Tfw capitalism killed the nuclear family

>tfw capitalism killed the nuclear family

It never existed outside the small middle class until the 40s. If anything, the spread of "traditional nuclear family" in the 40-60s is a historical anomaly.

>tfw the nuclear family was a jewish meme created during the industrial revolution to destroy the traditional extended family and sell more pointless consumer goods
Do you even redpill?

It was actually Germans/Nazi who destroyed it, by starting the World Wars and forcing western women to take men's jobs.


Emotions aren't spooks, my property.

>I have never been in love therefore love is not real

dat autism

>replying to actual historical trends with a retard's forum post 2 years ago
Could have a history thread but noooooo it is a &humanities thread now

Less than 10% of married white women worked in the 1890 census

Good riddance, it's high time the multi-generational household comes back to its rightful place en vogue.

1. Where?
2. How did they define "work"? For example, running a farm is a full-time employment.

Any kind of work for pay.

Obviously even then there's a difference between working on your husbands farm or living above the family dry goods store and actually leaving home to wagecuck.

>Love is real and not just my brain and my dick controlling me
Ayyyyy lmao. Being this naive in 2017 anno Domini.
I'm sure you'll find a fair maiden who's a pure virgin and then you'll have many children who'll grow up strong and healthy. God bless you.

>TFW Capitalism invented the nuclear family after it butchered the extended local community

>current year argument

You can tell someone hasn't read Stirner when they're citing him as if he's some groundbreaking philosopher

>I've literally never seen a happy marriage

Damn man I'm truly sorry

What is love exactly?

Why the fuck are they hanging around the sewing machine. Tell that fuckhead to get his elbow off of it.

>uses ultra individualist egoist philosophy to justify being a disgusting degenerate
what a disgrace to egoism