Which city was worse
NYC in the late 70s
Miami in the Early 80s
LA in the early 90s?
Why do American cities degrade to 3rd world conditions? Detroit and other Midwest cities are going through it now.
Which city was worse
NYC in the late 70s
Miami in the Early 80s
LA in the early 90s?
Why do American cities degrade to 3rd world conditions? Detroit and other Midwest cities are going through it now.
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I'm personally biased, but 70's NYC was the worst
90's LA was kinda the heyday of the whole "dope slinging gangsta" meme, but if you avoided certain neighborhoods you'd be relatively alright
80's Miami was only dangerous for cokeheads or people who asssociated with them
D.C. when crack was happening in the 80's deserves honorable mention for fucked upness
But 70's NYC was fucking Gotham City without the Caped Crusader
New York is fucking Disneyworld now
That's because new york has gone full dystopian police state. I shit you not the projects look like they are being occupied by a military force, moblie observation post, constant patrols and flood lighting make it look like something out of a movie.
pics please
That's what it takes
Rudy Giulianni brought peace and prosperity to his city
>CRUSHED the Mafia once and for all
>Sent the police out in outright "gang removal" operations
>Stop & Frisk
>First time offenders are also last time offenders
>Serial killers were hunted and purged
>Constant surveillance and patrols
>Destruction of old buildings and dens of degeneracy like porn theaters
Say whatever you want, but Harlem is so peaceful these days even middle class non-blacks are moving in without worry
As a provincial who has been to New York many times, this user is exaggerating. The "ghetto" has been pretty much purged under Guilianni. In the 70s and 80s you could walk down 5th Ave and see hookers and buy hard drugs in the street.
thx. I've only ever seen stuff like that during terrorist threats
D.C. Was that bad?
It earned the nickname "the murder capital" in the nineties because the city briefly held the highest murder rate amongst large cities. I recall also that mayor Marion Barry got done for smoking Crack in his office, was sent to prison and was still re-elected
it's still pretty bad in some ways. For instance, the HIV/ AIDS rates here are fucking crazy. 1 in 13 people are infected
Miami, it had the worst murder rate in America at that point. Even to this day it remains a shithole while NYC is completely different.
In The world actually
And Miami isn't not that bad now
It's not New York but it's not that bad
No way it's that serious
Miami is one of the worst cities in America, crime rate is 3rd world tier, it's full of Dominican and Haitian boat people who can't speak English and purchasing power is lower than in Detroit, it's poor as fuck.
after vice city and san andreas. i think 70's NYC seems like a good plot for the next GTA
You've never heard of GTA III, the game that started open sandbox shooters?
Driver:Parallel Lines is exactly what you're looking for. It's like if Taxi Driver and all other cliche 70s movies set in NYC were a video game.
I believe New Orleans in 1994 has the record for major american cities murder rate with 424 murders for a rate of about 85 per 100,000. Early 90s DC is a close second.
>Why do American cities degrade to 3rd world conditions?
Because they come to be inhabited by third world peoples. Blacks in america have pretty much the same murder rates as blacks in africa and just so whites have similar murder rates as whites in europe.
That sounds like Rob Ford
This desu
Whether biological or cultural, blacks shit up any city they inhabit in large numbers
Example: Detroit
Based on just reading on wikipedia I would think the NYC in the 70s was the worst. It was really Detroit-tier.
>forgets GTA 1 and 2 existed
Can confirm. New Orleans outside of Downtown and French Quarter is basically Liberia.
This is also true.
Miami had the most aesthetic societal collapse
>forgets quarantine existed
>TV shows = reality
Oh you're one of those brainlets.
Is he wrong though? Miami is aesthetic as fuck
>Is he wrong though?
>Why do American cities degrade to 3rd world conditions
Because America is a oligarchy, has been for a very long time. It's no different from a Banana Republic
As someone from St. Louis, I can confirm this. Hoodrat niggers here even brag about this city having a high murder rate.
I'm from Columbus and it's the same in our ghettos. Niggers even began to call it "Killumbus" with pride.
Fello St. Louisan here. We do have a high murder rate but the hype is overblown. It's mainly ghetto blacks killing each other rather than them invading the civilized areas. The scariest it was after Mike Brown but even that blew off fairly quick.
NYC, LA and Miami have real economies today.
Detroit is dead, Chicago too, St. Louis falling.
Midwest didn't have a good economy in a long time.
>Blacks in america have pretty much the same murder rates as blacks in africa and just so whites have similar murder rates as whites in europe.
I believe you but can I have a citation?
Not that guy, but user delivers.
>le race and crime meme
I've lived in Los Angeles Chicago and Detroit.
The primary issue is the exploitation of people in need.
People are promised housing and jobs under contract and then those contracts are only partly fulfilled.
This leads to poor conditions and the creation of gang activity.
Often minority neighborhoods are targeted first for this type of exploitation.
Later service providers that are supposed to alleviate issues in a neighborhood instead and up exploiting minority groups for their ability to be used to access public funds.
>minority neighborhoods
I hope you realize it's the whites who are minorities in Detroit. Also almost all important Detroit politicians for the last few decades were blacks, so they cannot blame wypipo.
>The North raises taxes on buisnesses to support their welfare state.
>Businesses and the Upper class run to the hills with their money taking all the jobs with them.
>They all move down south were they aren't taxed and don't have to deal with unions.
>The South starts booming as more and more businesses and rich people move to the south.
>Northerners stay mystified as to where all the jobs and money went as hood rats shoot up the inner cities.
Antebellium 2: Electric Boogaloo here we come.
>mfw the south has better race relations than the north ever did.
>Roof shoots up the church in Charleston.
>No riots and Al Sharpton gets kicked out of town when he shows up to try to stir shit.
>This happened right after Charlottsville
>Richard Spencer speaks at a University in Virginia,
>Police enforce "No Mask" policy set by the mayor, confiscate weapons and arrested anyone that tried to pick a fight.
>real economy
Really now?
>he thinks the South was richer/more developed than the North during the antebellum
When will this idiocy stop? It was a feudal shithole.
They are still a minority in the state and they are still a minority in the country and have been exploited via unfulfilled contracts for the last 50 + years. This is just an absolute fact. It doesn't matter the size of the community as long as the size of the community is still significantly smaller than the majority surrounding them who obviously have complete or at least more control of the economic situation various areas.
Forgot my face
I never implied that it was. Then again we did produce 75% of the world's cotton supply by the end of Antebellum.
We were better off then most parts of the world except for the North and Britain at the time.
ill never understand why black people love when a place has a high murder rate. That just means that they have a higher chance of being murdered.
>crime drops off around 2 decades after abortions skyrocket
You're an idiot. Detroiters have only themselves to blame for electing ridiculously corrupt niggers who ended up embezzling public funds. Kwame Kilpatrick ring a bell?
t. Troy
Well could it be because outsourcing of the American heavy industry destroyed the American worker.
American heavy industry collapsed in Pittsburgh too yet Pittsburgh isn't a shithole like Detroit, they simply diversified their economy, invested heavily in education and attracted large tech companies. Probably has something to do with the fact that Pittsburgh is mostly white, unlike Detroit.
>being this delusional
This also includes Hispanics, who commit more crime than non-Hispanic whites. It would be interesting to see how low the homicide rate would be if we excluded them. My guess is it would be even lower and probably comparable to western countries such as the UK and France, though it's hard to say without any data.
>all black people are edgy poorfags
They are
If people didn't act like degenerates and control themselves you wouldn't have had this happen. The people of New York have only themselves to blame.
Last time I checked, the South is still a shithole.
Pretty much are
Ghettos are basically dead mmos
Detroit was all about autos
>We were better off then most parts of the world except for the North and Britain at the time.
Aw hell no cletus. Poverty was extremely rampant and heavy in the south and it basically was feudal. The majority of the whites who were poor only had the fact if black being under them protecting them from the full impression of the southern gentry.
Too bad stats in international settings use entire nations instead of cherrypicking demographics
The south is nice kys
The south is shit. The big cities are either glorified ghettos (Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Charlotte, Richmond) or cucked liberal cesspits (Nashville, Austin, Raleigh). The rural areas are all povertyland.
The great smokey moutians, Southern cooking , hospitality and colleges offset that. Houston and Atlanta are not terrible (New Orleans is shit I'll Give you that )The Midwest is the worst shit hole in America. The east coast is heroinland and the west coast is shit.
Have you been to America?
The Northeast is and always has been the most developed and culturally elite region of America.
And filled with the rudest assholes in the country.
And is crowded, dirty and filled with miserable people. The Northeast sucks which is why half of them have been moving to South Florida and shitting up our highways.
Murder rate was a higher in the 90's/late 80's including the Midwest. DC and New Orleans competed for the most murderous city back then.
West coast is methland.
We don't like everyone else is a slow fuckwit who needs to make small talk when all I fucking want is my fillup and a pack of cigarettes.
Crowded? Yeah why not.
Dirty? Most environmentally friendly than suburbia.
Filled with miserable people? Yeah why not.
But there's nowhere quite like it. Atlanta is a quaint little town compared to New York.
Actually some hispanic communities have lower crime rates than many white majority communities. The murder rate in black communities doesn't compare to anything else. Also the most murderous cities tend to have lower rape rates and those with the highest rape rates are often predominately white.
Miami is terrible now. I grew up as a white kid there and it's really sad to see what Miami has become.
We never really recovered after the recession and we just keep sinking. We're going to be America's next Detroit.
I really wish there was a way to fix it but I don't know how honestly.
When did you grow up there, in the 50's?
What fucking economy does Miami have?
Everything went belly under after the housing crash.
The only thing we got is cocaine and illegals selling oranges on the side of the road.
>I have no debate for my incestual propensity.
And some more data.
The surge in the interest in controlling immigration isn't about crime but in stopping the democrats from gaining cheap votes and pushing gun control and misandry.
This and New Orleans is only shit because of corrupt federal politicians.
wow its almost as if these states are plagued by structural, centuries-old societal problems which cause them to be less developed.
so what you're saying is
The South didn't industrialize when the North did or as much. I think Max Weber also attributed the problem as he did other places to an attachment to the "traditional" way of life which in his terms meant the life that is not adapted to capitalist society.
From the late 90s till 2015. It was pretty comfy in the 00s, but after Obama got elected crime really went up.
We got our car jacked twice and house burglarized twice too
>That's because new york has gone full dystopian police state.
There's nothing dystopian about nyc at all. It's pretty much the only liveable large metro area in the united states. Every single city should follow Giuliani's model it would probably even turn Detroit into an okay place.
t. born in 1985 lifelong new yorker
New York was the worst. It had no appeal besides being a 'no good monies' region. It means cash ruled. Majority of people earned income illegally besides those that worked for hospitals, media, utilities or fortune 500s. Many businesses were money laundering schemes. The subways were a grafitti heaven. People dried their clothes in the streets. Shoes hung all over.
Miami wasnt that bad most crime was instigated by media to make awareness of 'coke' smuggling routes. But it was so calm old people moved their. It was going through a political and economic change but thats another topic. The miami politicians political state of mind is to exagerate to get what they want from the fed, money. The most fascist state is Miami. LA was the better to be in. Around this time I have friends who moved from Miami, NY to LA. There was said to be more job stability. Ofcourse there were stay out zones. But it was more visually appealing than NYC.
>the most fascist state is Miami
I'm from Miami and I don't understand this statement. I live in NYC now too and I would find NYC more "fascist" in terms of law enforcement.
What makes you say this?
NYC has many virtues but livability isn't one of them, except maybe if you are very rich.
It's worth it desu
Do you know what the rest of the cities in this country are like? Look at a place like San Francisco. No "dystopian" police anywhere, naked mentally ill roving the streets 24/7 shitting themselves, AND rents are still more expensive than nyc
Fuck that.
Those who aren't are irrelevant stadistic oddities.
SF is an overpriced shithole but I live in the Philly area and I'd take it over New York any day
Name/type of gun?
I also live in the Northeast and think the West coast is more scenic. Sucks that there are fears of it being irradiated from nuclear testing and Fukushima.
Pittsburgh's leadership did what they had to do to diversify the economy. Cities like Detroit and Camden NJ(which used to be a rich middle class/ upper class city too) had corrupt and incompetent mayors who did jack shit except skim off the top while the 'white flight' took all the money out of the economy.
I'd take the transient citizen exercising his freedoms over some mandyke Newyorican cop telling me what to do.
That's called gentrification.
I live in New York and it's pretty comfy as long as you don't live in an upscale neighborhood 15 minutes from the city. I'd never live in Philadelphia.
What part of Miami did you live in?
I've lived in Little Havana, Allapatah Coral Gables, Brickell and Hieleah and the only area that's ever given me problems was Coral Gables. Maybe you and your family aren't street smart and lack common sense