Not nazi posting
>What the Jews have done
>Asking what the jews have done implies the jews have only done bad things, and have not done anything good
>Literally can't discuss history without talking about things people have done
This mentality is sick.
YOU need to
Tinok shenishba, also you posted on shabbat lel
After their temples and homeland were taken, they fled all over the world and because they were an immigrant minority everywhere, people could shit all over them and nobody would care. They weren't allowed to work in regular jobs so most worked in banking and merchandising and stuff which made them rich. Kings would rob them every time they grew too rich. This is where the idea came from that Jews are greedy, it's because they worked a lot in money and gold.
Anyways, to make it easier to harass jews and steal from them people started antagonising them. For example the bubonic plague was so successful because Europeans weren't all that hygienic, but jews were so they got less infected, and Europeans just said that Jews were devils and mass murdered them. It's just one of the instances.
When Britain gave them their promised land of Israel, diaspora decreased but a lot of jews had settled and integrated in their societies. This was till WW2 when more and more Jews returned to their homeland.
This is where I start to hate them.
All the money they had made came useful, as they began individually buying land of Palestines for a lot more than the Palestines bargained for. It was a great deal. However, the Palestinians soon realised they had been duped since a lot of their land was inhabited by Jews, and they swore allegiance to Israel. Conflict happened as the Jews grew in numbers and they won - so that brings us to today where Jews control that area and have won a war against united Middle Eastern forces. The USA guarantees your independence and you become increasingly more oppressive to your inhabitants.
Do I have to mention that centuries working in banks and money made you flourish in todays economy, and seeing as a lot of Jewish businessmen originate from Israel and a lot of CEO's are Jewish, including almost all media.
People are suspicious of the media and the fact that Jews are controlling it doesn't help anything.