10k to 200k in a year

>He isn't a hodler

A year is too long.

>thinking next year will be like last year
>trying to find trends in crypto

gtfo, early adopters got lucky

Wowee, you made a white collar wage for one year, go you
Can you imagine all the filthy niggers looking at that number and going "Sheeeeeit, 200k? Finna see dat big munny not once in life!"
Poor people are disgusting

>bragging about gains when you bought into crypto before january
That's like bragging about finding a new console at the store day 1 when you have a reservation

Those who think 200k is impressive in a year are probably those who don't have 10k to invest in the first place.

which I would totally brag about. Fuck you pleb, you didnt have a res.

Who cares about chump change like 200k? You need millions to be free in this shitstain western world.

Those ARE impressive returns, though, you fucking imbecile.

Okay, he turned 10k into 200k by taking advantage of the bull run. If he had bought bitcoins in February AND HAD NOT DONE ANYTHING he would have already made 80k.
The rest he may have counted on luck.

This desu.

Honestly, I'm not impressed.
For someone who bought 10k in bitcoins a year ago I think doing only 200k is little.
It's been three months since the market started to suck.

Get reading comprehension shit for brains.

>nobody watched the video

He didn't make any money. He is just looking at historical data and said that IF you invested $1k each into the top 10 cryptos from a year ago, you would have more than 20x your original investment in a single year.

That's incredible returns vs anything else out there and is just evidence of how much crypto is exploding. In all likelihood, it is still exploding and there is much more growth to capture in the next few years at least. Jump on now and HODL and you too can make 20x returns per year.

That fucking guy looks familiar but I can't tell,who it is stop posting this you niggerloid

>tfw europoor

are you being sarcastic? if not you're just as bad as the niggers except in the opposite direction

Every smug anime post is a shitpost

I did 220k and I'm a hodler (:
Not even selling my NEO cuz I bought at 0.15$ and idgaf

I put in 10k
Took out 70k, and have 100k in crypto left.
