The troubled regions that China is intent on controlling these days (Tibet, Xinjiang) weren't even controlled by the Chinese during the last actual Chinese dynasty (the Ming), they were acquired by Manchus who conquered them after they conquered China and took it from the Chinese. All the population and economic activity is located within the borders of the former Ming dynasty anyway, and China let most of Mongolia go already and did just fine. And losing Tibet would mean they could stop clashing with India all the time. Would it be better for China to just let the Qing conquests that want to leave separate so they can stop wasting money on pacifying and developing hostile and remote regions that nobody who matters lives in anyway?
Is China bigger than it really needs to be?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tibet is of great strategic important, most of China's rivers come from Tibet.
Xinjiang was controlled both by Han and Tang. But China should keep it, fuck the t*rks, they deserve it. If Xinjiang came independent the *yghurs would suppress the other minorities in the area anyway. To not forget Xinjiang is still of great importance because it has great geographical barriers.
Outer Mongolia is a literal shithole inhabited by fake Mongolians who don't even write in Mongolian script like their Chinese counterparts.
Doesn't help that the Manchu formed the Chinese meme identity to begin with.
China should just genocide hostile elements, their population is already massive.
>Is China bigger than it really needs to be?
Yes, by 2755 square kilometers.
Yes, it definitely is, it upsets my worldbuilding sensibilities and ideally even Han china should be split down the Yangtze
Even with the territory it owns it can barely feed its people, in fact China needs to expand up north into Siberia, and it is de facto doing so. There are millions of chinese living in eastern Siberia already and this land will probably be claimed soon by China.
You sound Chinese.
Why don't you just annex Mongolia? All that sparse, undeveloped land. Just send in a few million Han nationalists and have them vote to 'rejoin' China.
America did it with Texas and Mongolia only exista because of Russian autism.
>ideally even Han china should be split down the Yangtze
Do you also think America should be split along the Mississippi?
No, I know enough about America to know that it should be split in a lot more places than that.
Pretty sure China as it is now is its natural borders
No, there is still room for expansion up north. Makes more sense for China to get their ressources from Siberia than Africa. That's also why Russians are so paranoid, they think the West and China are planning to split Russia up between them.
It fucking aint
Is America bigger than it really needs to be?
I mean although Americucks just love to be world police that no one really ask them to do so. But there were only 13 states agree to separate from British Empire in order form a new country. Would it be better for Americucks to just let the rest of 37 states become independent , especially California and New York, so KKK, Neo Nazi, Nuggets and fluid genders libercucks can finally stop fighting each others to death and drag the whole world into their shitty dystopia?
Looking at this map kind of makes it clear that Beijing is a really dumb place to have the capital, it's way too close to the Mongols and the Russians. Nanjing is much better.
Eh, Beijing is surrounded by mountains on three sides and would be one of the best defended cities in the world at almost any point in history. Not to mention the mountain chain, the great wall, the bohai sea protecting it navally..
lol you have no idea what you are talking about, Mao was fucking terrified of the USSR if a full scale war broke out because the soviets could ride their armour from Mongolia straight to Beijing and they would be powerless to stop it.
Because Mao founded Beijing, right?
ROC capital was Nanjing he moved it back to Beijing, holy shit retard, read a book and kill yourself
Because keeping the capital in the same place is such a good idea when you're a communist who denounces the previous regime.
A useful capital location is a useful capital location. You just need to make it "The People's Capital" and there you go.
The ROC capital was Nanjing because when it was getting things together, the Warlords controlled the North, and Beijing with it. Can't put the capital in a place you don't control.
Then when the Communists started winning the Civil War, they conquered from Manchuria southward, so they conquered Beijing first, and established their provisional government there both to administer the conquered lands and lend themselves legitimacy.
Imagine if Europe were as unified as China. That would be glorious.
Inner Mongola is 80% Han Chinese at this point and they pretty much appease the Mongolian minority as a counterpoint to Westerners saying they oppress their minorities. Manchuria is totally and utterly Sinicized.
I should add the only reason Outer Mongolia didnt suffer the fate of Inner Mongolia is due to the eternal Slav,but considering the chinese are pouring into Siberia I think theyll get the last laugh
The problem with freeing Tibet is that the Greater Tibetan area extends deeper into China than the province of Tibet proper. So theyd not only lose a strategic area but theyd just be fighting separatists deeper within China (unless they want to do outright population exchanges).
Xinjiang to be fair has occasionally been under Chinese rule under the Han and Tang, but more importantly from a Chinese perspective releasing Xinjiang just creates another central asian islamist shithole that in this case would be hostile to them. and as theyve already changed the demographics there so its 50/50 Han/Uighur why would they admit defeat so close to the finish line?
It would however be pretty dumb to have all the languages of Europe declared to merely be a dialect of French or something like what China has done with Mandarin and the many Chinese dialects.
How'd the Qing scrub it this hard? Was it all opium and Russia?
These are China's natural borders
What is 'Manchu formed the Chinese meme identity to begin with.' Could you explain?
forgot pic
>Is America bigger than it really needs to be?
God damn right it is. Hartford Convention should have gone through with it.
China wants to be a player in Eurasia, therefore controlling central Asia is the key. Why do you think America is plastered all over Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, ect. These countries seem to be highly irrelevant, and they themselves are by and large (besides heroin production) but they occupy the vital steppe lands for building massive Eurasian projects like pipelines, super highways, a new silk road between Russia, india, China, the mid east, and western Europe that doesn't force China, India, and Russia to become large naval powers to have a viable route for their products and foreign interests to be traded and protected. Also they'd have to give up their tiny border with Afghanistan.
The Ming treasure fleet being left to rot or dismantled for other projects. The Chinese could've had a sea based silk road and a huge Pacific empire, and most likely reaching the Pacific part of the new world not only before Europe did, but would have had time to build a permanent outpost there. Where I'm sitting in San Diego could've been a Chinese province or protectorate.
Yet, since they were the richest society on earth at the time and highly Confucianist, they just stuck with thinking they were the middle kingdom under heavan and focused on land empire matters
Central Asia is where either Russia or China is going to get cucked hard and REEEE out for the next century. The Russians have had the most influence thanks to the Soviet legacy but they've had to make a Faustian bargain with the Chinese thanks to Western sanctions. I'm curious to see if the Chinese economic push will win out or end in tears
The Ming treasure fleet was a boondoggle intended to show off that the new dynasty was a force to be reckoned with. You can't conduct profitable international trade with nothing but tribute missions, and it cost ludicrous amounts of money that they decided sad better spent on defense against barbarians in the north.
The ban on private maritime trading wasn't about Confucianism, it was supposed to be to deal with Japanese pirates and pro-Yuan remnants (though ironically the policy just created more Chinese pirates who were left impoverished by the loss of coastal trade). There was plenty of private sea trade under the Tang and Song dynasties. The later Ming relaxed the ban and there was thriving sea trade again for a while before the Qing came to power and clamped down again (ruining the coastal economy and driving massive emigration from the South which is why most overseas Chinese in America and Southeast Asia are Cantonese, Hokkien, and Hakka-speaking Southerners.
Maritime trade is much more profitable than land anyway.
World War 3 is fought over wich language is the de facto language in the united couuntrys republic of Europe Empire commonwealth >holy >united and so on
>There are millions of chinese living in eastern Siberia already
there is like 50,000 chinks living in whole country, what the fuck are you smoking?
5 fucking seconds of googling user.
Far east, third of Russian landmass, has population 6,5 million you dumb motherfucker.
If 1.5 million chinks crossed the border in past year and half,, there would fucking martial law outside now.
>Reported by The Moscow Times, Shaikin’s claim is likely exaggerated, but increased Chinese migration is marking a return of Chinese influence to these territories. And any territorial dispute could disrupt relations between Asia’s largest continental powers.
is it really that fucking hard to read the article user?
Mongolia would probably win.
This really is not up to gweilos such as (you) to decide.
China is not your colony and you're not our master, remember? You should worry more about your own countries now judging by the social "conditions" there.
Win by what??
China has far more mongolians as "ethnic minority" than ENTIRE outter mongolia population. When I say "more", I mean double or triple the size.
Realted question: How did millions of Chinese spreading over thousands of km managed to have so unified culture?
Hello Chang
>the West and China are planning to split Russia up between them.
They probably are
Cultural imperialism, and they're not even that homogenous
China isn't the one trying to split the EU up after all.
One part is casting an extremely broad net over what it means to be "Chinese". Imagine if a unified Europe declared that "European" was the primary culture, and French, German, Spainish, Italian, etc, were all actually sub-cultures of "European Culture" rather than cultures in and of themselves.
One part is a persistent history of unified governance. The Dynasties all wanted to "unify" Chinese culture to reduce the possibility of breakaway states.
Lastly, for the current government, there's the shared trauma/hardship of the so called "Century of Humiliation" which is used as a rallying point to unify the various Chinese peoples.
Tibet shold be given more autonomy, I think the whole Xinjiang area is important because of resources.
Tbh China shoul give south korea that mountain they worship in return for a promise of no american troops / systems past the DMZ (obviously im talking about a post NK future)
Not him but as a fellow autist yes please do Balkanize the USA and all north america.
I read it, and 100 others.
It's fucking bullshit.
Russia gets 200-300 thousand Chinese TOURISTS a year, who have to fuck off after a week, not migrants.
Enjoy your kids speaking European (german) and your language being called an european dialect. Enjoy thousands of germans moving to your country to the point that after a couple of generations your nat... region is half german.
Klingt super aus. Ich habe gar kein Problem damit.
Now, we just have to outlaw French and English in order to quell the separatist sentiments.
We really were.