He's wearing union blue, you jack-mormon yankee son of a bitch
Jaxson Ward
Stay mad, Johny Reb.
Jason Phillips
most confederates believed they were fighting for their homeland
Hudson Nguyen
Some nice, progressive things Abe Lincoln said:
"I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position."
"I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
"Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man."
"There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races ... A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas ..."
Jordan Butler
Soldiers didn't declare war, they just fought for their homeland, which did, in fact, declare the war over slavery. What the common soldier thought is irrelevant.
Hunter Gutierrez
This, I'm pretty sure an average German soldier during WW2 firmly believed he was protecting his homeland from Jewish menace (by burning Ukrainian villages, somehow), and American soldiers in Iraq believe they're there to bring freedom and democracy.
Thomas Adams
Maybe that's because the southern slave holders comprised a tiny percentage of the population, and the real issue of contention was the southern agrarian society being choked to death by high export tariffs imposed by the industrial north so that southern farmers could hardly make a living once other countries (England, France) started to purchase their cotton from cheaper sources in Africa and India when just years before the American south was the #1 producer of cotton and other agricultural products meant for export.
Not to mention that back then people had a far deeper loyalty to their specific state than they did for the federal government. This being the case, the average jonny reb was, in his mind, usually fighting for the honor and love of his native homeland. Why the fuck would a huge majority of southerners fight in defense of a system that actually decrease the amount of jobs and wages available?
Adrian Jenkins
most soldiers spent the entire time at the front line, marching to the front line or laboring behind the front line
Caleb Miller
I'm pretty sure most soldiers fight to protect their homes, families, and livelihoods if they are under attack. Otherwise, they fight for the man to the left or right of them and their own survival, regardless of whatever stupid reason they may have found themselves locked in mortal combat with another group of people.
People forget just how bloody and fucking cruel the civil war was. Abolitionists born and raised in the south will still right for the confederacy if union soldiers are marching in to steal his livestock, burn his house/posessions, or rape/kill his family, and same goes for the most slavery loving nigger-hatingest nigger hater in the north.
It was total war, no one was spared, no property was spared, and the fighting itself became insane in its unecessary brutality, like a nice preview of WWI in the Belgium/France sector
Adam Miller
> the southern slave holders comprised a tiny percentage of the population ~30% of the population were from slaveholding families, and the rest profited from the slave-based economy the same way you profit from heavy machinery being used without owning or working one yourself. > the real issue of contention was the southern agrarian society being choked to death by high export tariffs imposed by the industrial north Something the seceded states barely mentioned in their declarations of secession, focusing entirely on slavery, for some reason. > once other countries (England, France) started to purchase their cotton from cheaper sources in Africa and India It's funny because it happened after the CSA tried to force England and France to recognize them by embargoing cotton exports: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotton_diplomacy . > Why the fuck would a huge majority of southerners fight in defense of a system that actually decrease the amount of jobs and wages available? It doesn't, the same way the introduction of heavy machinery didn't decrease the number of jobs available, just shifted them to a more comfortable service industry.
Jordan Baker
Wifes hot af
Jason Thomas
The Confederates were disgusting racists. We should pull down all the """"war memorials"""" to them and take a poo on them.
Samuel Fisher
>It doesn't, the same way the introduction of heavy machinery didn't decrease the number of jobs available
>from the slave-based economy the same way you profit from heavy machinery being used without owning or working one yourself
Wat. There is a HUGE false equivalence there. Are you implying that slavery was a boon to the southern working man? We just discussed that the slavery system takes jobs and reduces wages from joe worker and only benefits a small wealthy elite.
>Southerners that "come from slave holding families" are about a third of the south. I didn't know that every relative, close or distant, of mine is responsible for my actions and benefits from my property
Ryan Ramirez
>Wat. Not him but that's basic economics my man. Look up the fallacy of labour scarcity or lump of labour fallacy.
Nathan Reed
I get you're mad that Stormfront got taken down but fuck off
Sebastian Gomez
> Wat. Just basic economy, m8. According to you mechanization and automatization in the past 200 years should have resulted in huge unemployment, but it just created new jobs instead. I.e. poor southern men, instead of picking cotton themselves, would find a job supervising slaves, producing food and clothes for them, etc. No free white men wanted to actually pick cotton 16 hours a day. > I didn't know that every relative, close or distant, of mine is responsible for my actions and benefits from my property "Household" isn't any distant relative, it basically means a family. In a typical family, there was only one legal slaveholder - the father - but all the adult children living with him would benefit from slavery and would stand to inherit the slaves. According to you, in such a family only the father should be considered a slaveholder and all 5 his adult sons were actually struggling with unemployment because their father's slaves took their dream job of picking cotton.
Grayson Stewart
Babysteps user, babysteps. Going from considering it okay to enslave blacks to just finding them inferior is a big step.
Dylan Long
>yfw you die for the sole purpose of perpetuating the institution of slavery.
Ian Rogers
Would just like to say that anything relating to the american civil war is super boring for every non-american, and precious popculture spac is wasted on this boring time period, the only cool thing about it was the submarine that the confederates used, kthxbye.