I'm scared of falling into leftist sectarian idpol, what do, Veeky Forums?
Help I'm slowly becoming a NazBol
Juche is the answer, my friend.
Labour, Morality and National Determination.
Feels good to be commited to my beliefs while remaining a moderate.
Go outside. Leave the computer and politically charged books alone for a bit .
get a gf and become a ethno nationalist
go be varg
Buy an economics textbook.
t. former Nazbol
this seems like genuine good advice. thank you user
lmao jk fag
got any recommendations?
who here radical centrist?
Just you I think. Unless someone else wants to come out.
You could start by learning to post on the appropriate image board. If your identity is so caught up in politics that you can't enjoy other image boards without discussing your politics, you already are committed to the politics of identity.
How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes
defending the free market: the moral case for a free economy
read adam smith and other basic bitch niggas
I came here because neither the 4 nor 8/pol/ has helped. neither did /leftypol/. you guys are like that old mages who are wise as shit but don't talk much desu. but I already got my answer on and , so if the mods wanna pack up and delete this thread that'd be ok. or I could do it myself but I'll wait in hopes of something even more interesting being posted tbhwyfam.
Alt-centrists unite!
I hope people understand the meaning behind this pic.
Well, the book i read had some recommendations at the end, but those seem pretty dense.
Try Thomas Sowell, i guess.
> I'm slowly becoming a NazBol
>trying to get out of sect-like ideologies
>recommend him austrian economics
I genuinely have no clue. I just talked to a NazBol once and realized that a lot of my politics align with theirs, even though I'm an ardent anti-communist.
You need one influence to cancel out the other.
would you rather keynesian bullshit
Become an individualist, do not fall for moralising, and read.
It's the only true position...
He'll be back as an austrian drone, which are only marginally less retarded and annoying than stormfags. Same goes for .
Just read a normal textbook OP.
There are no other options worth mentioning desu.
Krugman please go away.
>everyone that doesn't like me is X
See? Just like stormfags.
Krugman is literally the poster boy of that corporatist shit.
poland is alt-centrist world
Poland makes both nazis and commies butthurt. They fought them and they're one of the few countries that see them as two sides of the same coin.
>People unironically think /leftypol/ and /r/socialism haven't been pushing their shit here
Why even bother being edgy cringelords on Veeky Forums?
>inb4 Nod Dialegdigal, ged bulled :DDD
What does that have to do with this thread?
Also, it's obvious that you spam the same two images every day to create a narrative.
the summerfags will leave in a few weeks like they always do
It's not like they have any arguments with them. All commie threads are immediately treated as bait because honestly who can tell the difference?
I don't even browse /leftypol/ tho. Even if I do, I only do it to steal shitposts so I can actually communicate with an autistic tankie friend of mine.
I mean, if it's really that bothersome, I'll delete the thread right now, senpai.
>It's just summerfags
Nah m8, I've lurked leftypol and they reference Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums a lot. They're here to stay.
>I only browse leftypol to steal shiposts
Whatever you say tovarische
>go on /leftypol/
>search for Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums on the first five pages
>no results
Well yea since most Veeky Forums memes are the usual aind bree :DDDD bear meme, the usual /pol/ memes are those autistic kartoshka-tier balls, and r/socialism can't meme. on the other hand that guy I mentioned can actually understand the stuff that I hand him over from /leftypol/, although I myself don't really understand muh dialegdig that much.
There's over 20 pages of google results for Veeky Forums threads in stormfront, the most important neonazi website. There's two images of two irrelevant leftist pages mentioning Veeky Forums that you spam constantly. Veeky Forums is a child of Veeky Forums, which had daily marxist threads for years. You are trying to create a narrative. And you are kind of succeeding.
>Goes to /leftypol/
>Ctr+f "Veeky Forums"
>No results
>Well because there are no threads right now that must mean they NEVER mention Veeky Forums
Usually when they post a thread about Veeky Forums they complain about the presence of /pol/ on it. Last actual thread I saw on the matter was some pinko saying something similar.
Sorry tovarsiche, you're just going to have to lurkmoar :DDD
Then why call yourself a national bolshevik instead off strasserist?
>Visiting reddit
You need to go back
>/Leftypol/ isn't as big as stormfront or /pol/
Oh rly?
>Therefore leftypol doesn't push itself here
>Veeky Forums had Marxist threads
Who do you think we're the people who asked double chan for leftypol ya dufus.
>Kiddo, young-un, psh nothing personal kid etc.
Kek whatever you say buddy.
well certainly if they talk about Veeky Forums so much you should be able to find many more examples and screenshot them, right?
That screencap was made in late 2016 when leftypol and /r/socialism started trying to antagonize /pol/ and colonize here and Veeky Forums. Didn't work out well for them t b h, they got flooded by /pol/ for a long time.
>/Leftypol/ isn't as big as stormfront or /pol/
No, it isn't. Not even remotely close. Are you retarded?
Or maybe you can just notice the increase in communist threads and far leftist shittery? Your logic is like this
>See your can't prove /pol/ posts here or stormfront does at all. Otherwise you should be able to search the catalogue of /pol/ right now and find them talking about Veeky Forums
Sorry bucko but I'm not buying it. I've seen leftypol post about Veeky Forums before and there is obviously some cross posting going on.
the actual board of leftypol is pretty tiny iirc
the pic in has them saying "5-10" people, which is far from an invasion
>Not knowing what oh rly implies
I'm talking to a moron lmao
>Or maybe you can just notice the increase in communist threads and far leftist shittery
>i literally don't know what summerfags are
good point. Wait, what are the differences between the two, again? And if there are none, should I just live with it and refer to myself as a Strasserist instead? I don't really like idpol but giving a label to myself helps people to configure their thoughts in discussion desu.
Radical libertarian-centrist
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Go back to whatever shithole you came from.
>the actual board of leftypol is pretty tiny iirc
It's about as big as Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums, and /r/ socialism is pretty massive t b h
>5-10 people is all who cross post between leddit and here
Wut, where are you guys getting this concept that there is some grand conspiracy here? Trying to get people to post across different forums isn't exactly a new trend and neither is cross posting between websites
>It's about as big as Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums
calling bullshit on this
>where are you guys getting this concept that there is some grand conspiracy here?
from you you retard
Oh fuck, youre that moron from yesterday who unironcally thinks that every post he disagrees with comes from summerfags because you and your friends tend to post less during the summer therefore during the summer a bunch of newfags shit up the board.
Even though summerfaggotry is a delusion. It's not summerfags, it's cross bloating between boards and websites lmao
>all these terrrible ww2 threads and africa threads aren't summerfaggotry
wow kid you really are a retard
and you still can't name three native memes from this board
OP here again. should I just delete this before this becomes a tumor on the catalog?
yeah, the >muh leftypol guy is too busy shitting up the thread with his conspiracies
alr senpai. thanks for the answers I guess.
>calling bullshit on this
Just go have a look lmao
>From you
>Stating that there is cross posting and people and that people from different websites and communities try to cross post to grow their communities is a """"""""conspiracy"""""""" and not just how the internet works
Like are you implying that im saying their is a grand centralized network of leftists trying to """"''infiltrate""""" a board where anyone where anyone can post? All I'm saying is that leftists are reaching out wards lmao
You sure seem to notice it when /pol/ does something but not /leftypol/ for some reason.
Anne Frank porn
Bomber Harris plz
They're also extremely stupid memes,
>Summerfaggotry is the only reason why /pol/ and /leftypol/ are getting more autistic
They're always that autistic you moron
>Just go have a look lmao
that won't tell me anything you moron
>Like are you implying that im saying their is a grand centralized network of leftists trying to """"''infiltrate""""" a board where anyone where anyone can post
yes because that's what you're implying
>you sure seem to notice it when /pol/ does something but not /leftypol/ for some reason.
i didn't say anything about /pol/ you mongoloid
>It's a conspiracy to say that online communities cross post across websites
changed my mind, this conspiracy is becoming suspicious. mods are very welcome to delete this tho.
>Anne Frank porn
>Bomber Harris plz
>he can only name memes from this summer
i can't say i'm surprised
>They're always that autistic you moron
what are you even trying to say with this
>that won't tell me anything you moron
>Going to a website won't tell you how many people post their
You know that little number above your posts? That's how many posts have occurred on the board you fucking newfag. All you need to do is see how fast people are posting and get a general sense of how active it is from how many total posts there are.
>yes because that's what you're implying
*No it's not
Really man? Why is so hard to understand how online communities have always functioned?
>Veeky Forums
You sweet sweet summer child.
I've been banned several times on Veeky Forums for the strangest of reasons.
just some wishful thinking, my dude.
>i can't say i'm surprised
They're the 3 that came off the top of my head lmao
Diogenes posting, muh elephants. This board is only 2 years old ffs
>What are you even trying to say
That /pol/ and leftypol posting doesn't really change because the core demographic of people posting leave, people just shitpost more during the summer and people already have a mass delusion about "much summerfags" when in reality it's the same group of basement dwellers they've been posting with in every other season?
>You know that little number above your posts? That's how many posts have occurred on the board you fucking newfag. All you need to do is see how fast people are posting and get a general sense of how active it is from how many total posts there are.
I'm talking about the amount of unique posters there you autist
>*No it's not
you're literally talking about an "uptick" in leftypol posting and implying that another board is trying to colonize this board. You're just being disingenuous at this point
I once had an apolitical history thread deleted for being off topic while there were "why do all leftists hate white people" threads. I don't know what they're smoking.
I got banned from /leftypol/ for saying ethnic nationalism is bad. I was one of the original ancoms from before Yui came around.
*It's how online communities have always functioned? You realize posting on the same site that hosted all the raids /b/ used to pull everywhere for no reason but "teh lulz" right? Websites and communities interact with each other, that's how it has always worked.
It's true though, you anti white cucks do want to destroy the white race
>using the word idpol
Back to your containment shithole leftocuck
>This board is only 2 years old ffs
and you've clearly only been here a few months
>That /pol/ and leftypol posting doesn't really change because the core demographic of people posting leave, people just shitpost more during the summer and people already have a mass delusion about "much summerfags" when in reality it's the same group of basement dwellers they've been posting with in every other season?
>"dude people just love turning an otherwise decent board into pure shit for no reason at all"
Not him but I actually do want to destroy the oversimplified concept of race we have, and then destroy race, and humanity, we post-human now.
>when the critique of identity politics was best with post-left anarchists but now it's mostly used by reactionary brocialist faggots who don't know shit
it is, I just followed with that other user's terminology. also would be useful to know leftypol-made threads so I can avoid it in the future.
so idpol is a strictly leftypol term? I thought normalfags use it too all the time
Calling it identity politics is okay, using the cancerous commie abbreviation "idpol" however signals to everyone what shithole you crawled out of.
>I'm talking about the amount of unique posters there you autist
And I just told you how to get a sense of how many unique posters are here or anywhere on different boards
No, just no. I've never met someone so thick. Online communities interact and influence each other, that's not a conspiracy.
>/pol/ was created because of stormfront posting
For example.
>People discover this site through leddit
For example, people on Veeky Forums also come here from /r/AskHistorians and make references to it all the time. It's fine if /leftypol/ wants to post here I'm just remarking that leftists are posting more on Veeky Forums
Why do you leftists cuckolds want to destroy your own race?
You do realize this is what the capitalists want?
Leftypol is 100% SJW
People blame /leftypol/ for a lot but we all need to pay a little attention to who they actually are now. /leftypol/ is on infinity, and that website is mostly just straight up nazis, /leftypol/ has been deeply influenced by this.
Not all communist posting is /leftypol/, and no anarchist posting at all is, but, to properly identify what is /leftypol/ you have to look for the socially right wing communist posting, stalinism, defense of north korea, stuff like that. Ultra tankies with a hardon for using /pol/ language.
>fighting commies
Because I want to be a post-human biological-machine flesh-robot god. The idea that I must belong to a race is awful to me, I don't want to belong to anything, I want to belong to myself.
/leftypol/ is not SJW at all, you can get banned for being against ethnic nationalism, or even being too feminist.
interesting. I only knew about this abbreviation from a friend of mine during a midnight chat. was surprised to see it on leftypol tho.
>And I just told you how to get a sense of how many unique posters are here or anywhere on different boards
no you didn't
that's total posts, not individual posters
>No, just no.
>"yeah here's a pic that implies there's a concerted colonization attempt on this board but I'm totally not implying that at all"
>Dude if you disagree with me you're a newfag lmao
Your IQ is lower than the number of days in June apparently.
>Fucking summerfag
Lmao look whose talking. You realize the entire point of my argument is that people shitpost more in the summer but newfags don't come in during the summer? You're a part of that core membership that stays here, and while maybe you avoid shitposting I'm guarantee a bunched of bored autistswith nothing better to do during the summer do it all the time and they're not newfags
so literally just NazBols?
I've only seen a few with an anfem or an egalitarian flag tho.
>>Dude if you disagree with me you're a newfag lmao
you really are a retard if you think this is what i'm saying
>You realize the entire point of my argument is that people shitpost more in the summer but newfags don't come in during the summer
>You're a part of that core membership that stays here
i stopped going here regularly in early june, and just returned like last week
But actual tankies barely exist in Veeky Forums. Most leftists are libertarians or social democrats. Which makes sense, because leftypol didn't invade shit, it's just /pol/tards trying to spread a narrative.
Maybe check out the Undercover Economist books by Tim Harford.
I've only read the first one (on microeconomics - the second is on macro) but it definitely moderated a lot of my lefty views.
>no you didn't
Yes is did. Look at he total number of posts and how fast people are posting to give you a sense of how active a board is.
>5-10 people
Wut, it's like a few internet buddies who want to try out Veeky Forums, like I was saying it's just cross website posting not some grand directed effort to subvert everyone
Me saying "leftists are posting here more often" is not a conspiracy
It's better to call them the word they're most afraid of, brocialists. Pseudo-socialists. Stalinists. Red liberals and red fascists.
Anfems have a tendency to be
>intentionally misgendered in the hopes of making them go away
>shitposted at to the point using the flag at all derails threads
>told they're wrong because of their woman emotions
Except pets like hoochie for example or that one anfem who posted ass who are/were kept around for the sake of being tripfags who you can't ban without it becoming a whole ordeal or sluts.
>/leftypol/ is not SJW at all
ets see
>leftypol supports soros
>leftypol supports uncontrolled non white """immigration""" by """refugees"""
>leftypol worships black supremacism
>leftypol supports BLM
>leftypol members donated to BLM
>leftypol believes that white homogeneity is the supporting pillars of "traditional values" thus needs to be destroyed to bring about their "revolution"
>leftypol supports the """"migrants""""
Leftypol is SJW as they come
>Most leftists are libertarians or social democrats. Which makes sense, because leftypol didn't invade shit, it's just /pol/tards trying to spread a narrative.
why do you anti white shills think you're going to fool with this dogshit propaganda?
>you really are a retard if you think this is what i'm saying
>"and you've clearly only been here a few months"
>dude people just love turning an otherwise decent board into pure shit for no reason at all"
Hmm wonder where I got that Idea...
>I returned
Oh good I didn't know that everyone else on Veeky Forums is just you in secret and there is no hardcore base of basement dwellers who don't actually do anything in the summer... So they shitpost