How could a small island colonize 1/4 of the planet?
All a big country like India had to do was to kick them out or don't even let them in.
Is humanity seriously retarded or were the Brits just diabolical geniuses?
How could a small island colonize 1/4 of the planet?
All a big country like India had to do was to kick them out or don't even let them in.
Is humanity seriously retarded or were the Brits just diabolical geniuses?
Other urls found in this thread:
Best naval power for the longest time
Lack of scruples
>How could a small island colonize 1/4 of the planet?
Technology (mostly ivented by continental europeans)
You have remember that most of the British Empire was build by conquering backward tribes in Africa and Asia between 1830 and 1890
Pic related is how the British "empire" looked before 1815
They waged war against technologically inferior opponents, the poor fellas stood no chance
1.a channel
2.a navy to protect said channel and project power anywhere in the world
3.a sound foreign policy in Europe of backing anyone who was fighting the most dominant European power with funds and resources so no European power could be strong enough to invest them
4.a sound foreign policy everywhere else fighting weak people's who hold resource rich territory for highest risk reward payoff
In short being smart/perfidious with their lot in life.
>Abolish the transatlantic slave trade at great personal expense
>Opposed the third Reich before the USA & USSR
>lack of scruples
>Technology (mostly ivented by continental europeans)
KEK! stay mad euroscum.
>Attributed to Britain's emergence as an "industrial creditor", the second decade of the 18th century saw the emergence of a large-scale state-sponsored effort to surreptitiously take British industrial technology to France.
Honestly don't franc-boos have bread to fight over or battles to surrender? There are better uses of you time, pierre, than pretending Britain's glory is your own.
The UK has invented more of worth than the rest of the world combined, let alone the rest of Europe.
If it weren't for Britain the world would not have Newton or Maxwell.
Honestly without counting jews, who, of those that continental Europe produced, is even worthy of being associated with the aforementioned?
What like Napoleon Bonaparte and the French, 20 years behind smdh
Small dicks and their need to compensate for them
No one made the Chinese smoke opium tbqh
1. Brining guns to knife fights
2. Working together with the local government to stay in control of the region in a way that worked for both the UK and the region (like they did in India)
3. Naval power
>Opposed the third Reich before the USA & USSR
Opposing nazis doesn't make you automatically the hero. Example: USSR (their temporary allies), Antifa
Why does Veeky Forums spout the meme that Britain was bad because it fought against technologically inferior opponents. All colonial empires did it.
Why are Brits so pathetic?
Because Britain's only glory (muh colonial empire) comes from these wars in which they conquered subhumans
While other colonial powers had glorious European conquests too
Because Veeky Forums is a Brit and Germ hate forum
But Britain fought other nations to get those colonials, or if you go back a bit England owned French lands
should say colonies
>But Britain fought other nations to get those colonials
Very rarely, 90% of the British Empire was build after Britain's last fight with another European power over colonies (1815)
>or if you go back a bit England owned French lands
You didn't conquer these lands
Pic related (look at dates of aqcuisition), these lands belonged to some French noble who later took over England and moved his capital city there
There wasn't really anything much like a capital city for Henry II or Richard I's realm. There was a capital/center of government for England, and then a capital/center of government for the possessions in France. Each was ruled very differently.
But your point stands. Duke of Anjou and Normandy first, then king of England by invasion.
>England owned French lands
No, it would be more accurate to say Normandy owned England and large parts of France.
>All a big country like India had to do was to kick them out or don't even let them in.
The British did spend 145 years (1612-1757) in India doing nothing but trading with locals. British colonialism in India only suceeded because of the decline of Mughal power that left a power vacuum in India. The main business of the British in India before the conquest of the Bengal was trade and not colonial administration. While the British had tried to influence Mughal Policy even before the decline of the Mughal Empire, most of such attempts ended with British defeat (
>Is humanity seriously retarded or were the Brits just diabolical geniuses?
British colonialism was mainly motivated by trade and greed unlike say Iberian colonialism which was motivated by Religious extremism. They reason the British suceeded in conquering a quarter of the World was because they were far better organized and had a more open world view (in contrast to the highly conservative and bureaucratic Chinese) than most of their opponents. This organization and their open world view eventually enabled them to adapt foreign technologies (for example Mysorean rockets) and invent new technologies (Railroads, rifles etc.) which gave them a decisive advantage over the technologically inferior people the encountered.
They had a shit ton of money from commerce and no scrupules
>>Opposed the third Reich before the USA & USSR
Sold Czechoslovakia to Hitler in 1938.
>>Abolish the transatlantic slave trade at great personal expense
>use indentured labor which is the same fucking thing and caused mass famines instead.
This map may look impressive, but remember, many of these places were only loosely controlled by the UK. The British relied heavily on the local elites to rule for them, you still had tons of princely states in India. It's only when the British lost the support of those indigenous elites that the empire was lost.
And were against police action against Hitler in mid 30s (when it could still be done effortlessly).
>No, it would be more accurate to say Normandy owned England and large parts of France.
Actually no
It was Anjou that owned large parts of France (including Normandy) and England
Because it's pathetic when white people so it but a glorious BTFO when Turks do it to Constantinople or sand tribes or whoever else doesn't have the level of technology they had.
White people are OP and thus must be held to a different standard than everyone else.
>france 'conquers' europe and sees it crumble to dust in barely a decade
>its wonderful
>a single british business defeats the great empires of the indian subcontinent and the qing dynasty, bringing untold wealth to the rainy north sea archipelago
Better live one day as a lion than 100 years as a rat
Do people forget that India had been in a civil for centuries before the Brits even came knocking? They were on the verge of collapse anyway.
And they also played it smart and played divide and conquer well. A lot of Brahmins were instituted into power and they played the part of the cruel disciplinarian while the British pretended to have no part in it and shilled propaganda about being egalitarian. The Amritsar massacre completely turned the perception around.
The legacy of China and India is as large as the West.
a lot of that land is basically uninhabitable and was never really under British control, it's just that no one else cared enough to challenge their claims because it's fucking worthless land
>be manlet cuckboi
>defend faggot revolution
>jk, become emperor
>desperately try to defeat England, an adversary you're obsessed with
>convince yourself defeating russia is the only way
>violate terms of surrender
>lose again
>be prisoner of British
>spend last years as plump OCD autist
>die because of the arsenic - maybe literal rat poison kek
b-but it's ok, you lived one day as a lion, Chad Wellington may have more longevity, happiness, consequential victories, admirers, riches, prestige and power b-but he's a rat really.
The absolute state of napoloboos, honestly.
Industrial revolution, divide and conquer tactics, overwhelming military superiority to those that lived on the land, co-opting native elites into a beneficial Imperial order for them, and the occasional outright genocide.
Come to think of it the British can thank Netherlands for their empire.
They weren't that superior at first. They lost a few wars with some native Indian kingdoms and even one with Afghanistan. It's after they managed to acquire Sepoy's that things really turned around.
>comparing defeating Byzantine Empire to defeating a bunch of spear chucking niggers
kill yourself
Actually it's a pretty big island which was densely populated and had quite some resources.
Kek what? Thanks for providing one of the stupidest comments itt.
Lindy found his way to Veeky Forums
>(mostly ivented by continental europeans)
because they're nice to newcomers and didnt expected them to invade
Also mass migration of people in one colony to another undercut local labour or use as a middleman group.