What does Veeky Forums think about Hamilton?
What does Veeky Forums think about Hamilton?
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It's full of niggers
Who hears the concept for this and says, yeah that sounds like a good idea, that sounds interesting, I want to pay money to watch that.
>gay niggers rapping about the worst founding father and glorifying him
I'm not a fan of the Federalists and the white-washing of Hamilton's early involvement in the slave trade to make him out to be the epitome of an abolitionist is annoying. Other than that it's a neat play, it's more hip than 1776 and more well-known than the Andrew Jackson rock opera.
Pretty cool guy. Developed the theory of canonical mechanics which served later as a starting point for symplectic geometry and geometric quantization, and used quarternions to describe electromagnetism before Maxwell stole it and rebranded it in vector calc form.
The musical was groundbreaking in a theater sense. The blocking, music, as well as the 'turntable' stage was never really done before.
From a historical point of view it's garbage. Hamilton wasn't as good of a person as it shows in the musical. Nor should he be this left winged icon because he wasn't in real life.
The play is a perfect example that generally people simply can not find others that do not look like them to be relatable.
Euro here, what's with Americans and their fetish for niggerization of their entire history and culture?
I haven't actually seen it. Do they gloss over the fact that Hamilton wanted America to be a full-fledged, unabashed empire?
>A bunch of homosexual niggers LARPing as 18th century Chads
Really makes me think
In a historical sense, it hit the major points in his life but really did gloss over most of it. It did have the benefit of renewing interest in the founding fathers which is a plus.
As a show its fantastic even though Miranda can't sing.
>it hits the major points
>everyone in the show is a nigger
Really makes you think.
Yes, completely. He's the hero, you can't villify the hero. Although Lin-Manuel does include some of Hamilton's personal faults
I think Miranda can sing fine, it's just that his voice sounds very nerdy
pretty cool
I must not be an American, because it just pisses me off.
You realize that was based on real events, right?
What are you referring to?
I've only read the Chernow biography but it seems like Hamilton never even had the chance to be in the slave trade early on. He was broke till he married Eliza.
Chernow has sources having him as abolitionist from teen years on. Some documents do show him paying for a young black woman, however it's unclear if he is renting a slave or paying a domestic.
Something he missed?
>What is theater
I've worked with theaters that have black actors play traditiionally white roles out of necessity. That shit really doesn't phase me as long as they can perform.
Leslie Odom Jr. is phenomenal.
I've never seen it but I think the concept of putting a rap into a play was lame in the 90s and it's lame today.
Also people being self-righteous and trying to attack a public figure is obviously only about gaining some amount of narcissistic attention for oneself. I believe that is called virtue signaling.
Meant to post this
I'm sure they were detrimental to the whole space program, everything hinged on these and they did something which only strong independant black women could achieve, right?
What's the problem?
I'll admit that the soundtrack is pretty catchy, Lin-Manuel is a talented musician. I don't think he was as good as he was as Usnavy in In The Heights, but that may just be because he wasn't great casting for Hamilton.
However, as a story it's kind of weak, and as history it's fucking garbage. Of course, that's mostly because it is literally Democratic party propaganda. Not in the /pol/ cultural Marxism conspiracy sense, he literally pitched it to the Obama white house, and then Democrats spent the entire 2016 campaign quoting it.
For some reason chicks are fucking obsessed with it.
Yes more snek posting!
Fuck you mods! Snekposting is fucking gold.
>out of necessity
Key word, necessity. The casting in Hamilton is a deliberate choice, to prove some convoluted point about diversity
Shit. My little sister listen to that crap. Makes me want to an hero. 1776 is far better.
Are canonical mechanics the most elegent description of forces known?
Just like the USA then
No since it can't describe relativistic quantum effects.
>non-compactness of Klein-Gordon solutions
>non-Cauchy-ness of Lagrange equations
>Haag's theorem
>Ekstein's theorem
>Swieca regularity class is much smaller than what was axiomatized by Wightman
>extension of geometric quantization to operator-valued distribtions still an open problem
Not to mention all the problems with quantum gravity that QFT can't solve lmao.
Just because it happened does not mean it's important or worth remembering
He plays the violin is good
I think it's great, the music is catchy and I don't mind that non-whites are performing the songs. I'm from Europe and it made me do some reading about the Revolutionary war, it's interesting.
/pol/shits need to calm their tits, it's just a musical.
Reactionary bullcrap.
Muh niggus >>>>>>>>:(
It could be played by a cast of asian women for all I care, if you can't suspend your disbelief for stage theatre you may have autism. The founding fathers didn't all fucking sing their way through the birth of America either, did that trigger you?
>Just because it happened does not mean it's important or worth remembering
We clearly need an enlightened man like you to dictate what's important and worth remembering.
>out of necessity
Yes, I don't expect a theater in Russia hiring a bunch of Italians or Englishmen for a Shakespeare play either, but really, necessity? Does America have a shortage of white people that acute?
>I won a car except it wasn't a car but a bicycle and I didn't win it but it was stolen from me
This is the history board, we value things based on historical accuracy and not by the amount of homosexual negroes you can cram into a play.
So why aren't you whining that it was a musical?
>criticism = whining
Argumentation skills of a middle schooler.
Like literally everyone else in this thread I haven't been lucky enough to see it but I really enjoyed the music, Wait for it and Non-stop are incredibly catchy and overall Lin Manuel did a masterful job at writing the play and the music even if his individual performance was overshadowed by Leslie Odom Jr. Of course liberties were taken with the introduction of characters who did not exist and many important aspects of Hamilton's life were glossed over but it is a great entry level piece to a founding father who most only as "the guy on the $10 bill who was shot by Aaron Burr"
Demanding that something that aims to be entertaining to be historically accurate is not an argument senpai
Why aren't you criticizing that it's a musical?
I don't agree with his idea that they have to be played by whites but the whole fucking idea of musical theater is to tell a story using music as narrative. Wanting historical accuracy in the narrative doesn't go against that.
>screaming nigger = criticism
>really makes you think memes = criticism
Argumentation skills of a /pol/tard. You were whining.
Did women in Shakespeare being played by little boys damage the narrative? Did it make audiences think that in certain periods all women were little boys?
I can understand some trouble if the script itself was purposely misleading, but it's already obviously theatrical anyway, I don't know why anyone would go and see fucking Hamilton for a genuine history lesson beyond the mildest level of awareness.
And if some retard thinks Alexander Hamilton was black or something, oh well, we shouldn't need to tailor all entertainment so that it doesn't give some retard the wrong idea.
But if they are not trying to be accurate then don't shit on them for not doing so. The worst kinds are the narrative that claims or tries to be accurate but clearly isn't
t. black
nice argument.
Music is great, story is pretty good, not historically obviously, and Miranda is a literal and metaphorical faggot.
I don't give a shit about the cast being all minorities, but the reasoning for why that is the case is bullshit and goes against the spirit of theatre production.
Not even denying it I see
Your eloquent and nuanced arguments astound me.
What if I did? Would you believe me?
trips of truth
Then don't watch the movie. Simple as that.
>we value things based on historical accuracy
Ah, so you dislike the play anyway.
I'm no theater expert, but I'm pretty sure Les Mis used a rotating stage, or do you mean something else by "turntable"? I've never actually seen Hamilton.
To answer your question OP; as a casual fan of musicals I enjoy it though I don't get the hype and as a history teacher I definitely like the way it seems to capture the attention and interest of young people. We can get upset over how accurate a depiction of the man it is, but there are always going to be people who don't dig deeper into "historical" entertainment. Better than them not know absolutely anything about the subject and in the best case it may inspire others to become more interested in a topic.
I don't hate it because there are non-white playing white people, I couldn't care about that at all. I hate it because it skips over large aspects of Hamilton's character.
>i laid his eggs
Trips don't lie
>We Americans n sheeeet
>We jus tryna teach by rapping muffugah
overrated musical with AYO HOL' UP music and propaganda/agenda mixed in
annoyed over the fact people will think of memefied history about the subject now
I want Hamilton, but heavy metal and about Genghis Khan.
It's theater. Different races play differently racialized characters all the time. Doesn't matter. Same with multiplayer in video games, I don't care about people blacking black chicks on the Nazi team, since multiplayer's just LARPing. I just care if it's accurate in the campaign, or if they change key elements in the play about events.
liberal pandering nonsense. Wish he had a Le Mis tier musical.
Multiple bills of sale for slaves he brokered both for himself, his inlaws and friends.
I know whites don't have much of a future in this country, so it gives me some solace that blacks and hispanics care about the founding of the nation too. I don't care for it personally but I appreciate that they are honoring the founders in their own way.
Hamilton's biggest problem was his ego and his kind of elitist attitude but I think he was perfectly justified in both. I'm reading Empire of Liberty right now and the Democratic-Republicans come off as dopes and thugs and things like the Alien and Sedition Laws seem pretty reasonable given how people like Jefferson were fervently supporting the French Revolution and how many revolutionaries were being imported. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions so emboldened the idea of "sates rights" and are a direct factor in what led to the Civil War because of the mindset they instilled.
Just give up, they're obviously trying to push a political message by casting negroids.
On a side note, the fact that the average white person doesn't see blacks as hopelessly inferior to himself is one of the major points of evidence for racial degeneration. Blacks are disgusting. Not only do they look like apes and talk like retards, they simply lack anything approaching self-respect or natural honor. The only way we have made them "equal" to us is by dumbing down our institutions and culture. Even if you have them 100% racial equality, blacks would simply not be able to succeed as, say, aristocrats or courtiers. Imagine any large amount of black people learning Greek and Latin and actually administrating a country, it's absurd.
that's what your mom thinks of your birth desu