Why do all Leftists want to destroy the white race?

Why do all Leftists want to destroy the white race?

Why do /pol/ faggots post on the wrong boards?

>white supremacy may be disguised as color blindness

Neck yourself.

why do all /pol/tards want to shit up board?

>says the leftypol shills

We don't, why do all /pol/tards fall for blatant bait so easily?

>We don't
why do you shills fund antfia and BLM then?

No one here is shilling, take off your fucking tinfoil hat, Adolf. No one cares enough about you to conspiracy against you, we're just fans of history who are tired of /pol/ shitting up our board with your stupidity.

>Posting something about current day politics
>Calling anyone else a shill
top kek

wow, what a great history thread!

why are you so triggered that you won't get your SJW safespace?

I'm not triggered, I just come here to discuss history and humanities and this post is neither of those. It's shit, it belongs on /pol/ and the only reason you posted it here is because you're determined to make every board as terrible as your own.

Because it's fun.

sorry, shills. Veeky Forums isn't your anti white safespace

The whole Internet will soon be our own anti-white safespace my terrorist chum.

Their last bullet point is the most harmful to their cause. Regardless of its veracity, the people most likely to deny having white privilege are going to be the least privileged whites. For the kid that grew up in a fifty year old single-wide in Joplin with a malfunctioning septic tank and a monthly meth fire in his neighborhood, he's not gonna feel just SOOOO lucky to be white. By sticking so hard to the "white privilege" line, liberal anti-racists are inadvertently forming a classist movement, ensuring their ranks will only include the relatively well-to-do and college educated.
There's been a backlash against the "I don't see color" thing that was pushed on kids in the 70s and 80s. It was a line of logic basically supported by well-meaning white people, and it was certainly an improvement over the racial climate that came before. However, it turns out that minorities don't want to be seen the same as the majority. Most black people don't mind being black. Go ahead and see a black person. You can acknowledge cultural difference and still treat people with respect. That all said, I don't fault people for saying "I don't see race" considering it started as anti-racist rhetoric and virtually all of Generation X was taught to think this way and say these things.

anitfa literally tried to kill a member of congress

>why don't you ask them?

a white supremacist killed six people and shot a member of congress.

Leftists are by nature opposed to dominant power structures, so they will always want to destroy the cultures that sustain these structures.

In the Western world, dominant structures are built around white culture, so they want to destroy the white race, meanwhile in India leftists want to destroy Hinduism, while in Japan they want to destroy the Japanese race and so on.

>this is what soros pawns actually believe

I don't see how some of these are actually racist.
Militarization of the police? What?
Proud of your country is now racist?
European identities? Europe is one of the most rich continents in terms of cultural diversity, no?

A naziboo did murder an MP. Face it, everyone considers you to be terrorists now, even conservatives do. It's only a matter of time until even /pol/ is shut down and the only place you can encourage further terrorism from is the darknet. Everyone now recognises you people are the same as Jihadis.

>Europe is one of the most rich continents in terms of cultural diversity, no?
Define what you mean by cultural diversity. Because Greco-Roman culture pretty much dominates Europe, from Portugal to Russia you can see the influences of Greeks and Romans on their cultures. The 'diversity' is pretty much just regional flavor, and you can apply that to any continent.

>a nazi kills a traitor

how is this a bad thing?

Oh boy. Mind where you are and what you are doing


You are just the same regurgitated idea with a different team. "everyone is against us" "our ideas are right, they are shills/Jews/nazis"
This are not even your ideas, you are just a drone repeating the same shit as the rest. You the only difference is that a different team has you (and you didn't even choose that, context did)

Be brave a have some empathy to be on somebody shoes. Then you can really say that you choose to hate something /somebody

The nazis are the traitors, it's just a shame we don't treat fascists like we did in '45. There's still plenty of lampposts that need decoration.

look at these triggered anti white subhumans

privilege from what I studied of their definition of it doesn't really apply to economics per se. In america, if you're born as white, even if you're poor, you will still likely have a more stable existence than a minority does. Look at the way Jews and Indians are seen in America, even though several of them have got money, both sides of the political spectrum have their demographics that dislike jews. If you're jewish, right wing whites won't take your political opinion seriously unless if you're Ayn Rand, people from other ethnicities will try to deny you employment if you have jewish physical features or have a stereotypical jewish name, and people especially as of late will call you slurs on the street. If you're mexican, black, or heavily native american (outside of a couple of midwest states) you have to deal with all of that while also likely not having money.